
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Semantics- Weigh in

Down almost a pound.  Last week I was 274.8 and now I'm solid 274.0.  I never count the decimals in a number so what I write on the calendar will be the same but mentally I need to acknowledge the .8 lb because I've been uber bloated this week and was expecting a 2 lb gain or something.  Sometimes semantics are in order.

We're going to do a little revamp of our diets.  I'm hooked on the "pink stuff" and have been trying to get off of it in my tea by doing one packet of Sweet and Low and one packet of Stevia to try to ween myself.  I tried straight up Stevia and I'm not there yet.  (FYI- Target now carries a Market Pantry brand of stevia so it's less expensive than Truvia and the others.)  We're also going to stop buying sugar free jello and sugar free pudding.  I know those have artificial sweeteners and when I looked at the delicious pudding ingredients, I saw "partially hydrogenated" twice and that's not good.  I'll make our own pudding from chocolate and skim milk if we want it bad enough.  The Mr's sodium is out of control so we're going to cut some things (buh bye regular cottage cheese, hello my nasty no sodium cottage cheese for protein's sake and so long Laughing Cow "cheese.")  We'll add some almonds and he needs to up his protein so we're going to sit down tomorrow and come up with a plan before we head to the grocery for our produce fuel up.

Still no idea what we're doing today but it's sunny and gorgeous and we're heading out somewhere!  Hope you guys have an awesome weekend!

Have you been surprised by what's "snuck" into your diet?

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  1. Congrats on the loss! I AM surprised at how my diet has changed over the last year. I used to eat cottage cheese all the time, and now I can't remember the last time I had it. I also don't know how OJ made it's way back IN... stupid, high cal beverage!

    1. Thanks girlie! I added the low sodium cottage cheese (60mg sodium) to change up from having egg whites every day. I am terrified to drink my calories but if I REEEEEALLY crave OJ, I'll get a little one because I know my body is craving it for a reason (even though I get a buttload of vitamin C on a regular basis)

  2. I've tried to eat no sodium cottage cheese, but it's just too nasty. I wish there were a half the sodium version, maybe I could stand that. I tried adding a touch of salt to it, but it's just not the same.

    I'm a "pink stuff" addict too. Mostly in my coffee or tea, but I also drink diet coke. I've drank the stuff since long before I had a weight problem, I just like it. I have cut back from a lake to a puddle each day though (and some days none at all) so that's progress.

    Otherwise I'm not really surprised by much in my diet. I have been doing oatmeal for breakfast and I'm a little surprised by how much I like it. I was never an oatmeal person, but I guess it grew on me.

    Congrats on your loss. I had one today too that I can't figure out either. Last night was supper at our favorite Mexican restaurant (we go like twice a year) so I should be just a big ol' ball of sodium bloat.

    1. Trust me, I don't enjoy it unless I put 1/2 tbsp of A1 on top! LOL Might try adding some pineapple since that seems to be popular though it reminds me of 80's diets. I used to LIVE off of oatmeal and then my stomach started turning when I ate it so I have it maybe twice a week and it has to be heavily doctored. We'll take any loss we can get, right? :)

  3. Between my yogurt, oatmeal, coffee and the one or two diet soda's I was having at least 20 packets of the "pink stuff" I do feel better off it, but I am not 100% artificial sweetener free... It is HARD to get there, but I am 95% there.... Progress not perfection

    1. It's SOOO easy to have that stuff sneak in even when we're not adding it ourselves. I saw the Special K Protein Plus cereal I bought had Sucralose to sweeten it after I already ate half the box so that'll be it for that. Sigh.

