
Friday, October 12, 2012

Creepy Crawly Truffles

Today's treat is a bit of an exception to the 100 calorie rule.  See, this one is the Mr's favorite and since it's a special day for him, I'm gonna post his favorite.  So I hope once you see how cute they are, you'll forgive the calorie overage.

Cute, right?

They were going to start out as spiders but the amount of legs to make a true arachnid would've made it look like a dot with a pretzel crown so we had to resort to 'creepy crawly spider mutant which does not have eight legs but the web producing ability of a spider' species.  That seemed like kind of a mouthful as a title so you'll see why I named them Creepy Crawly Truffles.  These use a bit of a healthier cookie to up the nutritional content so you can totally justify one.  Here's what you'll need...

Creepy Crawly Truffles 
(Makes 30)

1 box Chocolate Who Nu cookies (Oreo style)
4 oz Trader Joe's Light Cream Cheese
1 bag Wilton Black candy melts
40 unsalted mini pretzels
60 pre-made mini candy eyes

Here are your cast of characters waiting to be transformed.

I didn't notice this until I opened it and of course I had to document my faux pas.  No wonder I got "does not follow directions" comments from my teachers in school.

Put the bag of Who Nu's in the food processor.  Hi guys...hold onto yer butts!

Give 'em a whirl until they're all crumby like dirt.

Add the 4 oz of light cream cheese.

Pulse it around until it balls up like modeling clay.

Ready your cookie sheet with wax paper.

Put on your food gloves if you're making them for other people or wash your hands really well beforehand since you'll be man handling.

Using a small cookie scoop (1 tbsp), scoop out a ball scraping the excess on the side of the processor.

Like so.

Ball it up all nice and purty.

Repeat and put them on the wax paper sheet.

Time to chill out in the freezer for 15 minutes.  If you're smart, unlike me, you'll poke some toothpicks in there before you freeze them for easier dipping.

While they're chillin' out, time to work on your "legs."  Each pretzel can be broken down to make 3 sets of legs but have a few extras on hand for oopsies.

I'm not gonna's kind of a pain in the butt but the straight mini rods wouldn't look right so this step is necessary.

You'll likely have a small pile of oopsies.  What you choose to do with them is completely up to you.  I won't tell.

Ready the mini eyes by loosening them from the sheet.  (I got these at a cake supply store.  The ones in stores like Target or Michael's tend to be WAY too big)

Microwave your black melts for about 30 seconds then 15 second intervals until you can stir them smooth.  If you didn't do the toothpick thing, then you'll need to drop them in, roll the balls around and get them out with a spoon, shaking off any excess.

Put them on a cookie sheet with wax paper and insert the pretzel legs.  As long as the truffle was somewhat pliable before going into the melts, they will be easy to insert.

Place the eyes on the truffle while the coating is still wet.

Repeat until you wonder if you should call an exterminator.

Couldn't ya just eat 'em all up?  (Okay, maybe one or two then send them to school or take them to work.  These are some bugs people won't mind getting!)

I hope you guys have enjoyed Hallo-Treat Week as much as I did and hopefully I've given you a few ideas.

Nutritional Information:  Calories 133  Total Fat 6g Sat Fat 4g  Cholesterol 2mg  Sodium 87mg  Total Carbs 19g  Fiber 1g  Sugars 12g  Protein 1g Vitamin A 9%  Vitamin B12 9% Vitamin C 11%  Vitamin D 13%  Vitamin E 9%  Calcium 14%  Iron 9%

Linked up with Shabby Creek Cottage, Lil Luna and Something Swanky.
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  1. Those are really cute! I bet they're as tasty as they are good looking.

  2. So cute!!!! I make these truffles (plain, not creepy crawly) for Christmas for my husband to take to work and they never make it past morning break. I make a ton of them too, but they all love them. My girls love them too. I try to stay away from them...

  3. Thanks for all the great ideas. I appreciate all that hard, HARD work you and the Mr. go through just for us!

  4. These are AWESOME, Mrs.! It's been a real treat (pun intended) to read your series this week! I am grateful for the detail and innovative energy you are sharing with us!

    Thank you for invigorating the cook AND the decorator in me!

  5. They are SO adorable so, yes - all is forgiven when it comes to calorie counts! Besides, the Mr. NEVER steers us wrong! :-)

  6. These sound yummy and are also very scary! All your treats sound great, maybe I'll give them a try for the Halloween party I'm having for the grandkids. Thanks for sharing!

  7. My kids would LOVE these! They are so cute and I bet they taste awesome.

  8. I'm all caught up on your goodies. The haystacks made me swoon...oh my but I loved those things! What a memory. But...I can have the popcorn balls and maybe I'll have to throw that on my list should I ever get creative in the kitchen again. Hope springs eternal.
    Have a great weekend.

  9. How cute are those??? And I bet they're as yummy as they are cute! Thanks for sharing.


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