
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Hump Day Poll

listen to music, podcasts or TV?

If so, what genre?

(For me, nothing gets me through a cleaning sesh better than disco.)


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  1. Podcasts are celebrity gossip ones, prime music Playlist is 70s country, 80s/90s rock and pop, disco, classic. Never know what's coming next!

    1. OMG, there you are! 😆 Now those sound like my kind of playlists!!

  2. I don't listen to anything. I have no problem having complete silence in the house and it drives my hubs nuts. He has the tv on from the moment he get up until he goes to bed, so that would be his choice when cleaning. What I do is I talk out loud to myself if I'm either mad or something is weighing on me. Other times I'll talk to God in prayer. But for the most part it's all quiet.

  3. I don't listen to music while I clean. Although my mind is always on something else.


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