
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Fancy pants food and flexin' muscles

I got all fancy pants with my fruit salad yesterday...

Yes, apparently all I need to consider my fruit salad "fancy pants" are raspberries and a slice of star fruit.  I'm also apparently very easy to please food wise.

We tried sweet potato tots from TJ's.  They were really good but I wished they had a little more crunch to them.  I think I'll throw them under the broiler for a minute or two before serving next time.  But if you have a TJ's in your area, give them a go!  A nice change of pace.

I finally got around to trying the Toasted Asiago crackers from Kashi.  They're going to the Mr's work tomorrow.  I don't taste asiago and I suspect before they became crackers they were used to pack someone's belongings in for a cross country move.  Not a fan and big disappointment because I was really looking forward to those things.

Sunday night we did our first Total Trainer session since our recovery break.  Oh my Lord!  I was so sore yesterday especially in my calves from the balance board work I did afterward.  I knew I was going to need to stretch really well so I didn't take it into today.  That's so insane how quickly your muscles get a little lax from a few days off.  I am glad that the muscles I have worked so hard on have held up.  I really hope that fat flap tightens up a bit.  I can see reshaping happening but it's never quick enough.  The Mr's muscles are coming along quite nicely as well...

The Mr. flexin' his guns!

Rawr!  :-D

Have you tried any new foods lately?  You getting some muscles coming in you're particularly proud of?

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  1. Well look at you and your fancy fruit salad. You're so cute! I did like those tater tots a lot but they do need to be crispier so if you figure that out, even better! I didn't know you were going to post that pic of my arm but I have to say it is kind of cool to see my arm looking like that after pretty much having nothing but flab for most of my life. Proof that hard work pays off even if I don't always see it on the scale.

    1. All I need is a little garnish and I'm impressed. :) Definitely more crisp on the tots. I ran across that pic and wanted to show off your muscles. I know you sometimes feel like you aren't making as much progress there as you'd like but I wanted you to see you are!

  2. That is one awesome bicep Mrs!!!
    I'm jealous, mine aren't as defined!

    I told you about the Kashi crackers!
    I did the same with mine - brought them to work.

    1. Ooops, totally skimmed the part you said it was the Mr's arm! My bad!

      Still jealous lol

    2. LOL, I wish mine were that defined! He has a lot less "dangle" on his arm than I have on mine. I might take a pic. Yeah I remember you saying they were like cardboard and you were right. I didn't want to cover them with some kind of topping to make them taste good so I figured better to just get them out of the house. Co-workers eat anything. HA!

    3. Co-workers will eat anything! HA HA! SO TRUE!

  3. Hahaha "Well, look at you and your fancy fruit salad!" What a great Mr. you have. I have gotten a lot of support lately from my own great Mr. (He doesn't cut up my fruit, though.)
    I'm glad you shared about the Kashi crackers. They were on my list to try as well. I thought I needed to make the trek in closer to Boston to get to a Trader Joe's, but my mom has one in her town (which is actually a suburb 20 mins outside, so talking in circles. I'll stop now :)
    I also read about your house perusing last weekend. FUN! It's cool that you two know exactly want you're looking for so can really zoom in on your list. You will be ready when it's time.
    Hugs, girl. I hope those muscles don't give you too much soreness today.

    1. Hee hee, yeah, he's funny. It's always good to have support from your Mr! It's one of those things where I wouldn't steer people away from trying the Kashi crackers but they had very little flavor according to my palate. Definitely go by TJ's if you get a chance. Grab a cooler, stick it in the trunk with some ice packs and you're good to go! Going to open houses have definitely helped us narrow down the places we don't want to be. Some houses come up and we're like "nope, that street is too narrow or crowded." I just wish the property taxes were as low as they are in the burbs!

  4. That's a great picture of your Mr.'s arm. Definitely shows how your hard work is paying off.

    We tried a new dish last night, but I wasn't a fan.

