
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Random schtuff

As I write this, I'm bouncing around to Jump Around by House of Pain. (The real song doesn't start up until at 38 seconds in, fast forward)  It mistakenly made its 1992 rump on my Living in the 80's playlist and it's so freakin' infectious I can't bring myself to put it with 90's grunge.  Just one random factoid in a post of true randomness yo...word to your mutha.  (Cursin' in the vid for the at work crowd)

Update on the sink.  We got a part from some 90 year old man in the basement of a highly recommended underground plumbing supply place that is apparently as close as we're going to find.  It solves the problem but the stem is too tall so there's a gap from the bottom of the cover to the handle that no one would know about but we do and that's enough.  Then the Mr sent me a link that looked identical to the faucet and as soon as I saw the website I was pretty sure that's where we got it so I ordered it.  I'm sure it'll come just in time for us to not have time to install it before sabbatical.

We had an at home circuit on the schedule for a workout last night.  I was stalling to do it because my head hurt so bad.  Luckily the Mr was having none of it so I popped 2 Excedrin and he rubbed my neck and shoulders before heading down.  The first 15 minutes were pretty miserable head wise but thankfully I felt better the more I got into it.  I was a little worried because the last time I did that, I burned very little and had to end up doing a HIIT workout on top of it and I was not down with that for this time.  Sunday was the first time I upped my free weights and I kept with that theme for last night's circuit.  15's for triceps and lateral raises, 20's for bicep curls, swings, wood chops and 25's for rows and squats.  Good God am I sore!  I also popped some ligament or something when I was stretching afterward when the muscle that runs from my shoulder up to my neck went into a severe charlie horse.  It was the night for injury/pain because the Mr was lifting too heavy on a press or something and now he's walking around like a T-Rex with his wee arm pulled back in and on ice.  I burned 1110 calories.  Take that bitch!  Not body.

I made a super yummy protein packed dinner of mango salmon and asparagus which I'll have the recipe for soon.  Oh yeah!  For those who haven't noticed, I have a ReciPage.  They recently had some serious issues and stuff wasn't showing up but this page has some of my favorite recipes so if you ever want to peruse it, just click the ReciPage tab at the top o' the blog.

Looking forward to tonight's workout (Turbo Fire 55) because it's the last workout of the week and dinner is going to be yummy and I'm gonna make a big ol' batch of caramelized onions.  It's an hour of babysitting but I'm going to roast some garlic at the same time so the house is gonna smell delicious!

Well that's about it for my random fibberty gibbits.

Tell me 3 random things about your week.

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  1. I "borrowed" a lamp from my desk at work so I can re-make the lampshade (and the minute I got it home I started a completely different project).

    I almost got hit by two birds that were fighting (or courting--can't be to sure) one another.

    I made a little sketch (of two intersecting circles, with the center of each resting on the opposite ones edge--so I can see that little wedge shape where they overlap) and left it at my desk. Every time I look at it it looks like boobs and I'm nervous some nosey rosey will see it and tattle "Heybutt has dirty drawings at her desk"

    1. Can't wait to see the lamp project. HA...only you could almost get whacked by 2 angry/amorous birds! You and your boobie drawings...scandalous!

  2. I found out that my oldest daughter can sing--I mean legit--when she belted a solo at their school concert. Who knew??? Certainly not her parents!!

    Had a fabulous lunch with a friend (since kindergarten) and realized we don't do it nearly enough.

    Watched a live demonstration on scientific glass blowing and was quite intrigued. Never knew there was such a thing! I just thought some machine made all those test tubes and funny glass apparati for scientists...

    1. What a wonderful discovery! A budding artist in the making. Sounds like a great lunch which reminds me, I need to make calls to my old co-workers for a 'ladies lunch.' Glass blowing is pretty fascinating. There are some places that offer classes so you can give it a go yourself. You should see if you have any near you. I know your hubby would be up for it too!

  3. My little guy had an awesome check-up with his asthma dotor on Monday.

    I've barely slept all week and also feel a bit like a T-Rex - but not in the cute injured way that your Mr. did, more like in the I'm going to kill and eat everyone I see way.

    I'm really looking forward to getting some yard work done this weekend.

    1. Glad to hear of the check up with your lil nugget! Unleash that inner T-Rex on some cardio! ;) When you're done with your yard work, head on over and work on mine! HA!

