
Monday, June 23, 2014

Regret, vintage bust and oven fries

As usual, the weekend went by too quickly.  Why does that seem to happen so often?

I was glad to take a break from all things remodeling for a bit even if we did end up at the home improvement store and got the rest of what I need to finish up our side table this week.  Man, this all sounded so good and easy in the beginning.  Given how long this small table was, I was starting to lose confidence I could refinish our dining room table.  We went to a favorite vintage store and we're friends with the owner and I was checking out his farm tables.  He has a very reasonably priced table for $460 but not quite in the right color right now but is willing to take orders.  As I ran my hand over the finish, the Mr said if that was the finish we would get for shelling out almost $500 then he thinks that I can get very close to that so I'm going to give it a go.  I'll probably save that for last when we have reclaimed our folding buffet table as the current media center.  So pathetic looking in here.  I found an area rug I love on Etsy but the seller isn't getting back to me.  I'm REALLY hoping she tells me she was on vacation or something but her customer service isn't impressing me right now and the Mr wants me to move on and I don't really want to give her our money either given she's not responding to a very simple statement (basically, yes...if you can dye that light gray and have a higher pile, I'll take it) then I don't know how things would go if there was an issue.  I almost had a panic attack the other night from it.



I even noticed the Mr getting in on the act last night...

Yesterday, I was certain I would be able to find perfect accessories for the living room at this vintage show but it came up a big, fat bust.  I was a sad clown the rest of the day. all sounds so easy when you're in the planning stages.  The execution blows.

I wanted a burger and fries for dinner so I got to it after our workout.  So if you don't mind some really crappy phone pics taken at dusk of this quick recipe, I can show you how to make perfect baked fries.

Pre-heat your oven to 450 degrees.  Grab two washed 8 oz russet taters.

Cut it in half and then cut that half in half for four slices.

Take each slice and do the same thing.  Cut that half in half and then cut that half in half for four fries per slice.

Toss them in a big bowl.

Add some good olive oil, about 1 tbsp, and give it a toss to coat.

Scatter the fries on a cookie sheet and coat with freshly ground black pepper and the slightest dash of sea salt or no salt if you prefer.

Set your timer for 15 minutes and halfway through, about 7-8 minutes in, your fries are going to start letting off some steam.  That's when you know to give 'em a little shake on the sheet to make sure they're not sticking.

When the timer goes off,  is when you add any spices like garlic powder and rosemary or Mrs Dash, etc.

Give the fries a flip with the spatula so the side that has already roasted is showing off it's golden goodness.

Set the timer for 15 minutes again and at the 7-8 minute mark, give 'em another shake for good measure until the full 15 minutes has passed.

Thirty minutes and you have easy, perfectly cooked oven fries!

What did you do this weekend?  Do you make your own homemade fries?

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  1. After looking at rugs myself, I can attest to how annoying a process that is. I am not even sure what we want there but I have yet to see it. It's one of those things that you kind of hope will just jump out at you but it sure hasn't yet.

    As for those fries. People need to make those - they are wonderful!

    1. It is quite annoying. The two I actually have found, outside of Miss I Suck at Etsy, are out of stock, of course. I want to LOVE what we put there, not settle for something. But my legs need SOMETHING cushy there because my legs do not like the new hard surface.

      The fries are awesome, if I do say so myself. If I know I have prep time ahead, I'll do those over quicker potato wedges for sure. YUM!

  2. Those fries are going to happen after I move!
    I did roast some small potatoes tho this weekend for my lunch today.

    This weekend I packed up most of my kitchen and went through things to donate. I packed up the rest of my pantry that I could. Planned my meals until the move so I could get things packed up and used up before I moved. Ran to Ikea, found a power rack (my movers are going to love me), did some other errands, made cupcakes (had frosting left in the freezer). But forgot the cupcakes at home =/

    1. Those fries should happen. I think you'll love them!

      Sounds like you were a busy one this weekend! I bet you can't wait to get the move underway. Sorry you forgot your cupcakes, that's a bummer.

  3. I haven't been doing a lot of potatoes lately, seems like we go through phases. When we do potatoes it's usually skewers on the grill or wedges on the stovetop. Pretty soon it's going to be too hot to use the oven at all so attempting any kind of baked fries is going to wait a while.

    This weekend was great fun. Our swamp cooler motor burned out. Twice. The first time it was running, I turned it off, and when I turned it back on smoke started pouring into the house. So hubby got a new motor, fixed it all up and we ran in all day. Turned in off for a bit and then when I turned it on again later I smelled smoke and turned it off right away. The next day we got to replace the motor again, plus he replaced the switch that time. Seems to be working, but I'm a little nervous about turning it on this morning.

    1. Luckily you can do these in a grill pan. No hot house!

      Ugh, not cool on the swamp cooler. (No pun intended) Hopefully the switch was the fix. I don't blame you for being nervous!

  4. Saturday was very busy with mom coming over to celebrate her birthday. Sunday was a complete bust though. I was so tanked physically and mentally. I was up at 4am because I couldn't sleep so I did some things and then started the day. By 11am I was toast and I fell asleep until 2pm. Never left the house and felt sluggish all day. Had a very simple dinner and then watched tv (did do a load of laundry). Today I worked out first thing this morning, then went grocery shopping. I have a hair appt mid day and then will begin tackling the office (literally). =o) I feel good today with energy and I really think it's because I worked out in the morning--I seem to have more "oomph".

    1. I'm glad you got to celebrate your mama's birthday and enjoy the day with her. Sorry Sunday wasn't quite so great. :-\ Glad you were able to get that workout in this morning. I wish we were morning workout people but we both feel horrible when we do them early. I actually burn 100-200 cals less. Me and my weird bod! LOL

  5. Great tip about the steam and the shaking. Didn't know that. thanks! Here's my secret oven fry fries tip (and even *gasp* stove top fried fries ;-) ) --toss them in cornstarch after you do the olive oil. Makes 'em crispy. Yours look crispy too. Maybe it's that steam/shake technique.


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