
Thursday, July 26, 2012

I got nothin'

Um yeah.

I have been staring at this blank page for about an hour thinking "I got nothin'."  I'll just let whatever flow, flow.

This week has been pretty good on the "healthy lifestyle" front.  (Seriously, can't we get better terms than "journey" and "lifestyle change" when referring to this whole thing?)  Calories have been good, it's been a hard workout week but I'm still trying to catch up to what my goal is so I may need to do a workout Friday. I'm thinking one of the ones I've had to relegate to the bottom shelf because the calorie burn is low like Xtreme Cardio Disco.  I miss Jaana and it's a fun one.  I've been trying to up my water because I felt like I was slacking on it a bit.  Why is it always so hard for me to keep my water intake on the up and up?  *Sigh*

Is it weird I'm already jonesing for Fall eats?  I mean I want chili, shrimp bisque I saw Ina Garten whipping up yesterday, a bread bowl of Boudin's clam chowder and pumpkin everything.  Especially these.  I'm even getting ready to start testing out a few new recipes to be ready for the welcome chill in the air of Fall.

I'm also praying we get a buttload of snow this year since we were completely and utterly ripped off last year.  I bought the Mr some snow shoes and he never got to use them because we never got past 2" of snow at a time.  He's itching to go cross country skiing as well and by God, that man is going to ski if I have to drive him somewhere.  Oops, don't tell him I told you that!

I'll leave you with a pic of the gorgeous afterglow of sunset from last night.

It would've been a shame to miss it and I'm glad I didn't.

Are you ready for the heat to take a hike and settle into a cooler season?

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  1. I too am wishing for colder weather and snow this winter. I feel like I got gipped last year! And it also has made it harder to endure the summer heat we have had. I want some chili and pumpkin and acorn squash--mmmmmmm.

    1. Big time. We barely got any snow, it was so disappointing and we knew if the winter was like that, summer was going to be unbearable.

  2. Too late! Cats out of the bag! Ha ha. Maybe we can go to stay at the Vermont Inn? Just kidding, although if they get snow there and we don't then we just might have to.

    Hmmm, you know pumpkin cookies do sound really good right about now. But just think, another month or so and we're practically there!

    1. HA! Only if we can book the remodeled suite because the rest of it still needs updating and you know how I am about skeevy bed linens. I'm sure if we just head north we'll eventually hit snow. Mmm, pumpkin cookies.

  3. Pumpkin too!!! A field near us that has been a weed factory the entire six years we've lived near it has recently been plowed, cultivated and planted and is now sprouting. Every time we pass we play guess the crop. My guess never changes. Pumpkins. Hubs finally agrees it's a squash-lol. I want it to be pumpkins so badly so we can watch them grow and know that the bigger they get the closer we are to fall :). Chili was on my mind last night, all of a sudden I wanted to be soaking beans (even though it stinks up the house) and stirring up a pot of warm, spicy Chili....fall can't come soon enough!! :)

    1. That would be awesome if they were pumpkins. How fun to live close to that and you could go ask if you could pick some! We had chili about 6 weeks ago and it was so good. I can't wait to make more!

  4. No not yet, but I'm in Oregon and we just started summer like this week!

    1. I have a friend who lives in Seattle and she said it's been in the high 60's/lower 70's. Ideal. Sigh.

  5. I'm always ready for fall. It's my favorite season. I love the smells, the sights, the colors. The cool, crisp, autumn air. The distant smell of leaves burning. The only downside is that it really ups my need to bake. Baking for me is very dangerous, because I eat what I bake. Nothing like a cool fall day with a window open and cookies baking in the oven with some beautiful fall sunlight filtering into the kitchen. *sigh* I love it.

    1. Me too babydoll! I feel the same way, my baking gene kicks in. That's why I make batches, take a serving or two for us then send the rest to the Mr's work! You should've seen the reception I got when I visited there a few months ago..."YAY! The dessert lady!!" HA!

  6. This summer has been brutal. More even that previous summers, and where I live that's really something. I'm so ready for fall! Heck I'm ready for 90 degrees instead of 100+. I hope we get more snow here too. We got one good snowfall right before Christmas last year, and nothing more than a dusting the whole rest of the season.

    I'm also eagerly awaiting the first really cold day for hubby's potato soup. It probably won't be until late October that our weather really cools down that much, but it'll be worth the wait.

    1. Ooh, potato soup. That sounds awesome. I need to try to replicate this corn/potato chowder I had not too long ago. It was so good.