  5. Dang, the Mr. is jacked! I'll definitely give those tots a go - can you believe that I've actually never been to a TJ's? We have two where I live, but they're both pretty far from where I live. I think this weekend I'll bite the bullet and trek out to the 'burbs. :)

    1. Girlie, get thee to a TJ's asap! :) I don't know what we'd do without it! So many great things and I love that I can have bacon and hot dogs with no nitrates or preservatives. Of course this just reminded me I need to freeze my chicken dogs!

      The Mr will appreciate that comment! :)

  6. ooohh fancy...i love raspberries and when I eat them, I feel like i am being fancy...hehe....

    Ooh love the guns!! way to go people!!!

    I did free weights yday, after a long time followed by 45min I am thighs feel like rock (feel mind u...they still look wobbly) and i have to hold on to my cubicle to walk...

    1. This is my first raspberry purchase and while I'm a little weirded out by the texture, I'll get used to it if not for the health benefits alone.

      Go girl! Rock that muscle and try not to fall walking around the office!

  7. Wow, if the rest of him looks as good as that arm...ok, finishing that sentence gets me in trouble no matter what I say, lol.

    TJs should advertise with you. Have you approached them with that idea? Wish I had one near, but I don't think there's one in the entire state of Colorado. That's odd, come to think of it, because I know the health-conscious people in this state would swarm if a store opened here.

    1. ROFL! Yep, he's firming up. Both of us are nowhere near where we'd like to be but we've got a good foundation.

      I think so many people pimp the praises of TJ's they just sit back and take the extra business. It just happens to be where we get most of our groceries. I hope you get one soon!

  8. Holy gun show. I thought that was your arm at first, and I thought, "Wow. She's eating a TON of protein!" Ha! :)

    1. LOL, I want muscles but yeah, I'll leave the beefier muscles up to him! ;-)

  9. Had the same cracker disappointment with the Peppridge Farms 4 Cheese crackers. Not much cheese flavor at all. Your fruit salad looks spectacular tho!

    1. Doesn't that stink when you get all jazzed up about trying a new snack and it's dead in the water. BOO! The fruit salad was awesome! Looking forward to it today!

  10. I have had crackers like that--blah! I'm not wasting my calories on anything that tastes like cardboard. We were laughing about "moon pies" and I saw them for sell individually at the store for 50 cents, so picked up one for hubby. He finally ate it the other day and I took a bite. I chewed it up and spit it out. Definitely not worth the calories!

    This weekend I made Pioneer Woman's smashed potatoes. I made them according to her recipe, but added some Parmesan cheese--delicious. I also made her marinated cherry salad and loved it too. her recipes sure aren't low fat/cal, but they are almost always delicious. I usually try to find a way to cut some calories in them here and there, by using lighter ingredients. But if you want something yummy, Google these two recipes!

  11. That certainly looks like a most amazing fruit salad! I've been sprinkling cinnamon on my apples for a nice treat and that's been wonderful. As for a new exercise, while it's not new, I just came in from shoveling some hellacious snow for 90 minutes to the tune of 1269 calories burned! That's my workout for the day as I can't even bend over to take off my socks now. =o) The blizzard is here and yet they still made me go in for an hour and half when the other office staff got to stay home. Hmphf!

  12. Woohoo go Mr.! The Mrs didn't tell us you got her tickets to the gun show! (Sorry, I had to!) Lol Yum! I have been craving fruit fruit and more fruit lately, which is a good thing for the human im currently growing lol. I saw this today and promptly went out and bought a starfruit! I've never had one but I am so excited to try it! Also I just saw that developers are planning to build a Trader Joes in my city!! My husband thought I was nuts when I got excited, so I told him how the Mrs. Always has awesome stuff from there! now he understands my excitement, a little.

  13. It's a sad commentary on my life that the sweet potato tots excited me more than those hunky biceps. Nothing personal, Mr., because they are quite nice. But then there were those tots....


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