
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Product Review: Nature's Bakery Stone Ground Whole Wheat Raspberry Fig Bars

When we were on our flight back home from San Francisco, the flight attendant brought around the big wicker basket of snacks.  I wanted something with a little substance and I knew a small bag of pretzels wasn't going to cut it for me.  Then I spied these babies...

Nature's Bakery Fig Bar: Whole Wheat Raspberry.  One of my favorite things are raspberry bars but I basically cut them out because they became extra calories and if we were going to have them for a snack, the Mr and I probably wouldn't be able to decide on a flavor we both liked.  I gladly grabbed one of these.

Mr looked at it, wrinkled his nose and grabbed his snack of choice.  He's not big on da fig.  I really enjoyed mine and I wasn't sharing.  I just hoped I would see them again sometime so I could indulge again but feel a little better about it.  Here's the list of ingredients...

Now one thing you need to know is the nutritional info is per BAR not per packet which I feel is a little deceiving because I fell for it "only" being 110 calories when the ones I used to get were 140 calories for an entire bar.  No they weren't stone ground whole wheat or use cane syrup or high fructose corn syrup etc. but still.  So outta the pack, here they are...

They definitely taste more raspberry like than fig like to me.  It's like the thicker consistency that figs give without that weird cracky thing that you get with a plain Fig Newton.  Does anyone know what I'm talking about?  A straight up fig anything has this weird fibrous texture and it feels weird when you bite it and it can be a turn off.  The test was to make the Mr split it with me for a taste test.  Since I was so excited to see them again, he decided he'd oblige.

He liked them and I think the nose wrinkling will be left to things like when I suggest going to yet another antique store or uttering "I'm thinking of changing the paint color in the living room."

I found these in the organic section of my big box store.  You can of course order through Amazon but they carry a 12 pack instead of 6 pack but the price is slightly better than I paid anyway so I think it's a deal.  If you'd prefer the pack like I got, go to their website and see where to buy.

They have other flavors like plain fig, blueberry and apple cinnamon.  Yes please!

(This post contains an affiliate link.  Should you choose to buy through it, I'll get a few cents to go toward blog expenses.  I am not affiliated with Nature's Bakery, I just thought they were an awesome plane snack and wanted to share the figgy knowledge.)

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  1. Oooh, this is right up my alley. I got turned on to the berry/fig combo bars when I had Nature Box. Since I stopped the Nature Box I've been looking for similar bars but all I can find are straight fig (which I'm afraid I won't like since I get weirded out by funky textures and figs have funky texture) or "cereal bars" that are basically jelly with bread crumbs on them (and have that hot back of the throat "too sugary" aftertaste).

    These definitely look a lot like the bars from the Nature Box. Now that I have a NAME to hunt for, I'm making these my new White Whale. Thanks.

    1. So glad I could be of service! :-) I want to try the apple cinnamon too. I'm so relieved I'm not the only one that doesn't like that weird fig texture. You're right about the regular cereal bars. You'll have to let me know if you like them if you find your white whale!

  2. Fig Newtons--GOOOOOOD! When we go to Cancer Treatment Center near Chicago, the basement snack room has bananas, oranges, apple, pretzels, drinks, and individual packs of FIG NEWTONS and LORNA DOONES! I guess those are the healthy cookies?! I love 'em. THEN...I saw an ad (curse all food advertisements!) for Apple and Cinnamon Newtons. UHOH. Of course I bought a package and proceeded to eat the entire thing over a period of several days. Probably better not do that again. Plus, I think I prefer the FIG over the APPLE CINNAMON anyhow. They might be healthy, but a whole package of them is NOT!

    1. For the longest time, I've been dying for them to bring back apple cinnamon fig newtons. I wanted to use them as a "crust" with a little scoop of vanilla ice cream on it so it can taste like I'm eating pie. LOL

  3. I was definitely impressed by how tasty these were. Now I wish I had gotten one on the plane as well. Nice to see all natural ingredients too. Does this mean we get to split the ones that are left?

  4. I know exactly what you mean about the weird crackly thing that plain fig does. I like Fig Newtons well enough when they're fresh, but once they've started to dry out at all I'm done. It's also one thing that I have to buy name brand because the off brands are just weird. The berry mixed with fig sounds like it could be good though. I also hate when they "trick" you on the calorie labels. I know you have to read close, but I still feel cheated when I get home at realize that I've misread it and can only have half of what I was expecting. I really appreciate the manufacturers that put on "one serving" and "whole package" information.

    1. Okay good, I thought people would think I was nuts on the texture thing! LOL Yes, they have to be fresh, no stale newtons, thanks. I was ticked about the serving misrepresentation, I'm a label reader and they got me on that one. Grrr.


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