Friday, May 6, 2022

What I'm Reading This Week #18

Top o' the Friday morning to you all!  It's the end of another week which (hopefully) means time for stuff we want to do over what we have to do!  We've been enjoying the weather and are relishing our mid-Spring weather for now.  I've got thoughts about some projects I might want to get on before things heat up in the garage.  I think we can still put up two shelves on the sides of our over the garage door shelves so they butt up like corner shelves.  I'm all about maximizing every square inch out there that we can.  Even considering putting some lesser used small appliances out there that I'm not ready to part with like my ice cream maker.  Gelato Fiasco has a great dark chocolate noir sorbetto that we love but doesn't ship well and only tastes right home made.  Hmm, might have to bust that out soon!

Now let's bust into...

How Often You Wash Your Pet’s Bowl Can Impact Your Health  (Might be something to think about for those with pets.  I would think having an extra set you can rotate out every other day might help too.  I know we'd probably do that if we ever got another one.)

How To Actually Let Go Of Someone & 14 Signs It's Time, From Therapists  (Reaaally hoping a friend of mine stumbles onto this.  The light at the end of the tunnel is a train, sister!)

How to Trick Your Computer (and Your Boss) Into Thinking You're Still Working  (Okay, I'm not condoning not working if you're still working from home.  However, when you were at the office, you weren't spending every single second of every work hour pounding the keys.  You were chatting with co-workers, going on a bathroom/smoke break, etc.  Be aware that the ol' open a document and put something on a key for infinity will give you away if your micromanager is tracking keystrokes, which many are.  This mouse mover we got allows us to 'drop the kids off at the pool', grab a snack or just take an eye break away from the screen without your chat going to "away."  WORTH IT!)

6 Sites Where You Can Buy (and Sell!) Your Used Camping Gear  (Perfect if you want to see if you like camping without investing too much or if you've got unused gear to unload.)

Get Happier by Rereading Your Favorite Books From Childhood  (I have to say this works.  I have a copy of The Ghost of Windy Hill on my nightstand.)

We might do a little road tripping this weekend.  I've got some geocaches loaded up in case we get the itch to go out exploring.  Definitely have to get it in now before bug and sweat season is in full effect!

Anything fun planned for the weekend?

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  1. I spent the day moving the outdoor table to the other side of the deck and cleaned each tile piece front and back and go those all arranged in each slot again, along with putting felt pads on the bottoms of the table and chair legs. Looks good and ready to use now. I had errands today and hubs had his errands so it's been a lot of running around for each of us. Tomorrow is swim time for one of the dogs, then more decluttering, and then enjoying Sunday. Have a super duper weekend!!

  2. Back to Iowa for a milestone bday of my cuzzo.
    Enjoy your weekend


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