    2. When you get it right I hope you share the recipe.

  7. SO ready for the heat to evaporate. Fall is my favorite season, I LOVE the crispness in the air and the clear beautiful days. Sometimes I'll go outside after work on a perfect Fall day and think to myself, "These kinds of days are what makes the hotter than Hell summers and colder than Hell winters bearable!"

    However I am not anxious for snow. In fact the snow could stay away all winter as far as I am concerned. Although since I'm retiring in Jan. and will no longer HAVE to get out in all kinds of weather, maybe this year it won't be so bad!!!

    1. I love the Fall too. I have always felt like I could easily skip over summer and be completely content.

      I say have a fling with winter. Rent some snow shoes (EXCELLENT exercise), make snow angels with the grandkids, have snowball fights or just watch the snow fall. It's the most relaxing thing in the world!

  8. Fall is my favorite season BUT I am going camping next weekend and it is the FIRST time we have ca,mped or even been to the lake. We usually go about once a week since the lake is close to my house but we haven't even made it out yet! I feel like I didn't have summer and I am a little frightened by how fast time is going by! I mean, fall? Halloween( candy), thanksgiving(and all THAT mess) then Christmas etc. I feel like I was supposed to be skinny by now and I have made zero progress since last year! In fact, have gained back about 15 pounds so I am not happy with that shiznit. So when fall comes, I will be happy but I feel like this whole year has been playing catch up!

    1. I know, time does fly big time. Enjoy your camping trip and have fun!

  9. I am so with you on wanting fall, now! I love everything about fall, well, except football! :) This fall is going to be a big deal for me (my youngest goes to kindergarten, and I am running the half marathon) so I can't wait for it to get here!

    1. Hurray for Fall! I like college ball but the past few years my excitement has waned because I can't take all of the commercials so I'm more like DVR it, FF through commercials then get back 90 minutes of your life otherwise wasted on advertisers! :)

      Good luck on the half!

  10. We did at least get 1.5 inches of rain last night--practically the only rain all summer. That is good but of course then that means uber humidity today as the temps stay in the good ole' 100's--ICK! Since the heat won't leave us, we're leaving it--headed out tomorrow for the mountains--supposed to be highs in the high 70's low 80's and lows in the 50's at night--yay!!! I'll think of you while we're there...

    1. Practically the whole country is in a drought. The farmers markets definitely have reflected that with the mild winter and drought with the availability of some things early and other things had shorter seasons. :( Have a great time at the mountains and give the girls a :) for me!

  11. I'm sooo ready for some fall weather. It's been 100+ here for over a week and i'm over it. We had 50+ straight days of 100+ last Summer so it hasn't been that bad but still just HOT. Plus, we haven't had any rain so the ground is cracking like crazy everywhere. We got a little rain last night but not nearly enough.


  12. I just made some chili last week, and I enjoyed every bit of it. I am definitely ready for the heat to be gone. I would much rather cooler temperatures though I do not want any snow. Here in southern Georgia, that's not normally an issue. Every once in a while, we might get a surprise.

  13. i am loving the weather here right now (high 80's/low 90's) and so I do not wish for fall yet. I am loving summer food but do not deprive myself of cooler weather comfort food if I feel like it in the summer. I am one of the few people around here that has air conditioning so I don't feel bad eating soups and chili while my friends eat popcicles in their hot houses!
    lol! Warmer weather food (for me anyway) usually equals more calories. Need to find low cal comfort foods!

  14. Don't you worry about writing unless you feel like it! There are times when nothin' comes to the noggin, and that's ok. I am SO ready for fall weather! I was smelling a candle today that totally reminds me of cooler weather and something baking in the oven and I could almost feel the temps dropping (not). I'm so burned out with this high heat and I know it's taking a real toll on mom with her chemo treatments. We've acquired another dog (rescue situation) so we've been working through all of that--and boy, does she like to be outdoors! LOL! The pooches sure do enjoy the little kiddie pool, that's for sure. As for Ina, I'm a big fan of hers. Her chicken stock recipe is so simple but is incredibly good and reliable.

  15. Ready for fall weather???? Ready for fall foods???? Could there be a BIGGER understatement???? I think not... :-)

  16. I'm jonesing for fall WEATHER, but I'll keep the summer food, thankyouverymuch. :) I find myself staring at the screen instead of actually writing a whole lot lately. Hate that!


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