Friday, October 14, 2022

What I'm Reading This Week #41

Happy Friday and happy mid-October!  If you have a Fall bucket list, I think this week is going to be peak for many states so it's the perfect time to go leaf peeping!   I so wish we could slow down time.  The month is going far too fast, as usual.  

Now let's peep:

Best Foods for Muscle Growth That Aren't Protein Shakes  (Good to know!  Natural is best if you can.)

8 Strength-Building Exercises That Don't Require Lifting Weights  (If you need to modify push ups, we do wall push ups at a diagonal or you can go to your knees as well.)

The 3 Best Exercises to Help Prevent IT Band Pain   (Lord knows I need these.  My IT band is an a-hole!)

High blood pressure is significantly lowered with breath training  (Great news should you be dealing with this condition!)

What's the Deal with Infrared Sauna Treatments?  (As someone who loathes summer, purposely sitting in a sweatbox sounds like hell on Earth but the health benefits sound pretty good.)

How Do I Apply for an Ex-Spouse's Social Security Benefit?  (For those married 10 years or more, please don't forget to ask about this when applying for social security!  It does not affect the ex's benefits (don't know how the heck that works but whatever) and we made sure my mom, who was signing divorce papers on her 10 year anniversary (but they weren't filed yet), asked.  While it didn't make a difference for her, I don't want anyone else to miss out on potentially more money in retirement.)

8 Stephen King Movie Adaptations That Changed the Book Ending  (I have to say I think they made the right call on The Mist.  That was friggin' heart wrenching!)

This Halloween Safety Video From the 1970s Is Unintentionally Creepy  (This is friggin' gold and I was the first costume of death because 70's!)

(Just an FYI- the folks at Meta are discontinuing certain features starting today.  I have no clue what that means and how it may affect any of you who click through on Facebook.  I hope it doesn't change anything as I do have an admin but I won't know much until sometime next week because I'm taking a freak out free weekend.  I'll update if anything changes.)

We had a much deserved relaxing week and it was somebody's birfday so we're going to carry that celebration into this weekend.  I hope we can find some good pockets of color and just zen out at nature along with a little birthday tomfoolery for the Mr.  

Got any Fall activities planned for the weekend?

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1 comment:

  1. I'll be staying home this weekend and working on cleaning out the spare room which has accumulated a lot of stuff that needs to either find a home or leave mine. lol Enjoy the weekend and some fall colors!!


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