Friday, October 27, 2017

What I'm Reading This Week #43

Happy Friday all!  

Can you believe it's Halloween weekend?!  How did that happen?  You know what that means, right?  It's okay, be in denial.  Ho ho ho.  

Let's spook up...

10 Desserts Your Nutritionist Actually Approves Of   (I'll take some of that pudding please)

Research Finds This 'Break' Trick Will Help You Reach Your Weight Loss  (Could be worth trying if you're not in a huge hurry to lose weight to see over a few months if it works.)

6 Tips For Trainers Working With Older Clients  (Well let me get out my cane and Geritol)

How Effective Is Dance Cardio? 3 Experts Weigh In  (Boogie down y'all!)

Your Fruit Is Covered With Nasty Pesticides: Scientists Have Discovered the Best Way to Wash Them Off  (Interesting.  I always try to buy organic but this is good to know!)

These 2 Foods You Eat Every Day Contain Hidden Pesticides  (I don't think the above tip is going to help you with these though.)

Dealing with setbacks; How to stay fit while injured or sick  (Excellent tips!)

Amazon Key opens your home for indoor deliveries  (Um, no.  Not ever in this life.  So when a gaggle of pets run out the front door and get lost or killed running into the street or attack the delivery person, then what happens?)

These Photos of a Hedgehog Going Camping Are Here to Make Your Day So Much Better  (OMG, I can't even!  Sooooo adorable!)

10 spooky real-life locations from 10 real spooky movies  (Please remember if you visit places like this that they are residences and respect their property.  I've seen some real boneheaded people just walk on up on porches or trounce around in backyards.)

The Real Fakery Of The Ouija Board  (Courtesy of The Mr.  Anyone have one?)

Vintage Halloween Costumes Through The Years  (Nice walk down memory lane!)

We've got a sick boy on our hands.  He's been sleeping in the guest room in attempts to keep me from getting it, bless his soul.  I've been spraying all handles, knobs and everything we may touch in common.  When he gets it, it's usually bad for 3-6 days.  When I get it, 14-18 days so yeah, I would much appreciate not catching his crud.  That's what happens when you test drive a virtual reality headset and they don't wipe down the controls or headset despite having wipes right there.  Sigh.  So not sure what we're doing this weekend other than the reschedule of ice cream with mom.  If he's not feeling better, then we may be doing the rescheduling.  Poor Mr.

What do you have on tap this weekend?  What are you handing out for trick or treat this year?

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  1. I've gone years not having a cold but this year I've had two, what gives? I hope this one only lasts a few days. I was looking forward to ice cream!

  2. We had our first ever trunk or treat at church this year, and I participated in that. It was a great time and a good turnout. But since candy is a huge problem for me in the house, I will not be handing any out here. I will just hide upstairs watching halloween tv shows and chillin.
    I didn't even think of the pet thing with the amazon delivery key. Good point. But I have an enclosed front porch everything gets left in anyway, so I don't need that.

  3. Great reads as usual! I loved your holiday tips too. And I can vouch for your Fluffernutter cookies - my hubby loves them!! Hope The Mr. is better soon. Enjoy your Halloween weekend!

  4. Aw, man. I'm sorry the Mr. is feeling like doodoo. That stinks. I hope he feels better soon!

    Great reads! That hedgehog is a hoot! My favorite was him the in the hat--bhahahaha!!! And the costumes were so fun to look at. Happy sigh...

    The hubs is working tomorrow, but bless his heart, he cut the lawn before I got home yesterday, so we don't have to do it this weekend in the 40's! It was 60 yesterday so it was by far the nicest day to do it. So I'll grocery shop while he works, then it'll pretty much be an indoor weekend I think with chores around the house. Might make a Sam's Club run to renew our membership possibly, but we've been saying that for months. LOL


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