Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Hump Day Poll: What is your screen of choice?

It's been awhile, let's do a poll!  (Dat means audience participation, yo! 😜)

They talk about how detrimental screen time is and we know that so let's talk about your preferred screen.  What screen are you on the most?  Even though it feels like my phone (only in the morning and night because I don't ever carry it on me if I leave the house), it's my laptop I'm on the most.  I just cannot strain my eyes like that and while I have done posts in the middle of the night from my phone, I hate doing it because it takes 2-3x as long to do it.  So for speed alone, my laptop is definitely my screen of choice.

How about you?  What's your screen of choice?  (Phone, laptop, desktop, TV?)

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  1. Well if you exclude the work computer 9 hours a day I guess the tv would be it. Hate to use the phone way too small for my bad eyes

  2. I am on my phone for random scrolling, social media, etc. For work purposes and minimal social media, I am on my laptop (MacBook Air)

  3. I would prefer my laptop but its broke. My phone for most things now, but under protest. TV always on for background noise and stuff I really want to watch.

  4. Mine would be my Amazon Fire. I use at bedtime too with different sleep sound sites to help me snooze.


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