
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Another Hump Day Survey

Here's the next 15 questions from the icebreaker survey.

What did you name your first car?  I don't think "please stop making that noise" is an actual name but my friend had a POS old red Toyota Tercel she called "the Cherry Bomb."

What Disney/cartoon character were you inexplicably afraid of as a kid?  I don't know that I was.  There was that Medusa chick in The Rescuers book, were they Disney?

What was your first record, tape or CD that you ever owned?  I have no clue.

What were words you couldn’t pronounce as a child, so you made up your own?  Pompatis.  But then I later found out that Steve Miller made it up too.

Have you ever gotten super lost? What happened?  I got lost in the mall as a kid and there's nothing worse than that when you're that young and can't find your parent.  Obviously, I was found.

What’s the story of your first crush?  See here.

What was your first job? What did you like/dislike about it?  Retail.  I liked that I met my future husband there and I disliked...people.

Who was the worst grade-school teacher you ever had?  Mr. K in 6th grade.  He was a pompous ass and was more interested in calling people out than teaching.

What afterschool activity did you quit as a kid, and why?  I don't know if this can actually qualify as quitting or not.  Mom signed me up for tennis my freshman year without my consent because I used to have a crush on a tennis star which she mistook as interest.  Didn't know how to play, I'll be damned if I was going to humiliate myself just for the family to have someone to cheer for.

What’s the funniest thing that ever happened on your family vacation?  I can't think of anything funny enough to stick out but there's a situation that others would probably find funny at my expense.  On my last vacation with my mom before I got married, we went with my aunt to visit my grandma and her husband in Florida.  We were booked on a gambling cruise.  The night before, we were all crammed in this TINY motel room two of them in a double bed and me in a rollaway bed.  My aunt and grandma's husband are legendary in the snoring Richter scale kind of loud.  Between them, it was one long snore to the point I would go to the bathroom and slam the door to get 2 minutes peace from them semi waking up.  I got 15 minutes of sleep which was once the sun came up and I passed out from exhaustion.  We got on the gambling cruise, had breakfast, I pulled one slot before getting SO seasick, I spent the rest of the cruise splayed out on the stern of the ship trying not to barf.  

What’s the funniest animal you’ve ever owned as a pet?  A toy fox terrier and that dog was just like her adoptive mama on the hijinks scale.

What’s the worst haircut you ever had?  I'd have to say the week before kindergarten pics when I thought cutting a square out of my bangs was a good idea.  Slicked over bangs, ftw.

What’s the best prank you’ve ever played on someone?  See here.

What’s the most ridiculous thing your parents ever did to embarrass you?  Thankfully, nothing comes to mind.

As a kid, did you ever do something wrong but manage to pin it on your siblings?  I'm sure my step-brother got more than his share of blame for stuff I did after I left for my weekend visitation.

Your turn!  Pick five or all of the questions to answer in the comments.

What did you name your first car?
What Disney/cartoon character were you inexplicably afraid of as a kid?
What was your first record, tape or CD that you ever owned?
What were words you couldn’t pronounce as a child, so you made up your own?
Have you ever gotten super lost? What happened?
What’s the story of your first crush?
What was your first job? What did you like/dislike about it?
Who was the worst grade-school teacher you ever had?
What afterschool activity did you quit as a kid, and why?
What’s the funniest thing that ever happened on your family vacation?
What’s the funniest animal you’ve ever owned as a pet?
What’s the worst haircut you ever had?
What’s the best prank you’ve ever played on someone?
What’s the most ridiculous thing your parents ever did to embarrass you?
As a kid, did you ever do something wrong but manage to pin it on your siblings?

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  1. I have to post this in more than 1 comment due to size...

    What did you name your first car? I had a 1980 Camaro painted red and my friends named it The Red Barchetta after the Rush song. It kinda stuck and I still listen to that song and think about that great first car.

    What Disney/cartoon character were you inexplicably afraid of as a kid? I was a little scared of the Haunted Mansion book that I got as a kid. It was scary and fun at the same time and I had never been to Disney at that point. Just had the book that came with a 45 of the narrator and music with that "spooky ghosts come out to socialize" song that kinda freaked me out but I also kinda loved.

    What was your first record, tape or CD that you ever owned? The first time I bought my own and didn't just borrow from my older brother was Motley Crue Girls Girls Girls.

    What were words you couldn’t pronounce as a child, so you made up your own? Honestly cannot think of anything.

    Have you ever gotten super lost? What happened? I got lost in the mall once but that wasn't as bad as the recurring dreams I had as a child where I was always getting lost in a huge auditorium just constantly crying and trying to find my parents but always waking up before any kind of resolution. So when it really happened I was super scared but it actually ended up better than my nightmares ever did.

    What’s the story of your first crush? Ugh. Let's just say the very first one ended up being a Lesbian so I had no idea why I didn't ever stand a chance but it was truly crushing as a 6th grader. The second crush didn't fare any better.

    What was your first job? What did you like/dislike about it? Paper route. I would totally do that job every day for the rest of my life if I could make what I make now doing it. Best job ever honestly. Just enough responsibility but you set your own hours and as long as you do a good job everyone stays happy and you get good tips at Christmas time.

