
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Knee deep in the hoopla

Is it the weekend yet?  Oh wait...I'm not wanting the weekend to get here too fast.

I apologize this is going to morph into a DIY blog for the next few weeks.  We're knee deep in the hoopla and it's just what's consuming us right now so please bear with us.  

Yesterday I stained all of the trim and was very happy that it seemed to match up to the planks of flooring.  I started painting some of the baseboards but the paint we had leftover was thick and lumpy.  Note to self: stop storing paint in the garage, idiot.  So I had the Mr stop by Home Depot and grab a quart of white for me.  I guess I know what I'll be doing today.

It will be real interesting to see how we fit the armoires and table out in the garage AND have room to cut planks and boards.  If we had a two car garage this wouldn't be an issue but we have a one car garage that doubles as my workshop and overflow.  It's an organized mess.  I think we'll be good but man, I do not look forward to helping the Mr move those things.  We're going to put these lifting and moving straps (affiliate link) we got to use and hopefully it'll go smoothly.  Either that or I'll be crushed.  

The Mr has come home to a very overwhelmed wife the past few days so last night's butt kicking from Turbo Fire was quite welcome.  Jammin' out to "wiggle it, just a little bit" was what I needed.  It kicked both of our butts though.  I burned 1120 calories.  Woot!

Dinner was chicken tacos with a side of caramelized onion Brussels.

After dinner it was time to get to emptying the armoires and pack the contents up.  Good Lord there was a ton of crap in there!  How does that happen?

So much to do today and tomorrow.  I'm excited, overwhelmed, scared, over it and everything in between.

To top it off, we saw an episode of Trip Flip on Kauai.  Oh well thanks.

Do you have overflow areas that collect your "homeless" items?

(This post contains an affiliate link.  Buy through it and you too can lift super heavy crap with the help of a friend and help me cover blog expenses.)

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  1. I am starting to worry about you. You have area rugs burned into your retinas or something and just have this overwhelmed look on your face. To think that we've brought this upon ourselves. But I know it will look amazing when it's all done. Just need to get to the done part!

    1. Are you making fun of me for needing my glasses this morning? :-P Well until I can find the perfect one that isn't over $1000, the search continues. I don't know how people buy them online and gamble with that much money and as we've seen, the stuff in stores tends to be laughable pattern wise or poorly made. It's the last big piece of the puzzle.

    2. You should check out your local Habitat for Humanity ReStore. Admittedly, I've never actually been to ours, but I get newsletters from them (since I've volunteered on Habitat projects) and they always showcase a LOT of area rugs that they have available. They're always at good prices and look like they are in GREAT shape.

    3. Thanks so much for the tip Jessica! I've been to the Restore a time or two but didn't even think of them for this. I'll make a trip over there probably next weekend.

  2. Since the basement is water prone, we are using the attic as our overflow storage. It probably wouldn't be if it wasn't so accessible. It's actually on the second floor with a slightly smaller door. If we had to climb a ladder to an actual movie type attic I think we would have far less stuff crowding our house. Also, we have no closets here so it really is a catch all. But every year we go through some of it and donate it to the church for their annual rummage sale. Its a win win :)

    1. I'm jealous. We have an attic but it has this weird uber tall fortress surrounding the opening so we can't get up there. I can't imagine not having any closets. I bow to you. It's time to start going through our stuff too. I'll have to see if there's going to be a community garage sale going on anytime soon.

  3. My entire house has basically become an area for homeless things to go and die. So many places to clean up and organize, and yet here I sit on my computer. I'm just hopeful that the people from Hoarders don't show up at my door. One of these days I'll attack this clutter....

    1. LOL...I'm sure it's not that bad! But think about going through some of it and seeing what you REALLY use and what you don't. When this is all done, I think I'm going to do the same thing. I have some cute baking stuff but have I ever used them? Nope. Sigh. Good intentions, right?

  4. So exciting, I love home improvement projects! I have a crawlspace I put my overflow into.

    1. Crawl spaces can be quite handy! I love them too when they're one project at a time. When you say "let's remodel the living room" it sounds like one thing but is actually a bazillon small projects. LOL

  5. Love the Starship song reference in the title, lol!

    You guys sure have your work cut out for you! I'm sure it will be amazing when it is all done. Like you said yesterday, the memory of the stress and sweat will fade and you will be left with one awesome house when it is all said and done.

    Be sure and post a little review about how the Forklift Forearm straps work. I have seen those and they look great, but I have never gotten a chance to talk to anyone who has actually used them. So far, your Amazon picks have been spot-on (I've bought a few, like the The Stick, and they have been awesome!)

    1. I wondered if anyone would catch that. ;-)

      Yes we do and I hope so! LOL I'm ALMOST done with painting the trim so I will be glad to not see paint for a while. (Well, with touch ups though I'm sure)

      I will definitely do a review for the straps! I'm really hoping they help us get those things out into the garage with all body parts in tact. So glad my reviews have been helpful!! I love the Stick. That thing is a God send and if my massages aren't cutting it, that thing saves me. Heck my lower back muscles started to cramp the other day and I just rolled that baby over it and BOOM...gone!

  6. We have very little storage space. We have one of those houses that look fairly big from the outside, but is actually really small inside. I don't know where the space went. Our guest room is the catch-all and it proves the existence of gravity (all the crap ends up in the basement). Plus any flat surface if fair game for piling stuff too.

    1. So is ours. I think the guest room needs to be renamed the 'junk' room. I mean really, how often do we all have guests on a regular basis? :-) I think crap rolls downhill here too. I even try to organize down there once or twice a year and it never seems to last long. My mom passed down her fondness of the pile on to me. Then the pile ends up on the stairs to be taken up to the guest room to get sucked into the abyss.

  7. I do not envy your DIY much. work!!! But I can't wait to see the results!!! :-) You go, girl!!


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