
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Candy Corn Stalk Cookies

You remember haystack cookies right?  They're usually made around Christmas time (or really anytime) but that's when I usually see them.  I wanted to do a bit of a spin on the haystack but put to use the dangerous yummy caramel candy corn the Mr and I have become obsessed with lately.  I told the Mr not to tell his co-workers what was in them to see if they could guess what it was coated in.  They had fun trying to guess and didn't get it until the end of the day.

Candy Corn Stalk Cookies
(Makes 42)

1 bag Hershey's Cinnamon Chips
1 12 oz bag China Boy Chow Mein Noodles
2 oz unsweetened Almond Breeze Almond Milk
1/4 cup Better N' Peanut Butter
42 Caramel Candy Corn pieces

Here are the cast of characters waiting for glory...

Prepare two cookie sheets with wax paper and set aside.

In a microwave safe bowl, heat the chocolate chips for 1 minute.

While the chips are heating up, put the chow mein noodles in a large bowl.

Microwave the chips 15 more seconds and add the Better N' Peanut Butter.  (You really need to use substitute if possible not only for the calorie count but regular peanut butter will take away from the cinnamon taste you're going for)

Add one ounce of the almond milk.

Stir until combined.  Add the rest of the almond milk if needed.  (The consistency should be like pancake batter)

Pour over the chow mein noodles.  Look at that beautiful amber color!  This screams Fall!  *AHHHH!*

With gloved or cooking sprayed hands, lightly toss the mixture until the noodles are well coated.


Grab enough noodles to make a reasonable sized "stalk."  I used my fingertips as a guide.

Place each stack on the wax paper and affix a single candy corn toward the top of the stalk.  (You can use a little of the leftover chip "goo" from the side of the bowl if it doesn't stick on its own)

Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before serving.

Hello there little stalk o' yumminess!

These can get a little tacky if sit out for hours on end but a fridge isn't necessary if you don't have one around to where they're going.  Just a little finger licking action required...what a shame!

Nutritional Information per stalk:  Calories 87  Total Fat 4g  Sat Fat 1g  Sodium 63mg  Total Carbs 11g  Sugars 5g  Protein 2g  Calcium 1%

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  1. Is calling in due to "urge of baking" acceptable? Lol. Loving the 2 days of treats and under 100 calories even better. I truly enjoyed your cookie series last year around Christmas time too This weekend will be busy in the kitchen. :). Tks.

  2. Those look way yummy. I can't find Better N' Peanut Butter anywhere, but this gives me another reason to keep looking.

  3. We make haystacks EVERY year, family tradition, this looks like a yummy way to pull that tradition into fall :). Where would one find the better 'n peanut butter? I haven't hunted for it, but can't recall seeing that anywhere. I know how I'd alter this if I can't find it, but the calories would be considerably higher. I'll have to check around (no TJ's nearby) maybe it's at the local health food store...Thanks for another awesome looking recipe :)!

    1. Yay!! Hubs won't be happy I have a reason to go to Target, his tough luck. He'll like the haystacks as reward for me being at Target. I'll hide anything else that happens to jump in the cart-lol.

  4. Loving all the treat ideas...keep them coming! I'm in soup mode and am looking for a gret pumkin soup to try. Haven't found it yet. I just love fall!

  5. I was JUST thinking of these the other day!!! I bought some chow mein noodles....for chow mein....but then thought HEY I love those haystacks maybe I'll make those with the leftovers!!! Yay! Great minds think alike :)

  6. I haven't had these in FOREVER! They were always one of my favorites when I was a kid. Now I'm gonna be thinking about them for the rest of the week. :D Such a cute idea to put the candy corn on them too!

  7. I'm a huge fan of haystacks so these look extra appealing! Yum!!!


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