  4. I love the way onions smell when they are cooking. mmmmm
    Randomness about my week...1. I have an appointment tomorrow to get my bridesmaid dress re-sized. I've lost 20 pounds since I bought it 3 months ago and it's a whole size too big. 2. I haven't been able to run but one time this week because of rain and the hubby's work schedule. 3. It's a rainy morning and I like to sit around on rainy mornings and have coffee and read blogs :)

    1. Me tooooooo! I am going to go cut the onions now. Better sport my onion goggles. They totally help!

      CONGRATS on having to be resized the right way! That is probably a rarity in their business. Runs will always be there, you can do some squats, strength, etc to round out the routine...yay for variety! It's a little rainy here too and I LOVE rainy weather. It reminds me of our little spot in the rainforest on the Big Island. I'm honored my blog is one of your rainy morning stops! :)

  5. 1.) I have that pre-girlie time swelling that happens. This is my first since being on Mirena, so we'll see how it goes.
    2.) This weather has me so confused. One day it's hot and muggy and rains, the next it is cold and rains. Either way I can't re-pot several plants I need to re-pot.
    3.) Bought some Better Oats at the store. :) They were on sale and they're just as fast as cold cereal for me. I need to get back into eating oatmeal again.

    1. Gotta love pre-girlie swelling, right? Good luck with it being the first on the new gynie gift! :) I feel the same with the weather, I think I'm waiting until late May to plant everything. Must check out Better Oats. I've been eating oatmeal almost every day since the doc mentioned I have cholesterol issues. That along with the salmon we're eating will hopefully have a good effect on all that stuff. Have a great Thursday!

  6. 1. I am happy at work this week- nice change from the last month
    2. I haven't had dinner at home since Monday- we're remodeling a rental
    3. I'm diggin the sunshine!

    1. Yay for a good work week! It can be so stressful when it's not so happy at the workstead. Wow, that sounds like a big undertaking, good luck! Sunshine=awesome!

  7. Random things about me:
    1. The only thing that works on my headaches is Excedrin Migraine. Nothing else can knock them out. Surprisingly, I haven't had a headache this week.

    2. I hate onions *blech* BUT I know you have to cook with them, so I pulverize mine in a food processor before adding it to whatever I'm making. I've only done it once this week b/c I haven't really had to cook anything.

    3. I discovered Clip Bar crunch the other day. They are DE.LIC.OUS. and waaay less calories than the traditional Clif bars.

    The end!

    1. Gotta love Excedrin! Their tension headache stuff is awesome too. Funny how many people hate onions. Have you tried them caramelized? So buttery, mild and un-onion like. I'll have to check out the Clip Bar crunch!

  8. Three random things, hmmm.
    My hubby is a pretty good tennis player but there inst much he isn't good at. Annoying! Lol.

    The trial tip I cooked last night was the worst I ever had. Was so dissapointed and hungry son then I snacked all evening.

    My daughters are annoying the crap out of me!!!!!!!!

    1. We aspire to be good tennis players, that ain't happenin'. Perhaps your hubby can teach us! :) Ugh, doesn't it stink when something doesn't turn out right then you feel gypped the rest of the night? A good flick in the forehead should take care of #3! HA!

  9. Ooh, I'll play!

    1) I rocked my gym workout this morning--could hardly lift my arms to eat my yogurt afterward. (I recovered quickly.)

    2) I'm cleaning/organizing the home office today. I think I might need to disconnect my internet.

    3) I'm meeting junior high friends tonight for drinks/reunion planning. How do I get myself into these things?

    1. Yay you!! Nothing like jelly arms after a workout! When you're done with your office, head on over to mine. That sounds like fun...enjoy!

  10. New reader, first comment..

    1. My weird landlord decided to mow the lawn here this morning himself. He brought a HUGE ride-on monster truck mower for the job (overkill) and popped a rock up from mid backyard, over my car, to and through a double-paned window on my porch. Nice job fella. It was a freak accident but since it interrupted my writing so I could come outside to see who the hell threw something through my window, and, since he took that opportunity to ask me to "do a favor for an old man" and move our yard stuff onto the pavement, I feel irrationally annoyed at him. (It was not a scheduled mowing for which I would have moved everything last night.)

    2. Number one might come out to 3 things but I'm going to keep going anyway. I'm annoyed to bits by my seasonal allergies. I switched to Zyrtec as recommended by my primary physician but I still sound like I have a four-pack-a-day habit speaking voice and the cough of a tuberculosis patient. I'm over it with these allergies.

