Friday, October 20, 2017

What I'm Reading This Week #42

Happy Friday all!

Why is it when you come back from vacation you just can't get motivated to jump back into the swing of things?  I started my Christmas shopping a bit and got some Halloweeny type stuff done but not a vast amount of things on the work front.  There's always today, right?

Let's waste some more time with...

The Crazy Thoughts That Go Through Your Head Before a Morning Workout  (For those who hit it in the a.m.)

10 Secrets to Smarter Shopping at Whole Foods Market   (So has anyone actually noticed their totals going down since Amazon bought them?)

Why Are People Freaking Out About Collagen Peptides—and What Do They Even Do?  (Anyone else try this stuff?  I see a few bloggers that I like use it but I can't afford something else cloggin' da pipes!)

Why Stretching Something That Hurts Isn’t Always The Answer  (That moment when you read something that reminds you that slacking on PT could've lead to my current situation.  Pfft!)

'Death Cleaning' Is the Newest Way to Declutter. Here's What to Know  (That's what estate sales are for!  HA!)

Here’s How to Predict Whether Your Memory Loss Will Be Alzheimer’s   (I feel like the title is a little misleading but yes when you're able to recognize the problem you're still good...for now.)

27 Absolutely Gorgeous Home Organizing Before and Afters  (Ahh, I've had those after pics...and now they are before's again.  Check back with those people in 6 months!  HA!)

Jeans too tight after the dryer?  Try this trick  (Video starts on landing.  I've been doing this for years and I have to tell you that you do NOT need to saturate the band like that.  Just spray lightly, suck it in and 1 minute later, done!)

I don't think we have anything official on tap for this weekend.  It's not supposed to feel anything like Fall so that seriously stinky one week before Halloween.  I'm hoping this is Indian Summer and then we're done because I seriously enjoyed wearing my sweaters with scarves, cozying up under blankies watching It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown (affiliate link) and hot beverages.  It was divine.

What are you guys into this weekend?  What's the temp in your neck o' the woods?

(This post contains an affiliate link.  Should you be awesome enough to buy through it, I may get a few cents commission for blog expenses at no cost to you!)

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  1. Happy Friday! Gonna be 75 today then 50s and 60s after. Heading over to Iowa for my favorite uncle's funeral. 93 year old ww2 vet, purple heart, raised 9 children and was a father figure to me. Bittersweet sad he died but excited to see all my cousins. Have a great weekend!

    1. Aww, so sorry about your uncle. :-( Yes, while not under the best of circumstances, enjoy the time with your family that you don't get to see often.

  2. Happy Friday!!! It's gorgeous in Boston - 70 and it's going to be 70's and sunny all weekend. I plan to get out and enjoy it (and get some fall chores done) before the cold, rainy weather hits on Monday. Have a great weekend!!

    1. Yep, we're in about the same boat but I think tipping toward 80 Sunday. Bleh. Get those chores done, girl! ;-)

  3. The death cleaning article was interesting. I've been decluttering the last few summers, but stuff just keeps breeding. My MIL had pared her stuff down, but when she passed there was still A LOT to go through. I really like the idea of a "just for me" box. I think I should implement that, along with a "stuff you might want" box for my son with little things like pictures, cards, etc. that I dont want to be accidentally tossed.

    Those before and after pictures made me laugh. Yes, check back in 6 months. Truly though, many of the before pictures aren't that bad - and I personally haven't found extra boxes (like in the fridge one) to be all that helpful in the long run. The before junk drawer looks exactly like mine though - it just made me happy that I'm not alone.

    The ghoul-o-grams are really cute. I love that idea.

    Pumpkin patch tomorrow, maybe a haunted campground event, and yard work. Ugh. Lots of yardwork. Plus flu shots. I'm playing hooky today though, so whatever the weekend brings that makes it better. Today should be 80ish, but low 60s tomorrow and 70s on Sunday.

