
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Last on the bandwagon

I finally jumped on the bandwagon.  What bandwagon?  The frozen grapes bandwagon!

I know, I know, I'm the last person on Earth to jump on this but I love grapes so much on their own, the thought of freezing them made me cringe!  But this sad, crappy bunch was starting to get a little squishy before their time and the thought of throwing them out ticked me off because I hate wasting money.  Then I thought don't throw them away, throw 'em in the freezer!

I did and what can I say, they taste like...icy grapes.  Nothing mind blowing like some people seem to think they are but a different way to eat them if your grapes are starting to go south.  

Have you been the last one to jump on a bandwagon?  If so, what was it?  (Frozen grapes?  A food craze?  An exercise craze?  Boycotting a show while it's disgustingly popular only to watch it once it's cancelled or in its last season and realize you love it)

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  1. Hmm, I'll have to try them. Only bandwagon I jumped on that comes to mind is Six Feet Under. We never caught on to the greatness of that show until long after it had been cancelled, but I'm sure glad we did despite being so late to the game.

    1. I'd be real surprised if you gave them more than a "meh." LOL I thought the same thing with Six Feet Under. Unfortunately because we didn't have HBO, we didn't know about it until Bravo picked it up the final season. I saw Jeremy Sisto in that towel and knew I had to watch! Best decision ever! What a life changing show!

  2. Sorry to tell you this--but I may actually be the last on this particular bandwagon. I LOVE me some grapes and eat way too many of them, but still have been reluctant to freeze them. I also read on Pinterest, you can roll them in sugar-free jello and freeze them. That might be interesting. I will definitely try it now that you've given it your approval.

    1. Just grab on and throw it in the freezer, then you're only out one grape. Since I'm trying to ween myself off of artificial sweeteners, I won't likely be trying the sugar free jello thing but report back if you do!

  3. I don't think I'll ever jump on that particular bandwagon. I'm not a fan of frozen fruit and I don't think grapes would be an exception. I like fruit fresh, but the appeal of eating it frozen just escapes me.

    I watched the show Firefly long after it was cancelled and I really liked it. A few books series that I read long after their moment in the spotlight was over. Harry Potter for one.

    1. Me too honestly. It was more a money saver than a new foodie love for me. I hear that alot about Firefly!

  4. Nope as stated above, you are not the last on that one. I like my grapes in liquid form (wine). However since it is the texture I dislike not the taste might have to try this when grapes come in season.

    1. Yeah, they taste kind of like Italian Ice balls. LOL

    2. You could put frozen grapes IN your wine. I bet that would be good!

  5. I'm working my way through "Lost" on Netflix. I didn't have cable when it was popular, and then I sort of avoided it because my friends were frothing at the mouth about it. I just started the third season.

    1. Yeah, I haven't jumped on that one and not sure I will. It was filmed in Hawaii so you'd think I'd be all over it but I think I tried a few episodes and it just didn't stick with me. Let me know how you like it as you get further in.

    2. At the end of the closing credits, there's this pretty sun symbol and a blurb that says, "Thank you to the citizens of Hawaii and their Aloha spirit." The first time I saw that, I thought, "Awww... The Mrs. would love that."

      It was really good the first season and part of the second, but it's starting to lose me. I hope it picks up again. I won't get into the reasons why, since I hate spoiling things, no matter how vague I am, but anyone who watches it will see what I mean. I do plan to keep watching it since I really like the characters. I'm attached to a few in particular and want to see how things turn out for them.

      Plus, the island shots are really gorgeous. I've been sort of thinking about going to Hawaii for a long time, but now I'm itching to go. :)

  6. Usually tv stuff. I didn't watch Firefly until it was cancelled and loved it. And I just began watching Downton Abbey and now I'm hooked. Not sure I'm ready to do frozen grapes, though...I'll ponder that one.

    1. Just put one in the freezer. I only threw the whole bag in because it was that or the trash.

  7. Frozen grapes do nothing for me. I like the burst of juice you get when eating them fresh.

    Since I don't have cable, I tend to be an after-the-fact bandwagon jumper for most shows. The most recent is "Game of Thrones". I really enjoy it. (but there are some shows I just can't get behind--I tried Mad Men multiple times and it just gets worse and worse)

  8. I thought that freezing my grapes would make me want to eat them but all they do is sit in the freezer until I throw them out. Sad, I know. I don't often buy grapes. They're good and all but I have trouble eating a lot of them.

    I don't know if this is a bandwagon but last night I made my first spaghetti squash and used it as 'noodles'. I was yummy but I'm having some trouble actually replacing noodles with squash. I think its a texture thing or something. Anyway, I'll need to learn to like was a big squash!

    1. LOL...I sadly have a feeling that might be the same fate if I don't try to keep them in the forefront of the freezer. It might be good to throw them in with my fruit salad for a different texture.

      I wondered about that with spaghetti squash. So many people swear by it but I always think "that would feel nothing like pasta!"

  9. I have yet to get on the frozen grape wagon, or Facebook and Grey's Anatomy... I could go on = )

    1. LOL...don't worry, I don't use a cell phone. I call it an "electronic leash."

  10. My mom always froze grapes when I was a kid and I guess I'm weird, because I prefer good old fashioned room temperature grapes instead. ;)

    1. I like 'em refrigerated but yeah, definitely prefer that squirt of grape juice.

  11. Ha ha! I was the last one ever, anywhere, my kids swear, to get a microwave. I am just not into nuking my food. Never was. Still not. But it made it easier for my kids to warm up leftovers when they had soccer or baseball practice.

    1. You mean having rubbery, tough food doesn't appeal to you? HA! But yeah, it's definitely easy for a kid. I grew up on the microwave since mama had 2 jobs.

  12. This is by no means earth-shattering, but I'm getting small curd cottage cheese (mind you, I don't like cottage cheese in general, like with fruit, but lasagna and below are two that I like a lot), and stirring in fresh chopped chives and using it in baked potatoes. For whatever reason, this really pops in the mouth for me and I love it a lot more than sour cream. One of my favorite restaurants in the Northwoods does this and I finally tried it at home and love it.

    1. OOH now that sounds good! I might have to try that with a potato sometime. Might be a good way to make that lower sodium cottage cheese taste better!

  13. I love frozen grapes, but only in the summer. What a refreshing (and nutritious) treat on a hot Memphis day!

    I'm late on the bandwagon for lots of shows: The Closer, Criminal Minds, and Psych are just a few. Didn't think I'd enjoy them during the early seasons and now they're all favorites. (Still have to catch up on Criminal Minds, though. I can only survive so much Shemar-gazing at a time. :))

  14. I started my late on the bandwagon back when cheers went off the air,for years I had flipped by it saying "a show with a bar as the main backdrop, how good could that be?" I watched the reruns and loved it! I love frozen grapes in the summer after a workout. I took up golf late in life, dismissed it for years as stupid and wouldnt even listen when people talked about it (I was totally in screensaver mode). Yoga another one, always thought it was weird. I am usually late to the party,not an early adopter of anything. Have only had a smartphone for a year and felt completely DUMB when I got it, now I love it. The show Revenge is another one,had to go back and get the previous season scoop.
    Enjoy your day!

  15. ewww not a fan!! one thing I never really did get was spaghetti squash...its not the same...Pasta is heaven..if u want to avoide it..try whole wheat pasta and have a little portion but squash...bleckjjjj


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