
Monday, June 30, 2014

Weekend wah wahh, open house dupe and sneak peek saucy wench, we meet again.

This weekend was one of those ones that should've been better but just kind of fell flat.  There's this festival that goes on around here this time every year and I always make sure we're out of town for the day so as not to have to deal with the crowds and traffic.  There's this old antique warehouse I wanted to go to so we made a little day trip out of being in the neighborhood.  Some days antique places are awesome and some days...well, it's just someone else's crap.  The only thing I considered was a pair of oil lamp holders similar to these...

There's a spot on this tall, thin wall I thought they might look cool on but I decided against them.  I know when I'm looking for just the right thing to take over the current look, I'll probably always wonder if they would've looked as stupid as I talked myself into believing.

We went to this Mexican place even though I was trying to hint at the safer pizza option but the Mr said he likes having culinary "adventures" when we're out of town.  Yeah?  Well he wasn't the one in a 100 degree bathroom with a line full of women staring at the stall in the back of some hill jack flea market unable to unleash the kracken due to peer pressure.  I had to circle round and pray no one was in there when I was at the breaking point.  No Mexican food on the road...EVER.

There was a goodly amount of passing pop up storms which made the air even thicker and heavier than it already was.  I hate this time of year.

Sunday we had no plans so I made breakfast, we got sucked in to Love It or List It reruns and then decided before hitting an open house or two we would eat lunch so as not to be tempted to eat out.  So I made chicken dogs and a slice of watermelon and half a clementine.

We went to this one open house that caught our eye a few weeks back.  We weren't really considering it but we were nosy and so was half the neighborhood apparently.  Here's a few pics in case you're nosy too...

The above looks like a super modern Florida room but it smells musty in there and it was gross hot.  Lots of cracks in the walls so it felt like the over the top items were meant to be a distraction.  Just like this...

I don't know whether the Easter bunny is supposed to deliver me on Easter or if I'm supposed to bathe in a donut phone, either way it didn't distract me from the chunks of missing plaster and cheap box they slapped in and called a sink.  It was such a let down because the pictures in the listing were so nice but you see it in person and it's like "ugh!"  Wah wahhhh.

We came home and took a little nappy poo then went down and did a session on the Total Trainer.  Holy crap man!  We really upped our strength game last week and the Total Trainer laughed at us, kicked us in the gonads and left us a shaking pulp by the end.  Well played TT, well played.

For dinner, I roasted a small fryer chicken and made some mashed taters and green beans.  It felt like a good old fashioned Sunday dinner like I think they do on Blue Bloods.  I don't watch it but every time I flip by, I see them all eating.

I'm going to work on the TV armoire this week and hope the weather cooperates.  The dry time is ridiculous with this humidity.  I finally finished the side table.  Here's a horrible phone pic sneak peek...

You can see I tried to match the top as close as possible to the new flooring.  The Mr seems to love it so as long as he's happy, that's all I care about right now.

What did you guys do this weekend?

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  1. It was a wah waahh weekend for sure and as always it went by At least we have a holiday coming so we'll get a longer weekend here soon. You did a really great job on the coffee table and I can't wait to see the rest!

    1. Yes, it did go by fast and I hate it when things just go blah on you. The holiday weekend weather looks AMAZING so we're going out to celebrate that alone. The fact it's 90% humidity right now with no rain involved is just gross. Thanks on the table. I'm glad that's over with...3 more pieces 4x that size to go. :-\

  2. We had a quiet weekend--I don't think I ever left the house. I got some house cleaning done for our Fourth of July party this Friday. I can't believe how dusty this place gets, seems like I just dusted my bedroom, but it might have been a few months now....
    The table looks great. I did leave the house to walk down the road Sat. morning, and even though it was only 70, (by the time I got home in half an hour, it was already 76), the humidity must have been 150%, I was sweating! So today, it's 'Walking with Leslie' for me.

    1. Sometimes quiet weekends are just what you need! The humidity is the worst! Ugh, even though I don't like it hot, it's worse when it's supposed to be a nice cool temp like 70 and it feels like a wall of grody. Good on ya for walking with Leslie today, be comfy!

  3. My weekend was even less exciting. Lego club at the library on Saturday, and a kid's birthday party on Sunday. The party was like a how to manual for how not to throw a party complete with bickering parents, but the kids had fun so I guess that's all that matters.

    It's been higher than normal humidity here too, but I'm hoping that today will be lower than it has been. I think most of the moisture from last week's storms has been baked out of the ground so maybe the air will be drier. Supposed to be 97 by noon and keep climbing this afternoon.

    1. Oh man, these days it seems bday parties are more about the adults and showing off than the kids but if the kids had fun, that truly is all that matters!

      97!! *faints*

  4. I am officially on vacation this week, so of course there will be cleaning involved. I am the only one on vacation. I did have to rip my heart out on the first day and return my beloved cat boyfriend to the humane society. He wouldn't stop soiling my carpets no matter what we did. And we bought a new car, a stick shift, and I got to teach my 17yo son to drive it. LOL the fun!

    1. Happy vacation!! Sorry about the kitty but yeah, you don't want your house ruined either. A stick shift!? Wow, that brought back horrible memories of my mom trying to teach me to drive stick. I hope your son has better ones! LOL

  5. Camped Thursday through Saturday morning, napped away the rest of the day and then had a LAZY birthday on Sunday.

  6. Went for a bike ride with the kid. Bummed around the house oh and a birthday party. Slow and comfortable.

  7. The weather was awful for my entire vacation and this weekend was the worst! Today it's 90 degrees with high humidity but supposedly a storm is coming. The rest of the week is supposed to be really nice (like in the 70's at one point--score!) so I'll have more get up and go. It was a low key weekend and I just did house stuff. Today was my last day of vacation and I had a very productive day and got done early with all my errands, chores, and grocery shopping. Even got my shower done so now I'm resting my ankle (my left ankle gives me horrible fits right on the bone--lots of inflammation) and feel very relaxed. At least I only have 3 days to work this week with the holiday--I couldn't have planned that better! =o)

    1. Yeah I think we're supposed to get a couple decent days if the weatherman didn't throw the dart at the wrong temp. Glad you had a productive day and you're resting up. Enjoy the short week!


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