
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Impromptu Date Night

Monday was not a good day.  There were some potential issues we needed answers on for our vacation that were beyond my control and that doesn't make for a happy Mrs.  There are also pending issues at the Mr's work that are again, out of our control, and I ended up in a big crying heap on the couch.  I suppose I could've turned to food and I would've in the old days so I'm glad that isn't my first instinct anymore.  This Monday was a cap to what was a craptacular weekend.  I really could not take making suckitude a 3 day affair.  I decided I was husband napping the Mr for dinner.

I made some maple sriracha shrimp fried rice, grabbed 2 take out containers from the cabinet, slapped it in there, grabbed forks and napkins and put them in the Mr's insulated lunch box and told him to put on his clothes, we're going out for dinner.  I didn't tell him where but halfway there, by my directions, he knew...the airport.  When we were dating, we used to go watch the planes and smooch.  There's something soothing about watching planes land and take off and wonder where they're going.

We didn't even get there and it was already worth it when we saw this herd o' deer.

We got to the top of the parking garage and again, before we ever parked the drive was worth it with this huge moon to greet us in lieu of the ill timed sunset we missed.

Sorry for the horrible car lighting for dinner but this is the maple sriracha shrimp over whole wheat Israeli cous cous.  It was SOOO good and we had a great view of the city and the incoming planes while we listened to Hawaiian music like Leaving on a Jet Plane by Justin Young.

I snagged a really bad pic of a plane landing.

Then we went inside and perused the stores and the Mr played with toys.  (Yes, I'm married to a 12 year old...aren't they all when it comes to pose-able objects?)

It was a wonderful, last minute way to turn around a poopy few days.

Do you do surprise dates?  If so, where/what?  If not, think one up and do it!

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  1. That was a wonderful evening and that meal, as always, was awesome! Thanks so much for a great night out baby! Oh and I can't believe you posted the pic of that robot, ha ha!

    1. Thanks hon! It was a pretty good meal if I do say so myself! Of course I posted the robot pic! :D

  2. That sounds like a fabulous date! Good for you for making good out of the bad!

  3. The robot is just telling off the bad days. SUCK IT, bad days, you guys are DONE with them.

  4. I did something similar. I was really sick for a week and aching to get out of the house, and then I realized I'm sick of this town too. So I took a personal day on Monday and drove to Chicago (it's just a couple hours away). I spent the day walking around looking at pretty buildings and just enjoyed some time with my thoughts. I ended up going to the Sears Tower Ledge (which was awesome) but nothing else tourist-y. I really did just walk around all day. It was awesome.

    I saw that big, red moon from the Sears Tower. It was coming up over Lake Michigan while I was up there. It was super pretty. :) I'm glad you guys had a good time. I like hanging out at the airport too!

    1. Oh man, how I would love to just drive a couple of hours away and be there! What an awesome date day with yourself! So jealous! We still say we're going to randomly pick a place and jet off somewhere. When we were dating we always said we'd pick up and go but that's also when fares were $69 each way! LOL

  5. oh that is so fun!!! love the picture of the moon and i want me a robot now:(...

    1. That pic SOOOO doesn't do the moon justice. It was low, orange and HUUUUUGE! Perfect!

  6. a) Thanks for the SUPER idea for what to do with all that cooked shrimp I bought. I thought yesterday that sauce sounded fabulous, but hadn't gotten around to deciding what all I could do with it.
    b) What a cool idea for a no/low cost date night, I'll have to try it.
    c) Bwahahaha, love the robot. Yes, they are all 12 years old, including my 61-year-old.

    1. I hope you use it because it was a YUMMY recipe and so quick! Yep, it only cost us $5 because we were there for 2 hours but I also love picnics so you could always do that when it gets a little warmer.

  7. Wonderful idea! How do you make your fried rice? Israeli couscous sounds like a great substitue for rice!

    1. Don't worry, the recipe is coming soon! I'm just waiting for some good natural light to shoot by. I think you'll love it!

  8. That is adorable, romantic, and ingenious! Kudos to you for creating an inventive solution to a stressful situation. :)

    1. Aww, thanks! I'm hoping this becomes my reaction to most things that stress me out in the future. It totally turned my day around!

  9. The robot cracked me up! My dude is constantly doing stuff like that while we're out n about. He even turns the Mrs. Butterworth's around in the store so they are facing with their butts out.

    I loved your description of date night. Really romantic, budget friendly, and gets you back on track in a good frame of mind.

    I hope all the travel/work kinks get sorted out soon for you guys. ~Krista

    1. ROFL...that is so something the Mr would do too. Just like every time we're in the grocery store I pick up the Dill Weed and show it to him and make him laugh. That's what happens when you grow up on Beavis and Butthead. Yep, I'm a cheap date and easily amused! :)

  10. I love making time to do things like that. "Impromptu" is something that I've been missing a lot lately. Sometimes just making time for each other is exactly what you need when you're stressed out!

  11. Currently lacking a "datee", I have no impromptu dates to discuss. I do enjoy spur-of-the-moment excursions. In fact, they're some of my fondest memories. :)

  12. I have never done anything like that but I think we need to start!

  13. What a lovely date you had! All kinds of unexpected things got checked off the boxes. So glad it helped to turn your 'tude around. No more crapola days!!

  14. Sounds like a great night! I'm glad you were able to turn you day around.


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