Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday and what I'm reading this week

Happy Aloha (Good) Friday!

This week seems to have dragged on.  Of course here we are the day before company and our house looks like a bomb went off in it.  Hopeless, we are.

While I clean, why don't you check out...

Heart Recipient Honors 21-Year-Old Donor  (So sweet)

Kids Reacting to an Old Cassette Walkman Is Wonderful and Horrifying  (Courtesy of the Mr)

What Meditation Isn’t  (Ooohhmmmmmmm)

21 Signs You’re Turning Into Your Parents  (#8, 13, 16,20 and 21.  Now get off my lawn, you damn kids!)

9 Internet Nutrition Myths that Just Won't Go Away

Hilarious SWA Flight attendant  (How I WISH our flight attendants were like that on our flights!)

4 Mental Roadblocks That Sabotage Weight Loss  (Anyone else singing the Beastie Boys now?  Me either)

A brilliant and creative way to shame someone for parking like an ahole  (I'm going to buy some sidewalk chalk ASAP!)

The Late-Night Snacking Mistakes That Are Wrecking Your Diet  (Oh, you mean I shouldn't eat half a chocolate mousse cake before retiring for the evening)

25 Fun Facts About 'A League Of Their Own'  (Holy crap, this would've been a totally different movie!  Thank God for editing)

Can You Control Your Metabolism With Your Mind?  (Courtesy of the Mr...maybe Cloud Cakes ARE healthy?  Oops, I typed that.)

17 Things This Dog Is Probably Thinking While Rejecting His Birthday Pancake  (The more I read, the more I laughed)

Famous Movie Babies: Where Are They Now?  (Toby!)

You're Not Allowed to Sue General Mills If You Like Them on Facebook  (Courtesy of the Mr.  Boy, he's on fire this week, no?)

10 Ways to Lose Friends and Irritate People  (Can I add not watch your children in public?)

The Ultimate Warrior's Wife Remembers 'The Love of My Life' In Letter to Fans  (Yes, I watched him back in the day.  My heart breaks for her)

Film Geek Paradise: The Top Places in San Francisco for the Movie Buff  (Y'all know we're THE movie buffs when given the chance)

What America's Best Couples Can Teach Us About Long-Lasting Love  (Good advice!)

See How Cadbury Hatches 350 Million Goo-Filled Eggs a Year  (Courtesy of the Mr because he knows these are my favorite.  Can I just lay my head under the chocolate and goo pipes?)

This Baby Squirrel Fell Out of a Tree and Now She Has to Wear a Little Cast  (Simultaneously sad and adorable as hell)

28 Reasons Being Old Will Be Totally Awesome  (4, 6 (which I have mastered), 8 (already doing it), 13, 17 is SO going to be me, 27 and 28)

This weekend is a busy one.  We've got company coming tomorrow for sustenance of some kind, I need to make banana cream pies for Easter and not forget to make marzetti Sunday morning.  Then Easter Sunday with six screaming hellions.

Happy Easter!

What's on tap for your weekend?

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  1. Those are some awesome looking links. I'll get right to it! Happy Friday all!

  2. From "What American's Best Couples CanTeach Us About Long-Lasting Love," I really identified with the very last quote: "'At the end of Ty’s life, I want him to be able to say, "Terri was the greatest earthly blessing in my life -- the best thing that ever happened to me -- and that I’m a better man because of how she loved me." And that’s the goal that I live with every day. That’s how I want to love this man.'"

    I think I just found a new goal.

  3. I saw some of these through the grapevine on Facebook this week.

    LOVE the 9 Internet Nutrition Myths, especially the cleanse one. I AM SO SICK of seeing damn cleanses. No I don't want to do one and NO I WON'T JOIN YOUR DAMN ADVOCARE GROUP!?

    I second buying sidewalk chalk.


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