
Friday, March 14, 2014

Aloha Friday and what I'm peepin' this week

"It's Aloha work til Monday...doobie doo, doobie doobie doobie doobie doooooooo!"

In case you think I've been partaking in doobies, you can hear the song here.

Now that you've hopefully had your dose of aloha for the day, let's get to

The best wake up alarm in the world is a dog and a laser pointer  (Courtesy of the Mr)

15 Small Changes for Faster Weight Loss

Why Is Pee Yellow? (And Other Pressing Bladder Questions)  (In case you were curious)

13+ Things A Funeral Director Won’t Tell You  (Not a pretty topic but good stuff to know)

 9 Things Never to Say to a Woman Who Doesn’t Want Kids  (Yes.  All of these.)

14 Fast Food and Restaurant Employees Confess the One Item You Should Never Order  (Not a problem!)

Don't Go There: How My Weight Became a Non-Issue in My Relationship  (This was an interesting read.  I remembered feeling this way before the Mr and I were on the same page a long time ago to a certain degree)

Kevin Bacon Schools Millennials on the '80s  (The attention span thing is a crack up)

Target Poorly Photoshopped A Higher “Thigh Gap” Onto A Junior’s Swimsuit Model  (1.  I pray the person was fired for promoting thigh gaps and 2. I hope the person was hired then re-fired for their 1st grader attempt at Photoshop!)

10 Diet Problems (and How to Avoid Them)

Household Weight-Loss Items

Amazon Raising Prime to $99 per Year  (Mama's not happy about this one but it's still a bargain for us right now especially if they look to add more services in the future.)

Delaware Grandfather's Wise, Hilarious Obituary Goes Viral  (I think we should all do this.  They're so generic and this really shows what kind of awesome person he was!)

25 Exercises You Can Do Anywhere  (Like where you are...drop and give me 20!)

16 Dogs Who Tried Their Best But Didn’t Succeed  (Aww, you lil nuggets.  Keep trying!)

89 Simple Swaps That Could Change Your Life  (Right on, yo)

Surviving Whole Foods  (SO true!)

The Culture Shock of Ichabod Crane  (If you aren't watching Sleepy Hollow, this compilation of Tom Mison's best scenes from the show will convince you.  If you already watch, get your SH fix with this great vid!)

I'm pleased to say that I did Turbo Fire 45 for the first time this month and I noticed several parts that really hurt and made me cry were much easier to take this time.  So definite improvements and incentive to keep up with the 50 kinds of rehab and deep tissue massages.  (2-3x week on the legs by the Mr and daily chiro taught "ankle rakers" that hurt like a mother but untangle the tendons and nerves.  Bleh)

The Mr has a test he has to take tomorrow so keep your fingers crossed for him!  I also have a potential surprise but I can't tell you because he's proofreading this!  :-)

What are you doing this weekend?

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  1. No better way to start a Friday morning than with the Aloha Friday song. You just cannot start Friday in a bad way after that. Thanks for the well wishes on my test too. I will be glad to get it out of the way, that is for sure.

    1. Well that and the breakfast I made you. :-) I'll be glad for you to get the test out of the way. Check off one of the 3 stressors of the week.

  2. I started reading your blog a few weeks back from the beginning and have just caught up! Just to say I'm so impressed with your attitude and achievements. And you make me laugh out loud!

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words, Marieke! Glad I can make you laugh and welcome aboard! :-)

  3. Love the new graphic for What I'm Reading! AWESOME!!!

  4. Good luck to the Mr on his test--he'll do GREAT! Tomorrow I did the taxes. I know--hold back your jealousy--as you picture me upstairs wrestling with the old desktop and working with numbers (not at all my strength). You of all people know I don't have a horseshoe up my keister when it comes to computers, so I'm envisioning either it or me being hurled out the window at some point. It really only takes me a couple of hours to do, but it's the most stressful two hours that have me being very inventive with the expletives. Once those are all done, I'll happily put the paperwork away and then enjoy the rest of my weekend. Doing what I'm not sure, but anything will be a celebration to have that chore behind me. =o)

  5. I spent the weekend with my folks. And on Saturday I went skiing. It was awesome! It's been so long and I was worried, but it all came back and my dad, my son and I had such a great time.

    1. That's awesome! So glad you had a good time and you got to spend some quality time with your guys!


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