Okay, I'm a winter person but if this snow crap is going to keep happening and it's too friggin' cold to go out and enjoy it, then I guess I give up on snow shoeing this year. GRRRR!!! I think the only time we *might* be able to get out there is on Saturday morning but it'll still be colder than the arctic in the morning and not close to freezing until 3pm. We've got company coming not too long after so we can't wait that long. Wah wah.
I had to take it easy on the exercise front yesterday. I don't know what the heck I did to my hamstring on the back of my right knee but it hurt like a mutha. No amount of rolling or icing really relieved it much. All I did the night before was our version of Walk Away the Pounds. I think it didn't like me running the outline of the mats a few times because that's the only thing that isn't in the DVD version. So I guess I'll have to be careful with that in the future. I'm done killing myself for the sake of an 'X calories burned' badge vs. a 'can you walk the next day' badge. A resistance band workout was just the ticket and still mixed it up for us. Dinner was rosemary orange langostinos over thai lime rice and Parisian carrots. Yum!
We decided to rent a few movies...Birdman and Dumb and Dumber To. Honestly, I had no expectations for either movie. Despite loving the original Dumb and Dumber, I assumed from the trailer that this sequel could likely be a mistake of gargantuan proportions.
When a movie ends and you both roll your eyes and say "are you effin' kidding me?" in unison, then you know you have just wasted a few hours of your life you will never get back. No, that was not Dumb and Dumber...it was Birdman. Top five worst movies I've ever seen. I hexed the DVD to explode into a thousand tiny shards in the case once the video store scans it back and we are no longer liable for it anymore just so others wouldn't be subjected to it. If you're one of the people who loved it, good on ya. You're more elevated than we are and I'm totally fine with that.
Then it was on to Dumb and Dumber To
Do you typically like critically acclaimed movies or are you always in the opposite camp of the critics?
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I would love to go XC skiing but it just isn't fun at all in this kind of brutal cold so if that's how this is going to be then Spring can just take over right now as far as I'm concerned. Even for a lover of snow, this winter has worn out its welcome.
ReplyDeleteI am glad we got those movies. I was surprised that we both liked Dumb and Dumber more than the Oscar nominated movie but that's how we roll.
I would love to go shoeing just once if that's all we're going to get. I don't care for this 0 degrees crap.
DeleteThat is indeed how we roll! :-)
I like some of the critically acclaimed movies, but I think I'm mostly in the opposite camp. When I watch movies I want to be entertained, not educated or taught a lesson. Not all the critically acclaimed ones are like that, but enough are that I've learned to take those type of reviews with a grain (or several) of salt.
ReplyDeleteUs too. I find the more Oscar hype a movie gets, the more we probably won't like them! :-)
DeleteHubby and I try to watch Oscar nominated movies every year, and while some are hits, too many are misses. I didn't enjoy Birdman, hubby slept through most of it. I hate it when I'm really looking forward to a movie and it turns out to be a bomb (in my eyes anyway). I really want to see Grand Budapest Hotel, I think I'll enjoy it. Now Dumb and Dumber...I've watched the original so many times, it was my kids go to movie while they were growing up, they never tired of it. So I was looking forward to the sequel, and it didn't disappoint. As you said, not as good as the original, but still funny.
ReplyDeleteI hear ya on the weather, in my part of the world we haven't received much snow this winter (unusual for us), but when we do, the next day it warms up for a few hours then rains, then freezes. We've had two flash freeze warnings so far this month, and we never get those warnings. So we can't do anything outside at all, even if it's a nice day. The ice is everywhere, sidewalks, walking trails, streets. C'mon on Spring!
I want to see Grand Budapest too but only for Jeff Goldblum. I'm not sure if it's our kind of movie but I'm willing to give it a go. Yeah, Dumb and Dumber To was funny but nothing will ever compare to the original.
DeleteWow, I don't know that I've ever heard of a flash freeze warning! Crazy!
My tastes are eclectic and hardly ever what the critics think they should be. If I had a say Princess Bride would have a dozen Oscars, but it doesn't. Southern California is having a complete lack of winter, which I LOVE winter, so wish we could do a bit of a trade. Wish we could take all your excess so we could have a little winter.
ReplyDeleteI will schlep some of my snow into a box and send it out to you! :-)
DeleteIt's freezing here too and the wind is just brutal. I was out at mom's today and we ran errands and my car door nearly blew off at one place. Ughness.....
ReplyDeleteAs for movies, aside from good classic Disney cartoons, it take a lot for me to sit my butt down to watch one. I typically like comedies, but not chick-flicks (call me crazy but I avoid those like the plague and I have no idea why), although I do want to see American Sniper because of the story behind it and the cousins and friends I have in the military. That'll be a rough one, but I do feel drawn to it.
I kinda want to see American Sniper but I can't handle war violence so I don't know if I will. I'm sure the Mr will and will have to report back on its violence content for my wussy arse.