    3. I'm still in my pyjamas and it's almost 11:30am. Not the way I ordinarily start my days. (Yes, I was out moving yard chairs and toys off the lawn in my pyjamas at 10:30. No, that did not make me too happy.)Yet despite these three things that annoyed me, I'm actually feeling kinda happy.

    PS: Mrs, you wrote in this post that the last time you did a particular workout you "didn't burn much" so you followed it with a second. I've read fairly extensively in your archives, but I'm not sure how you measure what you burn (I'm assuming you mean calories). Do you use a heart rate monitor? If so, how did you determine what your target heart rate would be? Did you let the monitor figure it out based on height/ weight or use a formula? I'm thinking my heart rate monitor is wrong about my target rate because it doesn't feel difficult enough so I'm wondering. Thanks in advance.

    1. Welcome aboard!

      Oh man, you're much more calm than I would be in that situation! I think you were RIGHTLY annoyed! Seasonal allergies stink. The tree pollen has been HORRID so far this year. Um...(looks down at Hello Kitty pj pants)...yeah, can't comment on that one. :)

      Yes, we use this HRM (

      I love it plus it's not too expensive either. I did the height/weight formula listed in the manual and step test to determine what to set my "target" rate to. I'm in zone 3 which for me is 128-147. Man do I miss the days of 116-137! Hope that helps!

  11. Three Randam things???
    1. I still need to move more of my mother's items from our horse trailer. It's taking me ever too long on this trip (5 or 6th trip).
    2. My Fellow is fixing my front door. It has had issues like forever. Having a hubby retired rocks!!!
    3. I found Doll clothes (fits Barbie, I think) crocheted by my grandmother in my mother's things. Score, except they are so totally awesome, I feel like I let my generation down with my crocheting.

    1. You are one dedicated lady! Yay for handy hubbies! I have one or two dresses crocheted by my great grandma for my Barbies. I remember when she made them they were relegated to the back of the Barbie closet but now I treasure them so I totally get it! (Except the part about being able to crochet...I sooo don't have the patience, so hats off to ya!

  12. Random Things:
    1. I want to move away from my family even if just for one day...they are driving me bonkers
    2. I saw a short video of a woman taping a live workout and she farted...funniest thing I've seen all week!
    3. I wish I would remember how badly it sucks to have to pee every 5 minutes so I wouldn't let my body de-regulate from mass amounts of water over the weekends. *sigh*

    Random enough for ya?!? :-) Have an awesome day and you and the Mr. take care of yourselves!!!

    Oh - and your description of the Mister/T-Rex...hilarious! I know that feeling!

    1. I say it's time for a sisters weekend at a hotel! Oh please send me the link to the video! That is the reason we keep air freshener in the workout least we can suffer in sulphur flowery vapor clouds. Peeing=good but yeah slightly inconvenient. Perhaps a catheter or coffee can under the desk for more discreet potty habits? Bwahahaha!

      This morning he was still favoring the arm. I hope he's okay and not just trying to milk it. Hee hee

  13. Three random things:

    1. It appears we might have a similar taste in music :-)
    2. I REALLY need to clean my desk about random stuff.
    3. I was made to move kettlebells. After a long time off, I working out with them again and my body loves it, especially when I do a series of yoga stretches in between each set!

    1. Woo hoo! I love anything 80's. Get to cleaning that desk girlie! ;) I can't wait to try kettlebells. I do a modification with weights but I'd like to get real ones eventually.

  14. 1. We are eating high protein super low carb for two weeks to jump start our weight loss and I have random homicidal urges due to my sugar withdrawals. Yes I've lost 5 pounds, but it may cost me 20 to life.

    2. I hate it when people post Halloween and Christmas stuff on Pinterest in freaking April!

    3. I found a post by a gal named "Mrs. @ Success Along the Weigh" over on Roni's Weigh that made me laugh so hard I decided to go check out her blog.


    1. Ooh more power to ya sister! You'd probably find me fetal in the corner with cupcake crumbs all over my face and icing in my hair! Uh oh, you've been looking at my Pinterest boards! (Not really but seriously, I could do Christmas 24/7/365)

      Aww, that made my day! :)

  15. Holy weight lifting, batman! Work those guns!

    Random things about my week:
    1. I swallowed a bug yesterday (it flew into my mouth while I was out running).
    2. Both my husband and I have to have (minor) surgeries next week.
    3. I watched 2 movies this week. I had high hopes for both but ended up only liking one: Drive. (I did NOT like Martha Marcy May Marlene).

