
Monday, March 10, 2014

Pups, Pancakes n' Pie

This weekend was pretty low key.

We did make it to a pet store to play with dogs and per usual, it fell asleep on me.  I'm the canine nap time whisperer.

He was a cutie.  

We walked around a mall a little bit until my feet started giving me issues.  I decided that I'm going to add walks in daily because I will never strengthen my legs if I'm sitting most of the time.  Even if it's only half an hour.  The Mr will walk with me the days he comes home early and I'll walk the hood when he has full days. My arches are trying to really tighten up on me so I'm giving myself a week of walking and continued rehab and then it's back to the chiro for a tune up and direction on how to beat this version.  

Sunday, I was inspired by my friends Kauai trip to make a Hawaiian favorite for breakfast.  Banana macadamia nut pancakes with coconut syrup and 2 slices of bacon.

Lunch time it was supreme naan pizza (cheese, red pepper, green pepper and onion) with some fruit.

We had some new neighbors move in a few weeks ago.  I have always wanted to bake a pie and take it to new neighbors.  It seems like an old fashioned thing to do but I think it's a tradition long overdue for a comeback.  I made an apple pie with oatmeal crumble.

You have no idea how much I wanted to slam my face in that thing.  But I wrapped it up while it was still warm and we went next door.  The woman and her little dog was home and while we were talking to her, her husband pulled up.  They seem very nice and sadly they have met some less than friendly neighbors here.  It amazes me how people are more than happy to show their ass as a first impression.  Hopefully our gesture of goodwill has reassured them that not all of us in the 'hood are jerks.  We got a bbq invite when the weather warms up and a few thank you's for the pie since they're from the south and that's what they do there too.  Edit:  It's been 4 years living next to them and these people are flaming a-holes.  I should've slammed the pie in their face.

How were you welcomed to your neighborhood, if at all?  What did you do this weekend?

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  1. Had a good weekend with you and some good food. I was so jealous of that pie you made and I am sure they enjoyed it. Glad you made that though because it was nice to meet the neighbors and get off to a good start there.

    1. Me too. We definitely need to go into Saturday with a plan. I hate not having something definitive food wise. We're both so wishy washy. I was jealous of the pie too. I know it wouldn't be quite as good as the one using Northern Spy apples but I'm sure still pretty dang good. It seems so foreign to have neighbors that don't make us cringe when we see them. We've had some doozies! (Still do)

  2. I'm glad the new neighbors are off to a good start. I've always though I should try welcoming new neighbors with food, but I've never actually followed through. When we moved in that sure didn't happen either. We've been here going on 12 years and although we know our neighbors by sight and exchange small talk we don't really know them. Most of them are really nice though, but the newish ones next door to us are not. It's a rental so I would have figured they'd move on soon, but apparently they are the landlord's parents so maybe not.

    1. Yeah, I know our direct neighbor and she's a beeotch (too many instances to list), the guy next door who sold to these guys was okay but he basically let the place sit vacant for 2 years and we were really afraid of what was going to go in there especially if he allowed it to foreclose and get a super low ball price. This is a nice couple in their mid-50's so we're just glad it's not some college boys or music lovers blasting their crap. LOL Oh man, the landlord's parents eh, that has to be interesting! I would almost feel spied on. You never know though, I'm always stunned at turnover. We're definitely the exceptions with you being there 12 years and us at 18!

    2. I totally feel spied on - but there's not a lot they can do since their son may own their house, but we own ours. We never even had a problem with the son when he lived there before he moved and started renting out that property. His MIL lived there before (sweetest old lady in the world) but then he and his wife split so the MIL moved. They do seem to "conveniently" let their dog out whenever we go in the back yard, give us "the eye" whenever we are in the front yard, and do stupid things like call their wifi "no free internet for you". Whatever.

    3. Oh wow, they sound completely charming. I think if they gave me the eye when I'm in my own front yard, I'd keep waving at them and smiling just to piss them off. What are they going to say "those damn neighbors waved and smiled at me?"

  3. I think we were well received. Our kids were just in elementary school when we moved in, and they are respectful of other peoples property because we actually parent our kids. We are pretty good friends with neighbors on either side of us, and my hubby is our social butterfly. I let him off his leash and he could be anywhere in the hood talking to anyone LOL

    1. Well received is good! :-) I'm glad you actually parent your kids, I'm seeing less and less of that now. There's a guy here who is a social butterfly but in the way you will never get a word in edgewise and he's a total tool. I don't know what it is about us but he looks at us like he's sniffing limburger when we see him. He also likes to rev his motorcycle at 5am in the summer. Oh how I want to put a heavy duty spike strip in front of his garage. Oops! Did I type that?

  4. Ugh. After seeing the pics I want puppy love and nan pizza! Alas, it's a low calorie day and my pup is an old man. In his fuzzy little heart he's still a puppy, though.

