
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Hump Day Poll: NOPE!

When I have the music channels on in the background, there are some songs that I hated with a passion in my childhood that still makes me instantly turn the channel.  All I need is the first holding keyboard note of Livin' on a Prayer (or any Bon Jovi song) and I scream "NOPE!" and it's off before the Mr even knows what song it was.  That is why this joke by Triumph to his face will never get old.  (The audio is off from the video but it's all I could find.)

What song do you hear less than three notes of and immediately have to change the channel or skip because you feel if it penetrates your ears you may lose your hearing?

(I have Music Choice muted and I just looked up and Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi is on.  Changed the channel, even my eyes hurt reading the name.)

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  1. Yeah it amazes me how fast you can recognize a Bon Jovi song and turn the channel. I have to say I do the same thing when I am in my car but it takes me a second or two longer. I love that Triumph clip. Too funny!

  2. The first ones that come to mind are any Rolling Stones song or Madonna song. Oh yeah, and The Who... Pinball Wizard makes me want to throw things.

    1. So I shouldn't show up next month singing Beast of Burden or Borderline? :D

  3. My Heart Will Go On. Basically anything that was on Pop radio by Celine Dion or Barbara Streisand. The year those two did a duet I was working in an office where they piped in the local Light FM channel and I about lost my mind. That song came on at least 3 times a day. What kills me is how many songs I dislike but know most of the words to because I had to listen to them too many times.

    1. I turn that one too, they really drove that into the ground when it was released but even before that I didn't care for it.

  4. So, I'm a little nervous to admit this because I know you're a huge Christmas fan and hopefully I'm not offending you...but...Christmas Shoes. I cannot change the channel fast enough when that song comes on. I don't really know why, but it has always been like nails on a chalkboard for me!

    1. ROFL, not offended at all...I don't like that song either!! (There are quite a few Christmas ones I can't stand.)

  5. I stopped listening to a station for a while because they played Starship's "Sarah" too often. I HATED that song, and it seemed like they played it every hour on the hour. The funny thing is, when I hear it now I don't mind it (maybe because I only hear it like twice a yea?).

    I'm a huge Bon Jovi fan, but I'll say that Living' on a Prayer is not my favorite song. I do have a funny story about it though... When the album it's on first came out I got the tape, and was listening to it in the car with my parents, and my dad couldn't figure out why the guy was singing about "liver on a plate".

    I'm really not a fan of Aerosmith. I know they're iconic and all, but I just don't get it.

  6. anything by Stevie Nicks or Fleetwood Mac


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