
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ready for some rest and Hallo-Treat Week is coming!

Can I just tell you how glad I am that today and tomorrow's workouts are active recovery??  (Walk Away the Pounds and Dance Dance Revolution)  It's been a strength oriented week and last night Mike Donavanik's Extreme Burn (affiliate link) handed us our asses.  So I'm glad to have a nice "break" these next two days and let the muscles repair.  More importantly, I need to let my thumb heal.  It's not doing well.  Grrrr.  I need to up my water consumption too.  I'm a-slackin'.

Not a whole lot going on this week, just finishing up the finishing touches on some Mr. b-day decorations.  I want all of this stuff done now so I don't have to stress out and turn into a hissing monster when it comes down to party time.  Did I neglect to tell you Aunt Flo is visiting the weekend of the party?  Yeah, so knowing how I am, I have to do my best to not have a ton of things to get done close to the date, stress out, get snappy and set a rotten hormonal mood before we have to put on game faces.  ;-)

If you are a Facebook fan, you've already seen this but for those who haven't...

Next week is Hallo-Treat Week.  All of the treats featured next week are under 100 calories...except one but it's the Mr's favorite so I'm making one tiny exception.  Each day will feature a new treat that you can mull over for school parties (if they even allow fun anymore...don't tell me if they don't, I'll start ranting), office potlucks, Halloween parties or to hand out to the little goblins that may knock on your door.  Grab one or two for yourself without guilt then spread the spooky deliciousness!  I can say they are all Mr's co-worker approved.  My favorite line the Mr told me last night was "one of my co-workers said "there's nothing more disappointing than seeing you walking in empty handed.""  Gotta love that.  (This was after 2 days of treats)

I'm thinking of taking a little social media break next week.  I'm developing a twitch and have been running myself ragged.  If I tout it's all about balance, I need to make it apply to everything.  So Facebook might be a little quiet but the recipes will be rollin', rollin' rollin'!

Whatchu been doing this week?  Got anything you're looking forward to this weekend?

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  1. My week has been crazy busy and not a lot of fun. I do have tomorrow off though so that's something. I think I'm getting a cold too. BOOO!

    We're supposed to go see my folks this weekend and I'm trying to get little guy in to the Dr. on Monday. I just hope I'm up to driving.

    1. Boo on the cold! Drink lots of green tea, rest up and all that jazz. Feel better!

  2. yay on the treats..cant wait...I might try some for work parties:)

  3. I'm excited to see what deliciousness you have for us! Love he coworkers comment...lo.. that so funny! Today I have a wedding for my daughters friend in Napa. He is a chef there so I'm sure the food will be incredible. He grew up at my house ...all those kids are now starting to get married and have kids. Its odd. Then tomorrow I get to go to southern Cali to see my 21 year old niece in a play and visit my other sister...I'm so excited. Will come home sat night and Sunday, frank and I will probably go see a movie. Taken 2 is out along with a few others I want to see. So I have a great weekend planned! Hope you get a lot done for the Mr.'s BD surprises. I hate aunt Flo. She is a bitch.

    1. Yeah, I thought that was funny too. I am very popular at his work. I miss Napa, soak it all in for me. Isn't this the time of year when the grapes are almost ready? I'm thinking we need to plan another trip back out there. Sounds like you have a fun few days in store! Aunt Flo is definitely a beeotch!

  4. I'm excited to see what deliciousness you have for us! Love he coworkers comment...lo.. that so funny! Today I have a wedding for my daughters friend in Napa. He is a chef there so I'm sure the food will be incredible. He grew up at my house ...all those kids are now starting to get married and have kids. Its odd. Then tomorrow I get to go to southern Cali to see my 21 year old niece in a play and visit my other sister...I'm so excited. Will come home sat night and Sunday, frank and I will probably go see a movie. Taken 2 is out along with a few others I want to see. So I have a great weekend planned! Hope you get a lot done for the Mr.'s BD surprises. I hate aunt Flo. She is a bitch.

  5. After lots of busy-ness over the past several weekends, what I'm looking forward to this one coming up is doing a whole lot of nothin'! :-) I'm planning on some house organizing, maybe some baking, some needlepoint, football (of course!), and hopefully a nap in there somewhere too! Should be AWESOME!

    Can't wait for Hallo-Treat Week!!!

  6. I'm excited to see what treats you have coming. I want to do something fun this season with baking as last year was a complete depressing mess, and I missed out on my favorite time of year. This week is pretty mellow. Mom had her surgery yesterday (did very well) but of course I wasn't allowed to be there (she preferred to take a cab) so I spent my frustrations on cleaning the oven, cooking pulled pork in the crock pot, getting rid of loads of papers/magazines, etc., and taking the dogs to the park. This weekend is more ridding my house of crap I've held on to for way too long, and I'm genuinely looking forward to that. I'm meeting a friend for breakfast on Saturday mornin' too. Tomorrow is just work...pfft.

  7. Can't wait for Hallo-treats!! With the event of cooler weather (finally) I'm ready for some treatness. Our fussy school still allows fun, but only the store bought variety, so we'll be sharing our bounty with friends (since family is further up this post and can make her own-lol). Can't wait :)!

  8. I can't wait for next week--that is an awesome idea! I totally need some ideas for sweet treats. I've been having a tablespoon full of chocolate chips for dessert every night, which is kind of sad, isn't it?


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