Friday, October 6, 2017

What I'm Reading This Week #40

Howdy y'all!  It's time for the weekend and we are READY!

So let's hopscotch right on into...

3 exercises for a quick morning workout  (Some good moves there, I could even do them with my current limitations.)

Here's What Not to Do If You Wake Up In the Middle of the Night  (If I find my hamster wheel trying to run after a middle o' the night wee, I have to tell myself  "not now, go back to sleep" and say it once or twice because if obsess over it, I won't sleep for an hour.)

Is the Food In Meal Kit Delivery Services Actually Safe to Eat?  (Good things to think about.  Some friends of ours tried one of these for a week and said the amount of packaging was actually kind of disturbing.  Just look up recipes and have a local grocery pick out the food for you so you can pick it up.  The landfills are choking.)

This One Small Change Eased My Chronic Shoulder Pain  (For you ladies with the big purses and Mr, don't think slinging that backpack doesn't irritate things on your walk in.)  ;-)

Here's Why You Should Think Twice Before Putting a Lemon Slice in Your Water  (100% y'all!)

30 Products You Need to Get a Better Night's Sleep  (#13  Use caution.  The Mr used a similar product for snoring and the apnea doctor said "those put a huge gash in your nose, don't use those."  So just a cautionary tale but I can vouch for aromatherapy diffuser!)

Teacher's Viral "Bread Trick" Shows Kids Why They Need To Wash Their Hands  (Hey Another Layer, have you tried this with your kids?  Gets the point across!  Bleck!  LOL)

See Inside Rayna Jaymes's $18 Million Mansion from 'Nashville'  (Holy balls...this place is a zillion times more gorgeous than they show.)

There Is Now a Bob Ross Board Game That You Absolutely Need  (Painting in his perfectly coiffed dude 'fro is probably not what he envisioned but pretty darn hilarious!)

Ankle update.  I was tested for a stress fracture with a tuning fork, which was interesting but thankfully no fracture.  He said my fascia is pretty jacked but he thinks the Bemer therapy is going to help.  So I'll be going to that appointment at 10:30 am and after a few sessions I'll report back if I think it's worth it for any of you who may have sports or chronic injuries.

What are y'all into this weekend? 

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  1. Happy Friday! I'm happy to reporting major plans! Just deco shopping for my friend's surprise bday party.
    Have a great weekend!

  2. TGIF! Hard to believe we have only 12 weeks left in the year. WOW! I noticed that article with 30 sleep products missed one that I swear by now. I bought a ring that goes on your pinky, only while you sleep, that not only helps to reduce snoring, but makes me sleep way more soundly than I do without it. It uses accupressure. Now I know it didn't work for you, so it is not going to work for everyone. But, it's cheap and easy to try out, with Amazon easy returns, so worth a try. If anyone wants the link I'll get it.

  3. I love Bob Ross, but I think I’d rather have a dvd set than this game. Maybe I should give it a chance though, it could be fun.

    I haven’t tried the bread experiment, but I’ve seen other similar demonstrations. I think it would be really great in an elementary classroom, and obviously effective in this lady’s classroom (I think she was teach a CAN class) but I’m not sure my middle schoolers are the right audience. Then again… they are probably the audience that most needs to be reached. I wonder if I can talk the science teacher into doing this in his room – he has a sink to demonstrate the handwashing and I don’t.

    I never ask for lemon in my tea/water, but sometimes they just bring it that way and I cringe. I’m willing to take the somewhat lower risk for the ice though. Any time you eat out you take a risk anyhow.

    Those cookies really are cute.

    I hope the treatment is as effective for you as your chiro thinks it will be. I think I’m off for a super quick trip to see my folks. It’s been too long, next weekend is bad for me, and by the next weekend they’ll be off and travelling again.

  4. I just ordered the board game. OMG I can't wait for Christmas now to give it to my daughter!


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