Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Hump Day Poll: Appointments

Is it just me or like after 45 does it seem like you just have appointments as part of life now?  This week I have four dang appointments.  Two vein, one chiro and one therapy.  I'm like, resentful and sh*t! 

I know the vein stuff is a limited time thing and really the chiro can be moved to every other week at this point since he can't work on my legs now with the vein treatments going on.  Therapy will likely end in December so I know it's all temporary but man, I've got work and home projects I still need to do.  The Mr has 3-4 this week too.

Is this what life is now or just our lives?

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  1. Every week until the end of the meet nth I have between 3 - 5 appointments, this week being 4. I want to sit down and actually add up all the appointments from this year. I did it in late spring and we had over 100 in a 3 month span, so I'm curious what the rolling total would be up to at this point. To say I'm tired is an understatement. I have to keep the calendar with me at all times because it never fails that I'll get calls while I'm working to change appt days or times, and I can't go off the top of my head anymore like I used to.

  2. I have a lot of appointments that lead to even more appointments. The doctors are really good at making you come back for more than might really be necessary and I'm making it a personal goal to reduce them for next year. But I said that last year too.


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