    It's amazing how much people stick to themselves when new neighbors arrive! I remember when we moved into the last place, 14 years ago, people just stared from the front porches. Most waved back but waited for us to initiate. None came over. That should have been a sign.

    We are more hopeful about the new location. Our immediate next door neighbors and the family across the street all waved the first time we saw them and made their way over to say hello within a couple weeks. We've become quite friendly with the older lady next door. She hasn't been out much in the cold and I've missed her. We are hoping to drag the grill out to when it gets warm and will invite the people on our end of the street up to say hello. We want to make sure that they know while we may be goofy, we're the friendly, approachable type of goofy. That and we had a parade of repair vehicles partially blocking the street in the fall and expect that will be repeated over the next year or two as we continue work on the house. I figure if we feed them, they will be less likely to curse the occasionally narrowed street.

    1. Pet stores and shelters are available to get puppy love fixes! ;-) But old man puppy lovin' is just as good too.

      I think people walk that line of not wanting to overwhelm the new people to " people, let's pick them apart!" It sounds like the new location is at least promising and I would LOVE to have an old lady neighbor. The Mr knows ideally we would stalk old Asian couples and move in next to them. I mean if we move to Kauai it's basically a given but here, we'd have to do more homework. I would like to be known as goofy, waved to them but don't be asking to bbq all the time, we have a life! LOL

  5. I will never forget a couple of nice "welcomes to the new neighborhood" that I got, and one was over 35 years ago. My next door neighbor brought over a plate of cookies. A few months later when new neighbors moved in on the other side, I played it forward, and took over a plate of cookies.When the new owner came to the door, I was shocked to see it was a classmate of mine from school in our small hometown a few miles away. In fact she had lived just down the street from me in our little town when we were growing up. Small world!

    When we moved out to our acreage over 21 years ago, a neighbor brought me a plate of cookies, and when new neighbors moved in across the road, I once again returned the favor. I was a little put-off by their reaction, however, they were decidedly cool, and in the 15+ years since, we have only spoken with them a handful of times. As Du says, people move to acreages, because they don't want to be so close to the neighbors. I guess so.

    1. That's great that you've paid it forward when given the opportunity! So funny about the classmate. A girl I went to school with (and wasn't fond of) moved in to the attached apartment after we graduated. It was fresh hell as they were party people and of course she invited all of the people I couldn't stand in high school. I hope your experience was better! HA!

      I understand people move to places with acreage so they're not close to neighbors but I would think especially in that situation you'd want to know your neighbors so if there was an emergency you could depend on each other until fire/police/ambulances could arrive. Maybe that's an old way of thinking. Everyone seems to be on their own these days.

  6. We were welcomed to our neighborhood by someone stealing our water tank and paint while our house was being built, lol. We knew who our neighbors across the street were because the guys wife was friends with my SIL. We only have my house, that guys garage(shed) where he works on cars, etc, and one guy down the street who live on my block. We've never "officially" met the guy down the street. We have waved adn nodded. We have been here 9 yrs now. :) We kinda keep to ourselves.

    1. Oh wow, that sucks big time!! We're wave and nod kind of people as well. I don't want the kind of neighborhood where people always feel like they can stop by or ask to borrow tools (even though the neighbor already told us we could borrow any tools we want within 5 minutes of meeting us) but the occasional chat outside and Christmas card yearly is ideal for us. LOL

  7. We were not welcomed/acknowledged by our neighbors at all when we moved in almost 14 years ago. To this day I only know a few neighbor's names on our street. As for the weekend, it was not good. Friday I took mom for her surgery and while he got the tumor (the size of a golf ball and a half) he told me he wouldn't be surprised if there are others because of how fast this grew and how mom waited. I went to the cafeteria and cried like I haven't cried in two years. She thought she'd just have radiation but chances are she'll have to do chemo again as well. I ended up with a migraine so bad (didn't eat or drink all day from stress, so between that and crying, I was doomed) that by the time I made it back to my town and in my neighborhood, I had to stop the car twice to open the door and vomit in the middle of the street. The hubs and pups were outside when I got home and they all stopped in their tracks when I jumped out of the car to throw up again in the snow by the driveway. More of the same for the next couple of hours. It was a rough night, indeed. Oh yeah, and I popped a blood vessel in my eye and I'm quite gruesome to look at with my bright red eye! LOL!

    1. I'm so sorry sweetie. Didn't she just finish up her chemo not too long ago!? (Or is time slipping through my hands again?) Are they going to do exploratory surgery? I wouldn't just pin my health on that because my mom had an 8 lb tumor removed and was fine. So please make sure if she doesn't feel comfortable with this doc's assessment to get a second opinion. Never EVER wait, if there is nothing else we can take from this. Prayers coming your way and hoping all is well and she beats this.


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