
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Smidges, tacos and missing "home"

Yesterday, I felt a smidge of relief after taking a rest day Sunday.  (I mean the smidgiest of smidges in the way that one wrong turn could eff me right back up.)  It is still so not in me to embrace the rest day but I am on a time limit to get better and I need to do whatever will get me to that point.

We did Fitness Blender's newest workout last night.  There were some good balance moves in there too and that's something I need to work on right now.  It was no big calorie burner but that isn't my concern this week which is why we're going to forego wearing our HRM's so we can focus on what we're doing over how much we're burning.  Afterward we did some free weights and I did some foam rolling.  I had to do some more rolling later since my tendon was trying to cramp up on me.  I'm just going to keep babying it this week and try to move on to strengthening it next week.  I'm pretty sure I've got Achilles tendonitis again and that takes rest, ice and low impact exercise.  Pfffft.

For dinner we had chicken tacos with some green beans.  Mrs Dash comes through again.

A friend's daughter is spending her first full day of her honeymoon on Kauai today.  We're totally jealous.  I know I have no right to complain with as often as we go but man, there's nothing like going to our second home.  Pardon me, I'm going to stare at this next picture and cry.

I need a vacation.  For real, yo.

Oh hey, we get our new mattress tomorrow!  So I guess if we're going to send the old one off with a bang, we should get to it.  We're going to stand the old one up and look under the mattress to make sure that there's nothing embarrassing under there.  I think it's just the spring bedspread, the wedding dress and a buttload of old CD's.

What did you have for dinner last night?  What's your favorite vacation spot that feels like home?

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  1. I read an article in the NY times about HIIT interval training but it also mentioned how people who have rest days show more progress, scientifically measured down to muscle fibers etc.

    1. Yeah, we need to incorporate them more for sure. Apparently one day a week isn't cutting it.

  2. Glad you have at least a smidge. We'll take that. I think we do need to incorporate rest more often. We rarely give our bodies enough time to heal after the impacts so this should be a good week for us and should be something we practice a bit more often.

    1. Yeah, I think that smidge might've rescinded a bit after doing that side lift and my feet were at that weird angle. So back to ultrasound and massage today. I've gotta try to get that spot in my arch to release. Stupid ass foot. If you'd told me I'd be this young and feeling so damn old, I wouldn't have believed you. :-\

  3. I hope you get your foot issues worked out in time for your vacation.

    Burgers last night. Trying to think of something for tonight. We don't really have much in the way of "vacation" spots - we get away for a weekend here and there, but hubby doesn't get much time off and if he uses a day here and there it really eats into it so we kind of have to make do with little mini-vacations. My favorite place is a little lake up in the mountains - we get a cabin and everyone else fishes and I read and look at the scenery. Something about all the green (instead of the dry, brown here) is just so soothing to me.

    1. Mmm, burgers. That mountain retreat sounds like a good deal. It's good to be surrounded by green and get in that fresh mountain air!

  4. I need a vacation too, yo! After all your posts about Hawaii, we've been thinking about going. Hopefully this year? Maybe? :)

    Isn't getting a new mattress so fun? I bet you will sleep like a baby!

  5. We had chili last night and I gotta say, I just love it with green onions. I use them in most of my crock pot dishes at the end and it really adds such a nice flavor and texture. My favorite place in the whole world is the NorthWoods of Wisconsin. I've been to Europe and on cruises and nothing compares to being in a lakehome for me. One of the pictures on my sp page shows a rainbow over the lake of the home we used to go to every year. I've never felt more peace than when I'm up there.


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