
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Movie night reviews and loyalty bites us in the butt

Last night we had a lot to fit in.  The Mr had a work project he had to do at a certain time so we had to workout pretty early.  We did original Power 90.  (With Tony on mute of course and our own music playlist.)   650 calories burned on that one.  Not bad. We had time for quick showers then he began his project while I made dinner.

Orange roughy over thai lime rice and parisian carrots.

It was quite delish.

Then it was time to watch our movies.  We rented American Hustle and Frozen.  Whenever there are hyped movies at the Oscars that looks somewhat interesting, we're in...if for nothing more than to be able to bash it with authority.

We started with American Hustle .  (affiliate link)  I knew this had the potential to be the biggest stinker.  Here's what I loved about it.  The outfits and soundtrack.  Here's what I hated about it, everything else.  Okay, not all of it but the biggest irritation was that none of the actors were able to maintain the accents they were supposed to have, especially Amy Adams.  I wanted to smack her and ask what the hell just came out of your mouth!?!?!  At one point she had some word barf of English, New York, Australian and mush mouth and I almost checked out.  I only hung in there because the payoff seemed like it would be good.  Not good enough.  The Mr almost threw the remote through the TV at the end but we had another movie to get to...

Frozen .  (affiliate link) 

Very cute.  Comedy, catchy songs (except Let It Go...I want to claw at my ears when I hear that) and the like.  Obviously the formula is pretty standard Disney.  You've got your good guys, scheming bad guys and as seems to be protocol for "modern classics" a snarky person, gasp-worthy twist and perhaps a death to remind us the world isn't fair.  But overall, I liked it even if we don't have whippersnappers.

I will say from now on, I'll be checking Redbox first.  Our local video store waited until Blockbuster went out of business and then jacked up their rental fee x3.  But oh, if you buy their 1/2 price card for $10/month, you can get it at the old price.  Oh, I don't think so.  I know Redbox is eventually going to streaming but it looks like they have movies the same time as many rental stores now.  Man, you try to support the old school video stores and they screw you.  BOO!

What movies have you rented lately?

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  1. I was glad when American Hustle was (finally) over. Ugh. I mean it was just compelling enough to keep me interested in the ending but it just wasn't anywhere near Oscar worthy at all in my opinion. I liked Frozen though. Typical Disney in a lot of ways but it had some pretty funny parts and wasn't just like a kids movie so that was good. As for the video store. They are just killing their own business and deserve the fate they get for it!

    1. Agree on it all! AH was a LONG ass movie. I nodded in and out of consciousness for a 20 minute stretch as their horrible attempted accents zapped any interest then I would catch myself and open my eyes before you caught me.

  2. We haven't rented anything for a while. Somehow we just haven't had the time. Our local video place went out for good around the first of the year, but for about 6 months before that it had that "dead but doesn't know it yet" vibe so we had already switched over to Redbox. I supported the brick and mortar store as long as I could, but when they started only getting 2-3 copies of new releases and I could never find what I wanted I made the switch. I have Netflix already, but that's only good for older movies and while they have lots of tv series, their movie selection leaves something to be desired. If I was willing to pay twice as much I'd have access to more, but the combination of Netflix streaming and Redbox for dvd's works pretty well for us for now.

    1. We supported this place because they were $1 like Redbox and I wasn't going to pay $3+ at Blockbuster. But with BB's corpse barely cold up the street, this place instantly hiked their prices. No bueno. I refuse to deal with Netflix again and you're right, they're not really good for new releases which is what we get when we rent. I've got Amazon streaming for the older stuff but it looks like Redbox for the new releases again. You try to support the brick and mortars and they force you the other way. Sigh.

  3. No movies for me lately. I'm a terrible movie watcher these days (no attention span) but most of my favorites are from the 80's and a few from the 90's. I just can't get into most of the ones I see out there now (except the kids' movies--those I'm drawn to--go figure!) Speaks volumes about me, eh?

    1. Well, of course, the best movies are from back in the day! ;-) We tend to lean more toward indie flicks that don't have an all star cast because those tend to disappoint. I think you'd like Frozen! Especially the snowman. :)

  4. I don't think we have a local video store anymore. :(

    1. Boo! That used to be one of our favorite low cost things to do when we got married. Date night at home and 30 minutes spent roaming the video store to find one we could both agree on! LOL

  5. I liked Captain Phillips and We're the Millers had some funny parts.


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