Friday, October 21, 2022

What I'm Reading This Week #42

Howdy do, you sassy beasts!  I hope you had a great week.  We spent ours getting back into the swing of things after the Mr's birthday trip.  It was very much needed and I hope he had a good time.  It's always nice to be back in Traverse City but I admit we miss Hoxsie's Farm Market very much.  Seems crazy to think it's been 10 years since the first time I went there and fell in love with it.

Now let's fall in love with:

Is Taking a Hot Or Cold Shower After a Workout Better for Recovery?  (I'll take any shower after a butt kicker, thank you.)

How to Store Apples So They Stay Crisp  (I've got some spies for Thanksgiving pies that I'm looking forward to using!)

I Hate Everyone: Why You Feel This Way and What to Do  (Okay, so it isn't just me.  Actually, I already knew that or they wouldn't make this oven mitt I bought my friend who feels the same.  Will have to follow some of these tips.)

Why Cross-Generational Friendships Have Shaped the Way I View Time  (I love having friends of different generations!  So much to learn from both perspectives especially older ones.)

3 Aging in Place Renovations to Do in Order of Importance, According to the Pros  (I've been thinking about #1 for the past year.  Don't tell the Mr.  Maybe in a few years.)

Want to have better, deeper conversations? Try this  (People know when we get together real quick that I don't appreciate you paying more attention to your phone than our limited time together.  But that isn't the only tip given.)

Brooke Shields, 57, Says Her Age Group Feels ‘Overlooked’: ‘The Best Is Yet to Come’  (Once you're 40, society is basically done with you and it's pathetic.)

Why Do We Say Things Are “Dropping Like Flies”?  (Learn something new every day!)

It'll be home meals for the next few weeks until vacation weight comes off.  I'm trying not to remind myself we have an unfinished bedroom that still needs tackled.  No real plans other than attempted avoidance and some spooky movies thrown in since Halloween is fast approaching.

What's going on in your neck of the woods this weekend?

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  1. That was a great trip and a much needed rest from the routine. What a beautiful place and yeah very hard to believe it's been 10 years since we went the first time (and even more years than I would like to admit since I went there as a kid). Have a great weekend everybody!

  2. We have errands today, a meeting tomorrow morning, then hauling all the bins of books I brought home yesterday that are sitting in the garage down to the basement. Then back to the storage unit to get more stuff to figure out what to do with. =o) I fill in at work for the next 4 weeks starting next week so I'll be pushing myself to get as much done at the storage place as possible this week. Enjoy your weekend and some scary movie time!


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