
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Hump Day Poll: Favorite Childhood Holiday Gift

We all grew up in different eras and each one has their own specific toys.  From Chatty Cathy's from my mom's childhood to Cabbage Patch Kids from mine to the original TMNT's of my cousin's era 10 years later, we all get that gooshy feeling inside when we think of our favorite gift we got for Christmas (or whichever holiday you celebrate.)

My favorite or at least most memorable was my Barbie Townhouse I got in 1982.  I was into all things Barbie and this was the perfect place for them all to hang out.  The pièce de résistance was, of course, the elevator.  I loved giving the Barbies a ride to their respective floors.

(source: Pinterest)
I also had a kitten at the time who fit perfectly in there so she'd hang her paws out the front and my friend and I would pull the string and give her rides and giggle.  Mom would yell in "what are you girls doing?"  "NOTHING!!!  *hee hee hee*"  That could've gone wrong in so many ways but when you're not even 10 yet, that doesn't cross your mind.  I'm happy to report she lived a very long life with a friend of the family when our own townhouse (after the divorce) didn't accept pets.  I always heard "that cat was the best mouser we ever had."

A close second favorite was the pool:

(source: Pinterest)

I LOVED the shower and pumping the side so the water would come out of the shower head.  I also had the pink Corvette too.  My Barbies lived large, yo.

What was your favorite childhood holiday gift?

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  1. I was never a Barbie fan, but that's a pretty cool house. I got a Satin (Satin-y anyway) comforter for my bed one year and I absolutetly loved that thing. I used it until it was totally shredded. One year in college my dad gave me an ammo box full of change. The rule was that I had to spend it as change - I couldn't take it the bank and turn it into cash. That box of change saved my butt so many times in my broke college days. Fun fact - gas stations don't like you much when you pay with pennies.

  2. I was a Barbie freak too!! My greatest possession (since I am from the days long before the pool, house, vettes) were all the clothes my mom made for my Barbies. She got tired of me wasting our napkins making clothes for her. The saddest day of my childhood was the day someone stole my Barbie case off our front porch....but I've made up for that. Now I have a pretty nice collection of the holiday Barbies.

    I loved everyone's decorations in yesterday's blog! Merry Christmas everyone!

  3. My friend had the Barbie house and I loved the pool with the "bubbles" you could do. I did have the Barbie Corvette at one point (funny how it had the cable attached to it though so you had to stand near it! LOL) Probably a favorite gift that comes to mind is the My Friend Mandy doll my mom got me with the yellow rain slicker, hat, and boots. I still have a trunk of clothes for her and I got a replica doll off of Ebay years ago because my doll had pen on her face and my mom was SO mad she couldn't get that pen off! LOL She still has the most precious face of any doll I've seen.

  4. I only have one Christmas present that comes to mind when I think back about what presents I received. I received a boom box and a copy of Bon Jovi's Slippery When Wet cassette for Christmas when I was six. I loved it and used it every day until I was about 14, when it was replaced by a stereo with a CD player that was also for Christmas. But the boom box represented my musical freedom. I didn't need to listen to what my parents were listening to anymore. And I think they were also thankful, because they didn't have to listen to my Mini-pops cassettes anymore.


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