
Friday, December 14, 2018

What I'm Reading This Week #50

Happy Friday everyone!  I hope you had a great week and are ready to get down to business for the last potentially obligation free weekend of the month.  This is the weekend to remember to get out there and do something fun and that you want to do, not what you have to do!

But right now, you just have to check out...

No Drama Holiday: 10 Tips for Avoiding Emotional Family Traps  (If you are cornered, always be ready to say you have diarrhea and run to the bathroom...always.  Hold your butt for added flair and selling it.)

How to Stay Active and Exercise During the Holidays  (Exercise really does help!  HIIT workouts are intense but short so they're easy to fit in.)

12 tips for holiday eating  (Good tips to keep yourself in check)

Speedy Christmas Decorating  (Cute ideas if you're slow on the draw this year)

Do You Have the Flu or a Cold? Here's Exactly How to Tell  (Hopefully this isn't even an issue for anyone.)

12 Best Natural Remedies To Prevent And Treat Bloating These Holidays  (I can vouch for the belly massage and dandelion root tea.)

15 Healthy Christmas Recipes That Only Taste Indulgent  (Yes to all of them, please!)

The 91 Most Delish Holiday Desserts  (What?  You just ate healthy, you can have a little treat!  Some really cute ideas.)

11 Things You Stress Most About During The Holidays  (The fact that "having to be nice" is even on the list is just so, so sad...but also made me laugh my jingle bells off.)

7 Stove-Top Potpourris to Make Over the Holidays  (Trust me when I tell you, this makes all the difference.  It sets the tone the second people walk in the door!  #4 is my go to and I get compliments every time.)

The 40 Best Christmas Movies of All Time  (Some real classics on well as some head-scratchers.)

'A Charlie Brown Christmas' almost never happened  (Can you imagine the holidays without this classic!?)

We are filling our weekend with want to's over have to's so I'm looking forward to taking in the season!

What are you getting into this weekend?

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  1. I like the idea of a weekend with want to's for sure. I would say sign me up but then that would make it a half to I suppose. Have a great weekend everybody!

  2. Happy Friday! Will you please share the "recipe" for the #4 potpourri? The page isn't loading and when I go to the original site it's not there either.

    1. Well darn it! I just checked and it's loading for me so maybe try later for the other recipes. Mine is 2-3 clementine (or one navel orange) peel, 2 cinnamon sticks and 1 tbsp of cloves in a saucepan (or small crockpot) of 2-3 cups of water. Bring it to a boil initially then knock it down to simmer and add 1/2 cup water every 30 minutes so it doesn't evaporate and burn. They added apples to theirs too and a pinecone. (???) I didn't know pinecones really emitted a scent but yeah. I've got mine ready to go for tonight though right now the smell of oatmeal raisin is filling the house for a close second in holiday smells! :D

  3. My only have to this weekend besides a meeting, grocery shopping and laundry is making a few batches of brownies for gifts for the boys on Monday and the mail lady. The hubs got an unexpected gift of tomorrow off paid because he had more vacation hours than he knew about because of his 2-year work anniversary. So we'll actually get to see each other this weekend! =o)

  4. P.S. I did watch a commentary on A Charlie Brown Christmas and how it almost didn't happen. It was a really great program to learn some behind the scenes stuff. I simply cannot imagine it not being a part of my holiday season...


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