Friday, June 28, 2024

What I'm Reading This Week #26

Welp, we've reached the last Friday of June and we're officially halfway through the year.  Anyone else spontaneously combusting?  Wake me when it's November!  These God awful temps make me REALLY happy we didn't waste money on flowers this year.  I think we'll grab some perennials in the Fall but as far as annuals, nope.  They would've been fried by June 15th at this rate.  I'm thinking maybe we do a Fall patio.  Like in September grab some mums or something and go out there when it's hopefully in the 80's instead of 90's and 100's.   Still doesn't mean I wouldn't need to strap this to my neck to be out there until it's under 70 though.

Now let's strap into:

Here's Exactly How I Eat Over 100 Grams of Protein Every Day  (Always good to have go to's in your pocket!)

FYI, Those Annoying White Strings On Bananas Actually Have A Purpose  (That's great... they still make me want to hurl)

If Your Fridge Is Making Noises, This Cleaning Hack May Easily Fix It  (Oh, you're supposed to like clean back there and stuff?! 😆  But I must say I bought this cheap thing to clean UNDER it and the stove and it works like a charm!)

We're going into a hard month.  I'm never one to get stuck on death dates for some reason.  The Mr is the same but when there is trauma attached to a specific time that feels almost worse than death, THOSE are the things that stick.  That time is July.  Neither of us are looking forward to it as we could both probably recite what trauma we were all being put through on the daily last year.  So be prepared for some posts.  Or not.  Who knows how I'll feel but there's a big one looming.  One where I get to tell you what actually happened to her that I couldn't legally talk about before. 

Other than that, nothing formal on tap.  Maybe a small road trip or something or maybe get a small house project done.  Maybe both!  We're crazy around here.

Whatchu got going on this weekend?

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  1. Some good links there that I'll have to read. No idea what to expect this weekend but looking forward to it regardless. Have a great weekend everyone!

  2. I hope you guys enjoy a nice weekend with not too much to do and maybe a little sightseeing drive, especially if it's a nice cloudy drive. It was such a busy week, with a busy weekend on tap, so I'm looking forward to my evenings on Sat and Sun when I can watch the Olympic trials for gymnastics I've been recording to decompress my mind. Aside from tomorrow the temps are supposed to be better too! Yay!!

  3. Tomorrow we may take the UTV out. There is a beautiful trail that ends in a small town that has one of the best Mexican restaurants I ever ate at. After lunch we will take a stroll around the park next door. It is next to a lake so it is just a peaceful spot.


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