This weekend, instead of imbibing in the usual bowls we made up a bowl of our own...the Movie Bowl.
We got a 'we missed you' email from our local video rental store and once activated, we get 50% off prices for two weeks. So we rented eight movies this weekend. Yeah, I said...E-I-G-H-T. As I listed them, I realized they were all pretty much bummer in subject plot except for one.
The Longest Week
(affiliate link) (Jason Bateman, Olivia Wilde) Even though this wasn't in our typical ring of movies, I think we can both say we really liked it. There's a small part of me that wants to say it dragged longer than it should have but only by about 15 minutes. Since it starred Jason Bateman, pretty much anything he's in, we get on board with. I loved the score and the Parisian feel to the movie. Even though Jason's character, Conrad was a selfish prick, there was a big change in a short time. It's a good personal growth story though not in a schmaltzy kind of way. I'm still not sure Billy Crudup was properly cast but I'm anxious to see his movie, Rudderless. I'm hesitant to recommend this because I don't think its most people's cup of tea but if you like Jason Bateman, it might be a fun ride.
Stephen King's A Good Marriage
(affiliate link) (Joan Allen, Anthony LaPaglia) This movie was our fall trip come full circle. Set in Maine, mentioned NH and VT and filmed in Sleepy Hollow! This is based off of a Stephen King short story and the detective in the movie will definitely remind you of any classic King character. This was one that 30 minutes in, we both were positive too much information had been divulged and weren't sure how you could possibly make it interesting. It redeemed itself and the Mr and I both ended up enjoying it but I will say, they didn't do enough character building to make us feel much for either main player in the film. An extra 10 minutes to show a truly good marriage would've done wonders to make this a much better movie. If you're a King fan or a fan of that short story, might be worth a peep.
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
(affiliate link) (Steve Carrell, Jennifer Garner) Very cute movie and we don't have kids so it's a fun one for the adults too. Alexander is having a very bad day and for once, he'd like his perfect family to know what it's like to have a day as bad as his. He gets his wish and there are some great laugh out loud moments in it. I'm not sure the kid who plays Alexander was the right choice but still a good movie.
If I Stay
(affiliate link) (Chloƫ Grace Moretz, Jamie Blackley) It's no spoiler to say that the family in the movie gets in a car accident and the movie for the most part is a remembrance of Mia's life up to that point. Chloe is so amazing in this role and the kid they cast for her boyfriend was spot on, they made an adorable couple. I was horrified to see the dad was Josh from Blair Witch Project only because he's not supposed to look as 'dad like' as he did. I felt my age. :-| Very well told, beautifully shot and I'm sure we're the last people not to see it but if you haven't for some reason, rent it!
(affiliate link) (Scarlett Johanssen, Morgan Freeman) Don't rent this. Seriously. There is nothing more to say.
The Judge
(affiliate link) (Robert Downey Jr, Robert Duval)- A tough movie but very good. A gruff judge (Duval) is accused of a crime and his hard ass attorney son (Downey) tries to get him cleared. If you like RDJ at all, you'll like this. He delivers lines in ways that only he can and the plot and ending are all just pretty riveting. Totally recommended!
Skeleton Twins
(affiliate link) (Kristen Wiig, Bill Hader) While I wouldn't exactly call this the feel good movie of the year, I can see why it got acclaim. It was nice to see these SNL alums in more serious roles. There were some laughs of course but for the most part, a more serious film about two screwed up sibs with a strained relationship coming back together in an unusual way. Worth a rent if you're looking to see them step outside their comedic box.
The Fault In Our Stars
(affiliate link) (Shailene Woodley, Ansel Elgort, Laura Dern)- Again probably one of the last people to see this movie and it's as heartbreaking and beautiful as the commercials made it out to be. Ansel (Augustus) was so completely enamored by Hazel (Shailene) that you wondered if they were a thing in real life. Their story was so believable that the Mr said that is why he thinks we're here is to be loved like that by someone else. At that moment, I realized all the other crap I'm going through doesn't mean a thing as long as I'm loved by him.
What did you do this weekend?
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It was quite a mix of movies but with the exception of the one mindless crappy one, they all had a little something in them that was good for making you think. They also serve as a reminder of how good we have it.
ReplyDeleteTwas definitely quite the mix. I wish death wasn't so prevalent in many of them! It was such an overload I couldn't shut off my brain hence the reason I had to come down at 3am and sleep on the couch. LOL
DeleteI made a quick trip up to see my folks this weekend. It was a short trip, and I had grading to do, but it was nice anyway. We went to the museum Saturday and saw the traveling Whale exhibit, the boys really liked that.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great weekend even if you had a little work to throw in there. Who doesn't love a traveling whale? :-)
DeleteHow insightful: "At that moment, I realized all the other crap I'm going through doesn't mean a thing as long as I'm loved by him." It really is the most important thing....and the BEST thing!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the movie reviews, I'd like to see several of these, now I have a better idea of which one (LUCY) to skip!
Yes it is. Especially since I'm feeling a little worse today so I just have to try to remind myself of that until I get to the ENT Friday. I feel bad because he's getting my frustrated emotional breakdowns and there's nothing he can really do. Poor man. LOL
DeleteLucy just requires so much suspension of disbelief that it's insulting. I think I said "checkin' out" about 20 minutes in but even in the background, I couldn't help but watch the train wreck. Bad. So bad. :-)
Wow you guys have a real life video STORE to rent from??
ReplyDeleteI loved Alexander's Terrible Day! Saw it over the holidays with family. Dragged my 17 yr old to it and he was surprised at how much it didn't suck! Anything with Carell is a winner for us.
I think he saw Lucy..can't remember his opinion...
Fault in Our Stars was amazing of course. Book is even better (again, of course!)
Thanks for the reminders about Skeleton Twins, If I stay, and the RDJ movie! I am usually a movie-a-holic. I usually see everything opening weekend! But the past two years have been swamped with so much real life drama and heartache that I haven't had a lot of movie time. argh Hope that changes in 2015! Although, not going out to the movies as much does save quite a bit of cash ;-)
Yep, it's a smaller chain and 2-3x a year, they'll send out that offer. Last time they asked us why we stopped coming and we said "because Blockbusters corpse wasn't even cold and you guys more than doubled your rates! We can wait the extra month and go to Redbox." Hopefully they'll see when they offer that deal that we rent like bosses.
DeleteI swear man, I never cried so much in one day over movies. I would recommend pairing a comedy with each of the reminder movies because they're all pretty heavy on subject matter.