
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Things I'm Lovin' This Week

It has been a busy week at the homestead and I'd be remiss if I didn't share some stuff that has helped make preparing for baking week much easier.  Some of these would make good gifts too...even if only for yourself.  Let's get to it!

Hamilton Beach Eclectrics All-Metal Stand Mixer  (affiliate link) 

People!  This thing has saved my arms this week!  Since I'm a frugal gal, I did my research on this before buying and saw it got just as good of reviews as it's more expensive counterpart.  I used to kill my shoulder and forearms making mondo batches of cookie and candy doughs but once I got this I was actually mad at myself for waiting so long.  I busted out 8 cookie doughs this week with no strain to my already aching shoulders from strength sessions.  Woot!

FoodSaver Vacuum Sealing System with Starter Kit (affiliate link) 

I seriously don't know what I'd do without my FoodSaver, especially during the holiday season.  I always do my own turkey and save it for later in the season (or when the holiday turkey others made was a little less moist).  Then when a week like this one comes, I bust out the cookie doughs en masse, wrap them in parchment paper and FoodSave them (totally a verb) and chuck 'em in the freezer until baking day.  (I put them in the fridge the night before)  I was talking about the miracle of this with my uncle who is a hunter and he said he always thought about getting one but they're such an investment.  This time of year you can score great deals and I did when I bought one for him and will include lessons to teach him how to get his leftovers in order when the crowd thins out.

Norpro Stainless Steel Cookie Scoop  (affiliate link) 

This thing is so awesome, I bought two.  It makes the same sized cookies/candy as long as you scrape the dough on the side of the bowl as you scoop.  That makes it easier for portion control and calorie counting...if you're into that kind of thing this time of year.  It's especially nice when making big ol' batches of maple buckeyes so that they're all uniform.  I will still occasionally let a little extra sneak in on those since they're the Mr's favorite but dang it's so much easier than eyeballing!

Now to get out of the baking realm...

Dr. Tungs Tongue Cleaner  (affiliate link) 

I know this may sound weird to people but holy crap, I can't believe I've gone this long without using this thing!  I always brush my tongue (on it, under it, the inside of cheeks and gumline too) because I read a long time ago you should for at least 30 seconds.  I've never had a cavity so I figure it was all good.  Then I saw something that showed all the crap still left on your tongue (especially the back of it) after brushing and that was enough for me.  The link is for the 2 pack with a little bag for each of them.  Not only is it good for dealing with any breath issues people might not want to bring up (coffee drinkers!  Sorry...) but it's good for scraping off that meal that you can still taste and is maybe still making you hungry when you know you're not.  Or scrape off that garlic or onion after a meal so your sweetie isn't repulsed!  HA!

Lindt White Peppermint Truffles  (affiliate link) 

I know, I know...I shouldn't be loving these this or any week but my friend popped a few of these in my gift from her and I literally sank back in my couch and blacked out for a few seconds.  When I came to, I had a dopey grin on my face because it tasted like an amped up version of these rainbow mints I used to get only at Christmas from our local candy shop.  I still want the wee 2 oz baggie of those in my stocking but these were amazing while they lasted.

Better Homes and Garden Heritage 3 Piece Bowls

You guys!  I saw these on Tatertots and Jello, along with her awesome free printable tags and I ran out that night and bought them.  That never happens...especially with Walmart because I have a low tolerance for the place this time of year.  Thankfully it was rather subdued and these were up front and for $8.88 for all three bowls, I'm filling these babies up and giving them as gifts to people who will love me forever...or until I make their chit list again and it'll be "what have you done for me lately, Miss Jackson?"

Oh, two weeks until my favorite day of the year!  I think Christmas Eve is the most magical day of the year.  It's all going too fast!

What are you loving this week? 

This post contains a few affiliate links.  Should you buy through them, I will get a few cents back to keep the blog lights on.

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  1. All pretty nice stuff. Should be a great Christmas for whomever ends up getting some of your goodies in a bowl they can keep. Great idea!

    1. I was so glad to see that idea and man those bowls are SOOO cute! Thanks for going with me, I know it's not your favorite. ;-)

  2. I have mixer envy. I've wanted a stand mixer for I don't even know how long. My mom gave me one she never used a couple years ago, but the bowl was tiny and it didn't really work right. Maybe if I get a Christmas bonus I'll splurge and buy this one for myself. I don't really have a place to store it, but I'll figure something out. I appreciate the research you've done.

    I have a seal a meal, but I never use it. I just need to make a habit of using that instead of freezer bags.

    1. I do with the bottom of the bowl was wider but I just have to give a stir of the dough from the bottom. I've read the same issue with Kitchen Aid though. I did see apparently for the "serious baker" the Bosch version is amazing but of course expensive. The bowl is super wide and can make 2 batches of bread at a time. Swoon! :-)

      I just bought 50' of bags for mine! LOL I need to get in the habit of seasoning and THEN sealing meat throughout the year and not just bust it out during holiday season.

  3. Those bowls are so stinking CUTE! My bathroom is pinecone themed so I have an affinity for this design. These would look great sitting out all winter long. I have the Food Saver (awesome!) and I also have a tongue scraper that I've used for years and just love it. I find it particularly helpful when I have a cold/running nose and all the junk that drips into the throat just sits there. Using the scraper helps me get rid of it so less of it gets into my throat causing that annoying "tickle" that you can never fully cough up. Now what I don't have is that wonderful mixer! I am so envious of anyone with a mixer with the paddle. My mixer is just the standard one, but every time I watch Ina Garten I obsess on the paddle. LOL I may just have to go take a gander at this one.

  4. You should get a commission. I HAD to have those bowls. Hahaha. Very reasonably priced. I may need a second set. I planned to do what you did but now having trouble parting with them.


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