Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Hump Day Poll: Social Media Turnoffs

I don't know if it's just me but there are a few things I see repeatedly on IG, that drive me up a wall.  

1)  Snapping their fingers in a long pause to show a transformation.  (Also throwing a blanket then showing the made bed or chucking a roll of wallpaper at a bare wall to show the finished wall type crap.)  Can you imagine if I left out all of the details of the horror of a bathroom remodel like Monday's post and just snapped my fingers and was like "we had some challenges but look at this after!"  Skipping the process gives unrealistic expectations and will cause me to immediately scroll past or block an account out of sheer irritation.

2). Wagging their finger no to show you their 'better' way.  I think I may be guilty of this in one or two MKK videos but it was before EVERYONE started doing it and the way it comes across to me is super condescending depending on execution.  There's this middle aged dude who does gardening tips and he does his finger wag so over the top that he makes me want to throw my phone or fight him in the garden.  You know that golden retriever that dude trained to make it look like he's a big charging flumper that always knocks him over "unexpectedly?"  I want to do that to the garden dude while he's filming his next video.

Ahh, clearly therapy is helping. 😆

What are some of your social media pet peeves?

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  1. I just plain hate that more videos for these shorts are shot in vertical and more of those are being made than regular videos now. When cellphone video first started we all thought it was funny and a mistake when someone filmed that way but now it's becoming a standard and I hate that. I even find myself doing it and I hate that too!

  2. The main thing that comes to mind is I cannot stand Tik Tok. I don't like most social media but that one gets under my skin real quick.


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