  4. Congratulations! I recieve your email feed and I am super charged by your results. You guys are our inspiration. We bought a rower and my husband has literally "gone to town" with it. He lost many inches so far. I am losing some but not as much, exercise related asthma is my bane so I don;t get to work as hard as I want to.
    I have found that if I drink flavored teas as iced I don't need sweetener at all. No caffiene for me at all. If you need just a bit of sweetener try RAW agave. It is not as bad for you as any of the stuff in packets, just don't cook it, then it will be just like high fructuose corn syrup. It works very well in whipping cream and coconut milk.
    You might try looking at the premade items you purchase for the sodium hike. I have a very low sodium diet and can not even think about buying let alone eating some of the thing you guys have on your menu. Which by the way, is varied and creative, and tasty looking. I just have to leave off all cheeses and most bacon. And make everything from scratch, to keep the salt at a bare minimum.
    Just wanted to tell you that I think you guys are doing a great job and to keep plugging away. Slow and steady wins the race, right?

    1. Thanks Wendy! So glad your hubby likes the rower and hang in there with the asthma. I can imagine it will improve with weight loss?

      You just reminded me to try the cinnamon trick in my tea. I read it's super good for you but I HATE flavored teas so it should be interesting.

      I'm vigilant about my sodium. I don't do a low sodium diet (I don't know how you do that!) but I'm rarely over 2100mg. The bacon I buy is uncured and no nitrates/preservatives and we only have 1/2 piece with brussels sprouts so no real sodium contribution and that say 3 pieces a day is when you start running into problems so I think we're still good on that front. I plan all of my meals around my sodium. I think you'll be surprised to see what I've already pinned down as the main culprit for the Mr's sodium issue. Stay tuned!

  5. Enjoy working on the revamped foods as well as a warm sunny day! It's cold and rainy here, so this should melt quite a bit of snow from the nasty storm earlier this week.

    For me what I've noticed that has snuck in without my giving it much thought is the BLT's...bites, licks, and tastes. Those all add up and I've lost sight of that. I have my own menu planning that I'll be doing today because I've come to realize that abstinence for me is the way to go. None of this snacking in between meals, because it's just too much. I'm usually not even hungry, but I look at the clock and say, gee I need s snack, when I don't. So I need to work on getting my meals situated where I'm getting enough protein, fiber and carbs at every meal so by the time dinner comes and goes, I'm done for the day. I'm looking foward to the change and the challenge.

    1. Work it girl! Also, congrats on 30 days of being pasta free!! So proud of you!! Does that also include like rice, quinoa, barley, etc or just plain pasta?

      The evening snack has recently been moved from 9pm to 8pm and we'll be revamping them so they're all natural (for the most part) and no more pre-packaged anything. If I go to bed with a growling stomach it makes me want to binge so I have to have a little somethin'.

  6. Hmmm, I like what Wendy said about her hubby using the rower. I think that I should incorporate that more into my workouts since I need that extra burn to fill in the blanks on strength days perhaps. Especially since we no longer have the treadmill and it looks like the elliptical is still a ways off.

  7. I round up the fractionated losses, but I round down for the gains. It makes no difference to the big picture, but my heart likes it this way. :)

    Have you tried the stevia/sugar blend? I use it for cooking and sometimes a sprinkle in my smoothie if the fruit doesn't do the trick. It's not bad.

  8. I am into the yellow stuff (I know) and have probably 5 packets a day plus 1 sugar free something. My bigger concern is sodium. I know I'm off the charts and I keep thinking one thing at a time- I'm still working on just staying in range daily. feet do not agree. Enjoy the sunshine. We have snow. Again. Yuk.

  9. My sodium has also gotten out of control. Getting it back down starting today.

  10. I lost .2 one week and while I was disgusted (I had worked so hard), I wrote it down with a small amount of pride. Anything downward is better than upward. Good girl.

  11. I can't stand artificial sweeteners of any stripe in any form, and can taste them in prepared foods, so they don't sneak in. But sodium is another issue altogether. Glad to see you are continually analyzing your food choices. You've come a long way, Baby!

  12. Sodium is a challenge! I read every label when I'm in the grocery store now; it's amazing to me how the numbers vary from product to product (salad dressing is a great example.)

    Congratulations on another weight-loss week!

  13. congrats on the WL!! I am allergic to the pink stuff otherwise I wud be addicted to it!!


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