Friday, May 13, 2022

What I'm Reading This Week #19

Howdy do all!  I hope you had a good week and are ready to party hardy this weekend.  (Okay, us either.  I don't know the last time I partied hardy.)   It's probably gonna be a bummer weekend for us because we're home from vacation and back to reality which is neighbors we want to smack (but jail is a deterrent) and construction on all sides of us we hoped would be further along than it is.  I'll likely do a recap next week when I've got my brain settled back into a routine.

Now let's settle into...

5 Simple Hamstring Exercises (Plus 2 Great Stretches) to Strengthen and Lengthen the Backs of Your Legs  (Great stretches!  My hammies seem to always be super tight no matter what I do but these slant boards help for sure with that and ankle mobility.)

Is Ultra-Filtered Milk Actually Better for You Than Regular Milk? (We get it for more protein and less sugar.  Never tasted any difference.)

My Nonnegotiable Daily Nature Practice For Stress & Anxiety Relief  (We've got these mats and I have to say it does help with inflammation that I can visibly see.)

Are Expensive Eggs Actually 'Better' for You?  (I've started getting organic eggs through Aldi which are $2 cheaper than at big box stores and only $.20 more than the eggs we used to buy.)

Here's How Plant-Based 'Meats' Stack Up, Nutritionally  (I can't do the jackfruit thing but you'll have to pry Gardein's meatless meatballs from my cold, dead hands.  The Mr has several times asked "are these beef or vegan?"  Pretty good coming from a formerly picky eater!)

15 Slow Cooker Seafood Recipes for a High-Protein Dinner (OMG, some of these look sooo good!  Time to bust out the slow cooker.)

10 Ways Women Can Advocate for Themselves at the Doctor’s Office  (It is IMPERATIVE for anyone!  I don't go to a doc's appt (especially a new one or for a new issue) without notes regarding symptoms, how long they've been going on, what I've done to treat up to that point.  Not only does it help them but it's something in writing they can refer to for future appts.  I can't tell you how many have said they LOVE it and wished more patients did it.  If a doctor is offended by that, leave.  They aren't going to give you the care you deserve.)

How to Keep Your Sense of Humor As You Get Older  (It's REALLY hard but I need these tips for sure.)

30 Times People Were Saddened And Disappointed By Celebrities, Shared In An Online Thread  (#14 doesn't surprise me at all.  I bet the people who passed by Betty White are kicking themselves now.)

Not sure if we've got anything on tap for the weekend since we spent so much time in the car coming home.  Maybe we'll start to get the patio cleaned up and ready for planting.  I should probably consider bulbs because I truly hate wasting so much money on annuals but then again I want blooms all summer.  Something to ponder but if anyone has suggestions on long flowering plants, chuck 'em at me in the comments!

Whatchu got going on this weekend?

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  1. We are still in the 90s so not doing much outside except sweeping the sidewalk and gutter early in the morning. We grocery shop today and then I'll be in the basement slowly going through more stuff to get rid of while the hubs does the vacuuming. Tomorrow I have a meeting then we have swim class for the dogs. Sunday the hubs works so I'll continue working on house stuff. Have a good weekend settling back into a routine -- and staying cool while doing it!

  2. Vacation was great but I am looking forward to getting the patio ready to relax on as much as we can stand outside. Have a great weeekend everybody!

  3. I've been dying to plant some hydrangea's in my garden as they provide huge beautiful flowers all summer that will change color depending on the acidity of your soil. I did a quick google search and found this list for other options as well.

    The Best Plants that Bloom All Summer:
    Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia)—A tall flowering plant with bright yellow flowers that last all summer.
    Dahlia—Perennial flowers that bloom from spring to fall. This plant has large, showy, colorful blooms that last from late spring until frost.
    Coneflower (Echinacea)—The plant has large blossoms with a long flowering time from summer to fall.
    Petunias—Colorful annual plants that grow in full sun and bloom continuously from spring until fall.
    Lavender—A small flowering shrub that blooms all summer and comes back every year.
    Hydrangeas—Large flowering perennial shrub with showy flowers that bloom year on year and last all summer long.
    Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus)—Low maintenance, sun-loving shrub that flowers relentlessly throughout summer.
    Garden phlox (Phlox paniculata)—Perennial flowering plant with dazzling fragrant blossoms that bloom all summer until fall.
    Creeping thyme (Thymus serpyllum)—Flowering groundcover plant for full sun that creates a carpet of purple from early summer.
    Bee balm (Monarda)—One of the showiest summer-blooming perennials with spiky red flowers that last until the fall.

    Hope it helps give you a couple ideas!


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