Friday, June 7, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #23

Oh hey!  I didn't see you there!  You're looking fabulous by the way! 😘  Let's chat.  How did the first week of June treat you?  Anything going on?  We made it to Friday which is a plus since I've been working my butt off this week.  

I went to my chiro Monday so he could do a light stretch on my outer calves and then he worked on my shoulders.  He said they're getting worse.  He really wants me to start rehab but he knows I can't commit to that until the legs are situated vein wise.  Well, given what the office manager told me, that crap may stretch into Thanksgiving!!  So I went to that saved folder, you know, the one on IG where you save stuff to and never look at it again?  I have a rehab folder so I put together the whole shoulder rehab routine and started committing to it this week.  It's pretty intense but I need to essentially rehab this myself.  He said he doesn't feel anything like frozen shoulder lurking in there so I should be able to do this myself until I'm able to get everything else in order.  Motivation...don't fail me now.  

Now let's get to:

Does Emotional Health Predict Heart Health?  (Interesting connection.  I'd better rewire my entire personality 😜)

38-year-old woman who lost 140 pounds in 2 years says the gamechanger was eating more high-protein foods  (All I know is I personally can't have a higher protein breakfast or I'm going to be eating my hand two hours later.  Peanut butter oatmeal ftw!)

Can you wash pesticides off your food? A guide to eating fewer toxic chemicals  (I'm still using my fruit wash because I still see residue if I only use water.)

The Truth About Popular Sleep Supplements, From Magnesium to Melatonin  (I wish any of these things had a consistent effect on me but they don't except for the occasional tryptophan supps I take if insomnia creeps in.)

How grief rewires the brain and can affect health – and what to do about it  (This explains a lot about my physical symptoms once Christmas hit.  Still dealing with extensive shoulder issues.)

Therapist Shares 5-Step Method For Cleaning When You're Overwhelmed By The Mess  (These are really great, practical tips as I often find myself overwhelmed and not knowing where to start.)

17 Comforting Recipes to Bring to a Friend Who Is Grieving  (Some yummy dishes and may I also add if you're not geographically close to the bereaved, their favorite restaurant gift card (most which can be emailed) or GrubHub/Door Dash can go a long way)

7 Clever New Uses for Old T-Shirts  (Time to get your upcycle on!  Might I also suggest using them cut in 4" strips to tuck under your bra for walks or workouts?  It's boob sweat season!)

Do coffee bars and bookstores make you poop? You’re not alone, experts say — here’s what’s going on  (See Mr!!  I'm not totally nuts!!  While it's not pooping, the second I'm in an antique store, I have to fart every. single. time)

It's been an emotionally draining week and with a wedding on tap, we're not going to our usual two day weekend to decompress.  I have zero idea what to expect so it'll be an experience, just praying for nice weather so the bride can cross that off of her stress list.    No way could I have done an outdoor wedding with my type A personality and it did rain on our wedding day so 'go me' for controlling what I could!  LOL

Any plans on tap for you this weekend?

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  1. Those shoulder exercises are very helpful to me too and mine hasn't felt this good in awhile so I plan to keep that up with you. Let's hope we're pleasantly surprised by a fun evening at this wedding and then we'll leave after cake!

    1. I'm glad they're helping you and hope they do something for me because not having use of both shoulders is beyond acceptable. They hurt so bad right now when I do them (as you saw with my tears the other night) so looking forward to the day I might be able to actually hook my bra since I can barely touch my lower back. Fingers crossed on the wedding!

  2. I had to giggle out the outdoor wedding comment. We were supposed to be married outdoors on the beach (San Diego) and it ended up raining that morning so they lugged the arch indoors and we got married inside. I remember my mom kept looking at me like I was nuts because it didn't even phase me, and I have no idea why. But the sun came out right after our vows so people got to be outside after that. I do hope this wedding is lovely and you guys end up enjoying yourselves. You probably won't get much time with the bride, but I know she'll be so happy you're there and you'll be happy you got to see her say her I do's to her new hubby. Hopefully all with good weather too!! No rain here, so hopefully nothing to most east toward you guys. Glad you have shoulder exercises to do to help loosen things up and ease some of the pains and aches!

    1. I know three people now that were supposed to be married on the beach and couldn't be. I couldn't leave something like that up to chance or I would have a stroke if the plan changed. Glad you got to be outside for some portion of it! Looks like we might be at 78-80 that day so hoping for a light breeze especially with me having to probably wear my lovely thigh high compression hose which make me run hot.


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