
Friday, October 5, 2012

Crush time!

It's that time!  Time to window shop and share some current crushes.  Let's pretend we're rich...come on.

I saw some products on The Talk yesterday and when I went to DreamFarm's website I loved what I saw.  I definitely want these Chobs!

Those little nubbins on the corners not only raise up your favorite cutting board so you can use both sides but they make it non-skid!  YEAH BABY!  Not expensive either so I'm giving those as a Christmas gift idea.

Every time I go into World Market, I am so drawn to this milk bottle.  How cute would some cut flowers look in that when le lait is gone?

It makes me want to put on bloomers, a long Laura Ingalls skirt and bonnet and milk a cow named Daisy,  find a pasteurization plant, have them strip stuff out of it and filter it into this bottle so that Mr and I may drinketh from it for our morning nourishment.

Here's a really expensive antique siphon bottle from Sur La Table.  It apparently contains lead...mmm, extra minerals.  I can't afford this particular one.  I don't know why I want it because I don't know how to use it.  I'm pretty sure it's used as a self showering agent because that's what Jack did with it at Terri's welcome party after he and Larry played a bunch of mean tricks on her.  "Let me have it."  *Bonus points if you didn't have to Google the reference*

I know I need to get the patio together for the Fall.  Things are overgrown, okay, dead and it needs to get spruced up for the Fall.  If my walls were insulated with money, these Bulb Hurricanes from Williams Sonoma would be on my to buy list so I could set them on the table and light 'em up at night and snuggle up with the Mr under a blankie in the chilly night air.

From the prairie to antique old timey days to the posh, elegant mansion I don't own.  But if I did, I would totally hang this Clarissa Glass Drop light from Pottery Barn in my foyer (read: foy-yay because that's how fancy pants people say it.)

Also at Pottery Barn is a holiday place setting so traditionally beautiful that I gasped when I saw it because as you're all learning.... moi=Christmas freak.  Any time of year.  Once October rolls around I could practically explode red and green confetti and the Mr gets scared.  So when I see stuff like these Carson Plaid Salad plates coupled with the Deer in Snow plates and topped off with these flatware stockings...I'm done for.

Obviously this is all window shopping but you can bet the cheaper stuff like that milk bottle might end up in my house after we do a little purging.  The house is bursting at the seams...time to shake it out come November.

What are you crushing on lately?  Things, foods, cars, crafts, whatevah.

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  1. Yay for 3's Company, just watched that episode not too long ago. I have a thing for cars. What I really want is a brand new 1957 chevy with the fins but all decked out modern inside. Talk about dropping some serious bucks I don't have LOL


  2. Ooooh, I am now I love with those Chobs!! Thanks for introducing me to that one! :)

  3. Im totally crushing on the chobs and milk bottle:)

  4. You and I are so much alike it's scary. Once the middle of Sept. hits I am so geared up for the holiday season. Halloween...Thanksgiving...Christmas and New Years. I absolutely love this time of the year. I am so crushing on the Christmas dinnerware too!!! Fabulous!

  5. Love most of it--wouldn't have a clue what to do with the antique siphon bottle though...

  6. Christmas plate setting is GORGEOUS. Me-Christmas Freak too. Hubs also gets scared. Being poor keeps me in line fairly well though :). Halloween and Thanksgiving share one storage bucket, Christmas takes up a good portion of my daughters' closet (sorry girls, sure you'll do it to your kids too-lol-it's a really long closet, they only need half-lol). I've been known to buy really expensive bottled beverages just for the bottle :/. Old fashioned milk bottle (no cute stopper though) at my house because I paid twice what I should for REALLY yummy chocolate milk. It really does taste better in a cute bottle :). Errands to run, gonna look for things to crush on :).

  7. You're on a roll today girlie - those are all AWESOME!!! Good luck on finding your cow...LOL

    And go-ahead, girl - let that Christmas Freak Flag fly!!

  8. I like the cutting board thingies the best. Those hurricane globes are pretty cool too.

    This is the time of year that I start looking at high quality flannel sheets and drooling in desire at fluffy warm bedding sets.

  9. Wouldn't it be nice to be independently wealthy?!!

    My daughter is obsessed with bento boxes. She keeps on emailing me links from pinterest! I think I am going to make a couple of these next week for lunches next week!

  10. Come and knock on my door, sister. Come and knock on my door. LOL!

  11. I almost bought that bottle! But then I remembered that I have a bunch of bottles that I never use and I talked myself out of it. We totally have the same taste, huh? I feel like half the things you post here are things that I am coveting too.

    Ever look on Etsy for tea towels? I'm crushing on a bunch of those lately. Tea towels are one of my favorite props.

  12. I'd never seen Chobs. I'm so gonna get those!! LOVE milk bottles. Love 'em!


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