
Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Hump Day Poll: "So shines a good deed in a weary world.” ~ William Shakespeare

What is the nicest act you secretly did for someone?

I don't know if it's the nicest but it's the one that makes me feel pretty good.  We're always on vacation for our anniversary (well...not 2020 but...) and I like to pick an older couple having a meal and ask their server for their bill and not to tell them.  I like to treat a couple we're hoping to emulate by being together so long.  (I know, they could have been remarried and for less time than we've been together but in the end, who cares?)  

We tried to get away with it in Montana especially when we saw the people split a dish and only splurged on a drink but I'll be danged if the server told them anyway when pressed instead of saying "I don't know."  They thanked us profusely and asked why we did it and we said we just like to pay it forward to married folks doing it right.  My favorite is catching someone at breakfast though, you have to assume their whole day probably got a lot better.

What is the nicest act you secretly did for someone?

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  1. I remember seeing an elderly couple who really looked like they ordered the smallest, most affordable breakfasts because it was likely all they could afford. Secretly paying for their meal just felt right and the person who waited on us that day really seemed to understand why we were doing that too - as if they knew those people as regulars who didn't have much money to spend on their meals. I agree with you, it's the kind of thing that hopefully sets their day off in the right direction.

  2. I've plugged meters, shut car doors and trunks in parking lots, shut off car lights. I throw their paper closer to the door when walking Bagel. I've dropped cash in mailboxes. I'm not very sneaky so its hard for me to pull off things without people noticing. (Bull in China shop )

  3. Someone I knew was talking about someone they knew who was struggling financially and rent was do. so I sent off an anonymous payment to the rental place to cover rent for the month, and never said a word to anyone about it. Well, until here. LOL

  4. A friend lost her job. I stopped by and handed her son an envelope. It had $1000 in it. But I agree, paying for meals, leaving a quarter in the Aldi cart, buying a gift card and asking the cashier to use it for someone. Even small acts can make a big difference!

  5. If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret anymore would it? lol.


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