Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Halloween Hump Day Poll


What did you use to trick or treat?  Plastic pumpkin or cauldron?  Pillow case?  Store sponsored bag given to you free around that time?   Fabric bag?  Bag you made and decorated yourself?

I used the plastic pumpkin when I was wee.  I remember using a bag from a grocery store or retail store that they gave for free a few years too.

What did you use to trick or treat?  Plastic pumpkin or cauldron?  Pillow case?  Store sponsored bag given to you free around that time?   Fabric bag?  Bag you made and decorated yourself?

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  1. Pillowcase! Anyone that had their light on no matter the time!

  2. Plastic Pumpkin when I was wee. Then a pillow case because I raked in the candy at that point and it fit everything.

  3. I have a vague memory of a pillow case. Might have used a grocery bag at one point, too.


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