Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The day I said yes

It's been kind of an emotional, trying month and I need a life break, yo!

It got me thinking about how grateful I am for the greatest gift in my life, my wonderful Mr.  Come to think of it, 20 years ago today, I said yes to a very important question.

After two years of dating and opting for a long engagement until after he graduated college, I said yes with a dozen roses on my lap on a horse and buggy overlooking the same downtown waterfront we walk today for exercise.   The weekend he asked, both of our parents happened to be out of town for different reasons.  Both sets knew it was likely to happen soon since he got the ring earlier that day and he can't keep a secret.  When we called his parents, his mom was in the bathroom.  I always say if she was going to shit a brick over it, she was in the right place to do it.  HA!  My grandpa (the one that passed 13 years ago) and his wife were the first family we showed the ring to.  I still can't believe that we didn't think to take pictures that night.  No pictures of our dinner at the fancy tavern, our horse and buggy ride, the way my ring sparkled under the street lights as I kept looking at my hand while listening to the clip clop of Hannah the horse and no pic of me hugging my best friend or her mom since they were the first place we went after it happened.  That's a bummer.  But I'll always have wonderful memories of that night even if I don't have pictures.  It's the best question I've ever said yes to.

No matter what kind of challenges life throws at us, we face them together.  I'm lucky to be married to my best friend...truly.  I know it sounds so cliche but seriously what do you call a man who only wants to watch college football but is willing to DVR it so you can watch it later in the day and no other sport, goes to antique stores and farmers markets without griping, showers you with compliments after every meal and is there to support you with anything from weight loss issues to life issues to saying how cute you are when you ugly cry at a stupid commercial?   Don't get me wrong, he's still a man so he makes noises that sound like mini-bombs, has selective hearing and can still push a button or two when he wants to.  ;-)

So back to that life break, I'm taking a little time to focus on my honey so any comments needing responses will be sporadic for the next short while.  Mama needs to re-calibrate.

What's your engagement story?  If you're not yet married, how would you like to be proposed to?

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  1. So glad you said yes. So glad I asked! I have never regretted marrying my best friend but even before we were married I knew we had found something special in each-other. I'm glad we were smart about it and waited until I was pretty much out of school but it all worked out great didn't it? I love you baby!

    1. Thank you so much for giving me a wonderful life! <3 I love you too!

  2. I'm reading your post and smiling because it's nice to know there is more than just my guy who does this. He has loved me through the good, the bad and the ugly. He has been my girlfriend when I needed him to be and my man when it counted most. Tomorrow is our "I said Yes" day....but it was me finally saying "yes" after he asked for the third time. We are some lucky gals!! ;)

  3. I know my wedding anniversary and our dating anniversary but I have no idea of our engagement anniversary. I think it was in September. It just never seemed important because it felt like we'd always been and always would be together so it didn't really matter when we made it official. Kinda like Valentines' Day - if you don't love each other the other 364 what's the point? It was very sweet, low-key, and a total surprise. We were already living together and we worked together too, we got home from work one night, he followed me into the bedroom, dropped on one knee and asked me.

  4. Just beautiful! What a good Mr. :) You're right, being married to your best friend is the best possible feeling. I love doing anything or nothing with my Hubs.

  5. My husband had me over to his house for dinner, asked me to sit next to him on the piano bench and proceeded to play "Could I have this dance" (for the rest of my life?).
    He is still such a cool guy even after 14 years - just like the Mr.

  6. After a long history, one daughter and the timing being right, we kind of more agreed rather than having a great engagement but we have had a great marriage. He is the love of my life since the first time I saw him when I was 14!

  7. Great story and a great reason to take a break from following up on blog comments. I'm so glad you and others have found such lovely matches. It would feel selfish if I were the only one.

  8. Isn't it nice to be married to your best friend? Makes life so much better. Congrats on 20 years. The 45th anniv. of our very first date is coming up on May 10. You better believe that will be a celebration.

  9. My husband and I had taken a vacation to one of our favorite places, St. Augustine, FL. Its about 1hr from where we live, and I had grown up taking vacations there with my grandparents and family. Its where we had our second date. We were going to leave early, so he stayed over at my house. He already had the ring, and unbeknownst to me showed my mom and sister and asked my mom if he could marry me. He says that he didn't know when he was gong to ask me specifically, but he had the ring in his pocket. We were up the Fort, overlooking the boats in the bay. There were two boats that had to perfect rings around them, and I showed my husband. That's when he said he knew that was the place to ask. So he took me down to the wall by the water and proprosed. Now when we take our kids there we show them the place where he proprosed.

  10. It was the last day of the school year and Dave was helping me move out of my dorm room. We were sitting in the car and I was REALLY cranky because I knew I wouldn't be seeing him all that often during the summer and I was sad. AND cranky. I looked over and he had a wad of something in his pocket and I crankily said, "Why do you have so much junk in your pants pocket?" So he dragged it out - it was a box with my engagement ring. He followed me home and when we went in the house and I showed my mother she said,"Oh - did I leave my ring a Grandma's? How nice of you to bring it home for me." Took awhile to convince her that I was engaged. Poor guy said he was expecting tears, anger, anything except disbelief! Our 54th wedding anniversary is coming up in a couple of months...

  11. There is NOTHING like thankfulness to reset our perspective. You've done a most excellent thing here, my friend. Sending big love to you and your Mr. You are both so blessed to have one another!

  12. You two were made for each other!


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