    1. You know it! *kisses bicep*

      Mmm, protein. BLECH! I hope the surgeries go well and you both are well asap! I wanted to watch Drive then I heard it went all gory and Tarentino-esque halfway through and that turns me off...even if Ryan Gosling is in it.

  16. Ha ha! My wee little T-Rex arm made the news!

    Yeah it still hurts pretty bad but at least a little better than yesterday. Ibuprofen helps too so I think it will be ok in another day or two. You don't realize how much you need to be able to move your arm to full extension until you can't.

    I will be so happy to be done with tonight's workout and then we can chill a bit the rest of this week/weekend.

    1. You know it! I moved my shoulders certain ways today and got a zinger or two or 12. I'm glad for a TF workout tonight! I want to get down early and get it out of the way so we can enjoy our night.

  17. I'm currently training a new person...who's slated to be my boss. Uh-huh.

    I did a kickboxing session that kicked my bumpkis, and I looked like a goof, but I did it!

    I ordered myself my first new bra in I don't know how long! LOLOL!

    1. Ugh...THERE'S some incentive. Not.

      I bet you didn't look like a goof at all and if it kicks your bumpkis then all the better! :)

      Yeah for 'twin' wranglers! What brand was it? I love Goddess. They're the only brand that lift and separate to my satisfaction so I can untuck them from my socks and pretend I have perkies!

  18. You worked out with a headache? Oh, I'm hurting for you. :( You always make me feel ashamed of myself and all of my excuses!

    I noticed the blog I was commenting on just before yours had a ReciPage and I thought, "Hm, what's that?" But I didn't click. And then I came to your blog and saw you mention you have one too. How did I miss out on this trend?!

    1. Then I won't tell you when I worked out with pneumonia too. HA!

      Yeah I saw KERF and OSG had them and thought once I had enough recipes with decent pics to accompany them I would do one because one simple code makes it all look so good!

  19. Three randon things:
    I've signed up for my first ever 5k! I only became a runner in January and I barely classify myself as one lol. I'm not amazing at it but I'm getting better but I miss my calves (they've shrunk! why oh why can't my thighs shrink!?) =[

    I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a bake-a-thon this weekend since it's been FAR too long since I baked anything.

    I'm going to attempt stir fry next week, without a wok and with a frozen veggie mix I bought lol.

    And 4 (I know you said 3), people like you and the Mr are seriously super inspiring to me. I'm a member of MFP and there's a guy who has lost 300 pounds (that's 2 of me!) and that's super inspiring. You guys rock! Also, super inspiring is this MFP lady who has had 6 kids (right there, I think she's amazing, ow I wouldn't wanna do it 6 times and 5 of them are boys) and she looks SOOO good. So I want to thank you for being an inspiration and let you know that your blog is the first one I check in my list of blogs now, you beat out smittenkitchen =]

    1. Congrats!!! I'm so proud of you! I say if you are running and there isn't a cheetah chasing you, that makes you a runner! I bet you could crack walnuts with those calves and the thighs will follow!

      Yay for baking! It can be so therapeutic. Check out my Inspiring Culinary Creations board on Pinterest for some baking ideas. I've got some seriously horrific (in a good way) pins on there! HA!

      Stir fry...mmm. Let us know how it turns out!

      Aww, thanks so much for the sweet Friday ego stroke! :) Before Smitten Kitchen?! I'm humbled!

    2. I've never actually checked out pinterest and I feel as a 22yr old, I should be up on the new internet haps lol, I'll check it out later since I'm at work now lol

      I will so let you know about the stir fry, I'm just trying to figure out a sauce/flavoring for the shrimp... The veggies came with a sauce but I don't know if I want to use it.

      I like your blog a lot because you're a very frequent poster, an awesome writer, you don't do links to flikr pics, and we're working towards a similar goal (losing weight and getting healthy). I'm more likely to make your recipes since theyre not as complicated and fancy like smitten's. I just really really like your blog and I'm happy for stumbleupon. It led me to Andy (canyoustayfordinner) which led me here. =]

  20. Three random things about my week:

    1. I just found out that I get to take my Pathophysiology final, ( which had been scheduled for next Wed but she offered up Fri, but I couldn't go - bringing dad for surgery - so was stuck with Wed ) the following Monday, 5/7!! Victory dance!! Five extra days of study time. She said not to let it get around. WOOT!

    2. We booked some shore excursions for Norway!! YAY! It's going to be beautiful!

    3. I brought my cart all the way back to the store each time.


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