
Friday, February 15, 2013

No chiro week / Food Journal Friday 2/10- 2/14

It felt really strange not going to the chiro yesterday.  I needed him too since the night before I tried out fighting kicks in Tae Bo to see how my ankles could handle it and they were pretty sore yesterday.  I could've used Johnny Angel's magic fingers.  Sigh.  But I've got 6 days to go and hopefully there will be decent progress given I'm using the balance board every night.  Since we've added an extra workout day, I find I'm less obsessed with calorie burn.  I mean 400 is my absolute minimum but if I feel like I've had a good workout, I'm happy with that.  I am looking forward to being able to do a few of my favorite moves from some workouts but I don't think doing ridiculous plyo or crossfit will ever be in my future.  I would've felt like a failure before but now I'm just grateful I can do anything given I was laid up completely at times during my recovery.  I don't need to be crazy exercise girl to be successful.  I'll never do a WOD or Insanity and I think I've made my peace with that.

It's been a pretty good food week on the yum front.  Let's eat!

Sunday was BBQ salmon burger and TJ's cheddar chipotle bites.  (Seeing a pattern?)  Calories:  415

Monday was Mexican chicken quesadilla and leftover baked beans.  Calories:  566

Tuesday was a test recipe and it was quite yummy.  I'll get back to you with that one.  Obviously shrimp is involved.  Calories:  430

Wednesday was faux fried rice with chinese chicken.  (Anyone else hear "One Week" by Barenaked Ladies after I said chinese chicken?)  Calories:  520

Thursday was Valentine's dinner and we usually have steak.  It used to be at a steak place but we're both curmudgeony and cheap and I like to control the sodium that close to a weigh in day so I made top sirloin and my first attempt at what I call "fancy pants potatoes."  I know they're technically called hassleback potatoes but I can't bring myself to call them that, don't know why and I prefer the term fancy pants anyway.  Calories:  559

Dessert was a nutella banana faux crepe with a chocolate dipped heart shaped shortbread cookie:

Eat anything yummy this week?  Got anything planned for the weekend?

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  1. I felt bad for you for not getting the extra help in pain relief this week but it does seem like you're still improving and that will make it all the more worthwhile next week.

    Thanks for all the wonderful and healthy food this week. Thanks especially for that amazing meal for V-Day. That was awesome!

    1. Yeah last night's Chalene session with her bowlers lunges didn't help the leg situation. SOOOOOOORE!

      You're very welcome. I'm definitely adding those shrimp and chicken dinners into rotation!

  2. Isn't that always the way? I'm off to the chiro this morning to see if he can get rid of the headache that's been plaguing me all week. You can live vicariously through me.

    Not so much on the yum front.

    It looks like a mini-getaway Sunday night since we're both off Monday.

    1. I hope the chiro can give you some relief! I'll live vicariously through you. Tell him to rub your leg. LOL

      Enjoy your getaway!

  3. I was craving springtime this year so my mr. made his rub marinated ribs with grilled corn/tomato/cilantro/lime salad. So worth 560 calories! This weekend we're escaping the mountain and headed 'down' to Salt Lake for some major shopping therapy. And instead of having Monday off I am taking 60 parents and children to Utah to the Aquarium for the day. Color me crazy.

  4. Ooh, that crepe--that is making me hungry! Love the fancy pants potato too. :)

  5. Can't wait for the new recipe. I tried a few new things this week...had a makeover (found it on Pinterest of Applebee's calorie-laden Quesadilla Burger one night. I only ate half of mine, but it was DELICIOUS! Definitely gonna do that one again. Another night we had chicken quesadillas (left over tortillas--made my own filling recipe with rotisserie chicken, green peppers, onions, mushrooms and pepperoncinis!), and another night we had an Italian panini with my new Grill Pan and lid. Hubby liked everything and that's saying quite a bit cause he's been "off his feed" after being in the hospital 4 days last week. But that's another long story.....and I've talked way too much about it already at my own blog

    Headed off to lunch now with hubby, we go every Friday. I can always find something healthy to eat, it's amazing what restaurants have to offer anymore. If you look carefully you can always find something that's decent and low-cal. Well almost always....

  6. I didnt see past the fancy potato....


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