    Who was the worst grade-school teacher you ever had? The first grade teacher that threatened to tie me up to my desk on day one and eventually duct taped my mouth shut and escorted me to my bus so that she could make sure I wore it home so my parents could see. I realize none of this would be remotely acceptable in today's society. I am just glad the bus driver had pity on me and waited until she was no longer in site and told me to take that tape off my mouth because it was ridiculous for her to do that to a first grader.

    What afterschool activity did you quit as a kid, and why? Karate. I loved karate but I got a condition called Osgood Schlater's which required that I stop all the kicking until my muscles and bones could balance out in growth spurts. It sucked at the time but I got a lot of GI Joe action figures as a consolation prize and somehow that made it better at the time.

    1. Aww, see we both had our gay crushes as kids/teens! :) I am pretty sure if print is still happening when you retire that I'm going to see you on a trike at 5am whipping papers at people's houses. You may have had to quit karate but I can vouch you still block like a mofo!

  2. Part 2 comment...

    What’s the funniest thing that ever happened on your family vacation? We were in a store and my older brother saw this dried up coral reef decoration and decided to break off a little piece of it. The ownder of the store was watching like a hawk and showed my parents the "You break it you buy it" sign and $50 later my parents were the proud owners of an already broken coral reef. The funny part comes in after that because for years my parents had that thing on display and we would all just break off a piece now and then as a joke and it was okay. It's like we had free reign with being able to break this expensive thing and it was nice.

    What’s the funniest animal you’ve ever owned as a pet? Goldfish? That was all we were allowed. Not much funny about it and we never named it or anything. He or She was severely overfed because none of us communicated whose job it was to feed the fish. Poor thing could barely swim by the end but did actually live a long time.

    What’s the worst haircut you ever had? Not really a haircut but hair dye. OMG. Let's just say it was kind of a mullet with like a terrible blonde color that was more like orange. What was even worse was I was talked into using a cap for this and that was so painful. Won't say who talked me into this ;-)

    What’s the best prank you’ve ever played on someone? No pranks really but I remember a clever moment where a cousin was mad at me for something and we were at the end of my street and they were gonna "tell on me" and started running home. After a bit they started walking but if they saw me running to catch up with them they would run too just to stay ahead. I ended up cutting over to the backyards and just running my butt off and the look on their face when I came running at them from the house instead of being behind them was classic. Since I beat them home they couldn't tell on me or something like that.

    What’s the most ridiculous thing your parents ever did to embarrass you? Put me in a Raggedy Andy doll costume that my grandma made. To this day I cannot see Raggedy Ann or Andy dolls without cringing and I was only 4 at the time.

    As a kid, did you ever do something wrong but manage to pin it on your siblings? YES! They always tried to pin things on me too so it was survival of the most clever. Best one I can remember is a time when I got my parents to think that the middle brother was the one who broke a coral reef in a store... just kidding!

    1. I don't know that I ever heard the coral reef story! (And nice touch at the end!) I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about as far as the hair dye cap. :-D

  3. What Disney/cartoon character were you inexplicably afraid of as a kid? I was a Dalmatian fanatic and was really afraid of Cruella DeVille (whom I later named my MIL). =o)

    What were words you couldn’t pronounce as a child, so you made up your own? I couldn't pronounce my "Rs" so just about everything I spoke sounded off. Two years of speech took care of that. LOL

    Have you ever gotten super lost? What happened? After a relative died, I was in that neighborhood and took the dogs for a walk in the woods. FOUR hours later I found my way out with the help of a lady on a bike who was worried about how haggard I looked. I practically had to carry one of the dogs from being so tired. Hot, sweaty, with ticks on all of us (even being on pavement!)

    What was your first job? What did you like/dislike about it? I was 13 and worked at an insurance company stuffing envelopes and got paid under the table.

    What’s the funniest animal you’ve ever owned as a pet? A plastic goldfish that I put in a fishbowl and named him "Bob"...because he did. ROFL

    What’s the worst haircut you ever had? Really bad home perms that I attempted to brush out in middle school and ended up looking like Freddie Boom Boom Washington. Not a good look for me.

  4. Your MIL IS Cruella DeVille fo' sho'! I'd say 'did no one go out looking for you?' on the dog thing but pretty much know the answer to that. Nice on the fish! LOL Thank God I wasn't drinking when I read about your perms. I can still smell them!

  5. No one came looking for me in the forest preserve because no one knew I was there. LOL I was at that house by myself with the dogs and didn't even bother to bring my cell phone with since I was right down the street. I had asked numerous people where the parking lot was, but the problem was there was more than one parking lot so people were pointing to me to where THEY parked, which just got me further away. Here's this middle aged woman with two dogs limping to the car by the time I found it. A lovely lady on a bike guided me and wouldn't leave the preserve with her husband and kids until she saw me come out of the woods because the sun was setting. NOT my proudest moment by any stretch. Then it took about 2 minutes to get back to the house and I had to get ticks off of one of the dogs. We just collapsed and slept the rest of the night. The dogs weren't too interested in going for a walk the next day, which worked out since we had a 50 mile trip back home that day. A cell phone wouldn't have helped except for calling the police (how humiliating) since I in a town where I just knew my relative (who was now deceased) and that was it. And it was a flip phone, so no GPS! ROFL A day I shall never forget....


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