    1. I hear you on the breeding items. We donated 2 bags and a big box and it doesn't look like we made a dent. I like the box idea too and definitely for your son. There are things that could overwhelm him with a whole house to go through but he'll know what meant the most to you with a box just for him.

      I've bought organization stuff and while some of it helps, it never stays looking like those pretty afters.

      Ooh a haunted campground! Fun! Yardwork...not fun!

  4. Going to be in the upper 70s here in SW Ohio and if I don't get my Halloween decor up this weekend, it ain't happening. It's more for us. We have so few trick-or-treaters. I also need to finish up some lingering home improvement projects before the holiday baking season arrives. I finally got a food saver and am anxious to get to work on my doughs!!

    Death cleaning does sound like a good idea, particularly the "just for me" box. Cleaning out after losing a loved one is so hard. If things are organized, it's less heartache for those you leave behind. I wish my in-laws would adopt this practice but they won't give up the 2-story, 3BR w/ basement house because FIL doesn't want to give up all his crap. Even though they both keep ending up in the hospital and the only shower is on the 2nd floor and they REALLY need a one floor condo!

    1. We're lucky if we ever get any. Do people just not do it as much or what? Ooh you got your Food Saver! You're gonna love it! I was just telling the Mr that Honeybaked Ham is having a BOGO on slices this weekend so we need to pick some up so we can Food Save them because they froze perfectly! (Took them to TC for grilled ham and cheese on his bday)

      Yes, the just for me box is a good one, especially if there are things other people don't need to see. I'm gonna let your mind wander on that one. But you know dang well people are nosey and will probably look anyway. I aim to make them regret it because even from beyond, I'm gonna get in a good chuckle.

  5. Ooh! HBH BOGO? I may have to pay them a visit! I already made some frozen meals for hubby, something he loved but the stored no longer sells. That was fun. I’ll find out in about a week how well it did with my leftover icing. And when the temp drops I’m hoping to try soup (freeze it in a bowl then store jn plastic). I wouldn’t have done it if you hadn’t raved about it so much. I just wish you could get credit for my Costco purchase. Your link was for Amazon.

    I wasn’t going to bring up the, ahem, personal items that might ho in a toss box but the Thompson ght did occur to me. You know, if i had any of those. *giggle*

    1. I know, right!? Nothing better than HBH! I will take your virtual commission, it's the thought that counts! ;-)

      You know it! I might just go buy something extra jacked up for the occasion. I figure whatever makes a non-prude like me recoil in horror will be the winner.

  6. Well, I'm glad this craptastic week is finally over. Started out bad on Monday and I just found out five minutes ago that a young man I had met last year, who was the sweetest, kindest young adult I'd ever known, died today falling off a cliff in Maryland while hiking. I can't even get my brain to process this. What used to be my favorite month of the year is quickly turning out to be one I just need to grit my teeth to get through.

    Weather is supposed to stay be in the 70s tomorrow and high 60s on Sunday, but rain. So we'll be cutting the lawn tomorrow after the hub's dental appointment. Still in the 60s on Monday but then it drops into the 50's for the rest of the week.

    1. NOOO! Cratastic weeks are not allowed! I'm so sorry to hear about your friend, how horrible. It's always so jolting the younger they are. September is ours but we both view it that we need to live for those who aren't here anymore and try to do something fun in their honor.

      Have fun with the lawn (HA!) and send those 50's our way, I'm ready!

  7. Collagen peptides - yep. I use Vital Protein brand (2 scoops in tea or coffee). I started it to see if it helped with joint issues (knee). My knee is better, but I did a number of things to help it. Hard to give credit to the collagen. However, two surprising changes that convinced me to stick with it. I have a strange crack on my thumb nail that started a number of years ago (about 8). It healed as the new nail grew out. I also have forehead fuzzies (around where men go bald). Never regular hair and I had to watch when I pull my hair back. That grew out to normal hair. Sold. It's doing something so maybe it is part of my knee improvement too. Doesn't change bathroom habits or stomach stuff for me. I don't love it in cold drinks but in hot stuff you'd never know it was in there. :-)


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