
Thursday, March 21, 2013

It's current crush time

I am obsessed with Justin Timberlake's song Suit and Tie from his new album The 20/20 Experience.(affiliate link) 

Of course I'd like it a heck of a lot more without Jay Z in it but that's just my personal preference.  I streamed his album on iTunes and it's no FutureSex/LoveSounds ((affiliate link) which was AWESOME) but still has some good tracks on it so I bought it.  My favorites are Suit and Tie, Mirrors (except for the incessant "you are the love of my life" makes me want to smack someone), Strawberry Bubblegum and Blue Ocean Floor.  I'm not gonna lie there are a few tracks that annoy me but who knows, they might grow on me.  I desperately needed some new GOOD music.

West Elm has these adorable Dog Plates by Claudia Pearson.

There is nothing cuter than a weenie dog wearing a panama hat or drinking a margarita.  Let grilling season begin!

This Bronson Galvanized Divided Lazy Susan from Pottery Barn makes me want to go out and buy a bunch of things to sort and divide just so I can use it.

World Market has this Aqua Vintage Style Scale that has me a-swoonin'.

Can't you just see a big ol' colorful bunch of bananas or oranges in there?  I'm easily impressed.

Pier 1 Imports has this cute Ceramic Menu Board that I'd love to write my nightly creations on even if the Mr and I are the only people who would read it.

Home Decorators has some cool bookends and I really like this Birds on Fence set for our French Country bedroom.  I like how it's broken up with three ends instead of two.

That's about it for about you?

What are you crushing on?

(This post contains a few affiliate links)

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  1. All of those things are pretty nice. I am with you on the JT songs as well. I like them but I wish Jay Z wasn't all over that one, but that is what editing is for!

  2. Oooh I love the book ends...I am currently crushing on back splashes for the the white one that I saw on HGTV....with a red top island in the center...what a contrast...

  3. I LOVE FutureSex/LoveSounds. It is such a good album! I didn't super like Suit and Tie at first but it has grown on me and I really like it now. And that scale is SUPER adorable!

    I just got me one of those Origami Owl necklaces and I am loving that right now. I heard they have something similar at hallmark for cheaper that I might have to go look at because it was kinda pricy for this poor gal. I wanted to cheer myself though and it worked :)

    1. FSLS is an amazing album. I can listen to it any time. I'll have to look up these Origami Owls you speak of. They sound super cute!

  4. I like that lazy Susan too. I also want to buy it and then find/buy stuff to sort - whether or not it actually needs sorting. There are some books I want, but I'm not really crushing on anything at the moment.

    1. Isn't it funny...something that is just so totally not needed but definitely a big WANT! I don't even know where I'd put it!

  5. What a great group of items. My Ma would love those weinerdog plates she has one (a dog) and is obsessed! Anyway currently I'm dying to get a cast iron pan. There are so many things you can do with them! I'm not sure about the cleaning part right now so I have to do some research. I'm going to get one sooner or later!

    1. You should look for a sale or go to the outlet and get them for her for bday or Christmas. I wish I would've known you wanted a cast iron pan, I donated mine after we got a ceramic top stove. It can scratch them up so just an FYI.

  6. Those plates are adorable...and now I want a hot dog. Oh how I miss a good old nasty hot dog....

    1. Mmm, hot dogs! I want a good coney dog. We had one a few weeks ago and it wasn't as good as I remembered it. Damn Trader Joe's ruining me for regular ol' hot dogs!

  7. Did you catch JT on "Saturday Night Live" a couple weeks ago?

    1. Girl, it's still on my DVR!!! Veganville...the 5 timer club (CLASSIC!)...the date game where they brought back him and Sandler and Akroyd/Martin's wild and crazy guys...

      Of course I was extra excited not just with JT but because Stefan back to the news. I LOVE Stefan...Hader is classic in that role.

    2. Same! I freaked out when they were playing the dating game and Hader introduced, "Two brothers from Czechoslovakia...." I started going, "Oh my god! OH MY GOD! No WAY!!!"

      Stefan is definitely one of my favorites too. I always laugh when I see Seth grinning at him. You know Seth puts some last-minute additions on those cue cards just to mess with him. :)

      Anyway, I came back here because I heard "Suit and Tie" on the radio this morning. I love it! It has that early 80's R&B sound I like. It's very cool.

  8. I am about to drop some major money on props soon and West Elm and World Market are both on my list. :D Love that lazy susan too!

    1. I need to go prop shoppin' too. I saw World Market has 50% off dinnerware this weekend, I need to get my jabooty over there.

  9. Love the scale! This month I'm crushin' on paying my health insurance. Not exactly glam, but them's the breaks. :) Yard sale season should crank up here in a couple of weeks, and I always find cool stuff there!

    1. Hey, whatever floats your boat babydoll! :-) I know how you love the yard sales. I bet you find some awesome stuff!

  10. Oh, I love JT too! I really like Suit and Tie, but I love SexyBack! It's on my iPhone and I listen to it all the time.

    1. Me too! I could listen to that album every single day and never get tired of it! I do like that he's writing about married love and stuff and how sexy he finds his wife. That's nice to hear! (I'm a sap!)

  11. LOVE the lazy susan and the retro scale--very cool. No time to crush for me right now, just working on getting my girl feeling better after her surgery--:(. Poor thing is so swollen she can barely talk or eat--throw in the very sore harvest site on her hip and she can barely walk. Makes a momma just wanna cry...


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