
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Trigger, pulled

Well, we pulled the trigger on the floor last night.  We were still debating it 20 minutes prior to purchasing it but it came down to the fact that no matter how much we liked the other floor, a company website wasn't going to magically create itself overnight, user reviews weren't going to suddenly pop up in a search and it wasn't going on sale.  Given those facts, we decided to go with the one that we were able to research and we do like it.  I just hope we like it once we rip up the carpet and are past the point of no return!

So we stopped by the grocery store and loaded up on gift cards so we could get some seriously discounted (hopefully free) gas on our rewards program.

(I'm not affiliated with Lowe's but if they'd like to give me something like a free stair nose for the publicity, I wouldn't be sad)

When we were loading up the flatbed and cart, the guy who gave us the plank sample last week asked what kind of car we had.  When we told him a sedan, he laughed and said "is she riding on the roof?"  I told him I was a 'master packer' and I would make it fit.  He wished us luck.

Look, we have made our share of estimation faux pas in the past but I've got some miles on my strategic thinking, sir. So you go right ahead and scoff and think you'll run into me in the parking lot in the dark with 7 packs of flooring in a cart waiting for my husband to come back and pick me up...

Then as we stuffed as much flooring that would fit into the trunk and as much as would fit in the backseat....

It all our truck needed thankyouverymuch.

Boo-ya Mister Poopie Pants.

The Mr got it unloaded and it's "acclimating" and we're anxiously awaiting word from our friend to see if we'll be spending our weekend doing something leisurely or cursing this project even more.

I'm skeered.

Are you a "master packer?"  Do you enjoy proving people wrong when they doubt your plan?

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  1. Glad we made the decision finally. I feel like we made the right choice and now there is much to do. I will admit it's a bit scary given how we've been so used to carpet all these years but a good area rug will be in our future.

    1. Yeah definitely getting an area rug because I hate the feel of wood only under my feet. Given how screwed up my legs/feet around anyway, they don't need to have all cush taken away. Now it's just finding one we like and so far, I haven't been impressed. *rolling eyes*

  2. The only problem was the guy didn't see how you made it all fit in your car. It's nice to prove those kinds of people wrong whenever possible. Just wish I had the balls. We had a know-it-all male nurse at hub's doctor appt. the other day. The song "That's What Friends Are For," came on the Muzak, and I commented that it was sung by FOUR friends: Elton John, Stevie Wonder, Gladys Knight and Dionne Warwick. Hubs agreed. We played an interactive trivia game for years at bars, we know our stuff. The male nurse assured us it was JUST Elton John singing. Uh, I don't think so, but I didn't correct him. Still bugs me.
    Good luck on your new flooring--hope it pleases you!

    1. Yeah but *WE* knew and that was enough for me. ;-)

      You are most certainly correct on "That's What Friends Are For" and I would've laughed and said "that's cute hon, try Googling it next time before spouting your misinformation as fact" then give a hearty hair flip as you walk away.

  3. I'd say don't be skeered ... but, aaaccck! I'm SO not a remodeler. Hubby wants to do a bunch of improvements, but I don't want to deal with it!

    Also love the buying of gift cards for yourself at the grocery store to get credit toward gas. I do that too! It can really add up (especially if you have a big gas guzzler like we do!)

    Good luck!

    1. I think the Mr is turning green. He's NOT a DIYer and I'm basically forcing him to help our friend lay this down so we can acquire new skills for the future. He's over-thinking everything which makes me over-think things and drives me insane. Indecisive much? Yep, that is us.

      I totally forgot about the gift card thing until a friend reminded us to do that and now I must check...yep, we've got a free tank of gas waiting for us. WOOT!

  4. I do like to prove people wrong - I think it's human nature.

    Hubby is a master packer (I think his super hero like abilities come from moving around so much as a kid) but I am not. In fact last week when I loaded the car to go out of town he was putting a couple last things in and told me I'm not allowed to pack anymore right before repacking everything. I figure if it goes in the car it's good, but he does this zen-tetris packing thing and needs things a certain way.

    1. Yeah, it probably is.

      ROFL...I have done the same thing to the Mr not because I need it to be a certain way but because I need everything to fit. He just kind of dumps it all and I want to pack as much as possible in the space available. :-)

  5. I am SO a master packer. When we would travel with our four kids, everyone would bring their suitcases and bags outside and then disappear while my amazing tetris-like packing took place. Yep, we traveled in a SEDAN with four kids and all the luggage. The hubby truly appreciates it! Now that my kids are grown, I think only one of the four inherited the same ability :)

    1. "Tetris like" I love it!! That is so how I see my suitcase, a trunk, anywhere we need to store things. That is awesome you were able to travel with all of that luggage and kids in tow! At least one of them will be able to use your Tetris like skills! ;-)

  6. I am a pretty good packer. When I pack for our vacations up north I have stuff down to a science so it's two suitcases and not a carryon to be found. And I have to say I do an awesome job of packing away the Christmas ornaments where it looks like a perfect jigsaw puzzle when I'm through.

    1. We're good at the vacation packing too. I like my suitcase a certain way and pack it all so I can get the maximum stuff in all the nooks and crannies. :-)


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