Friday, June 21, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #25

Tis Friday again.  I hope you're all ready for the first official weekend of summer.  You know I'm not.  😝  It's been another busy and frustrating week.  I am going through business growing pains.  I have chucked the idea that certain old platforms are going to be anything but a pain in my ass so I'm starting up a new venture.  No offense to this place but no money is being made here and y'all see how it is.  (Looks around the dumpster fire that seems to be the world now.)   It sucks starting from nothing again but the other platforms suck beyond description given how they take your designs and give you a pittance for them.  There's that part of me that wants to Murtaugh it up and say "I'm too old for this shit" but I need to do it so here I am.  The Mr got some frustrating news that one leg is just not cooperating with the high powered sclerotherapy and the vein doctor is talking all of this nonsense about there possibly being a deeper issue blah blah blah.  While we don't take that lightly, while nice, this woman is also a gaslighter, overworked, has told us one thing and done another so you'll excuse us if we don't rush out and schedule a potentially unnecessary surgery.  So she wants to wait for a month to see if the top and bottom of the one vein stays closed.  If so, she said he's good to go.  If it doesn't then she wants to push the nuke button.  We'll see.  

Now let's see:

Backward Walking Is the Best Workout You're Not Doing  (I'll have to give this a go the basement...not in public.)

The Best Tea to Help Lower Cholesterol  (Not surprising and can easily be iced for flop sweat season summer.)

If Your Strength Workouts Stopped Yielding Results Once You Hit Menopause, You’re Not Alone. Here’s Why and What To Do  (Good to know if you're headed that direction anytime soon or to get a jump on it.)

6 Ways People Take on Roles in Dysfunctional Families  (Wow, this is really interesting and accurate on some things.)

Don’t Roll Over RMDs To Other Retirement Accounts  (It's going to take me a long time to understand how the hell this all works.)

Woman shares trick to rid your yard of pesky weeds: ‘I have been doing this for years’  (Dude, we need to do this.  The whole side bed is a weed haven.)

It has been and will continue to be hotter than Satan's crack out there so I don't know that we're going to be rushing to be out in it.  Though I will say that we got the car windows tinted because I almost set ablaze just driving in the country last weekend and we desperately need some UV protection.  So we might go out and 'test' it to see if there's any reduction in heat and such.  In a month or so, we'll have my car done too because it has even less protection than the factory from VW had. 

You have any plans this weekend?  I miss y'all!

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  1. The tint definitely needs a proper test since this is our first time doing that on a car. We stayed within legal limits but it should still make a difference if marketing is to be believed.

  2. It was indeed a long and stressful week, both physically and emotionally. Every single day there were appointments, plans to be made, calls to make, and everything with a timeline. Ack! I'm exhausted. Had two appts today that are now done, then I grocery shopped to get that done with, and now I'm back to work. Looking forward to closing my eyes late this afternoon to unfurl my brain. LOL
    I hope you guys enjoy a nice ride with the tinted windows and you can have some freedom from the computer with all you had to do this week on it!


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