Friday, July 6, 2012

Quick update

Just a quick update. We still don't have power, over 100 degrees and we have been hanging in. I am a modern day pioneer goddess. I've got 2 words for you...grilled croissants. Yep. I have discovered there is nothing I can't bust out on the grill! I thank you for your thoughts and prayers as we trudge through this. On a health related note, we haven't missed a single workout! They are smaller in scale so we don't croak but still effective and I'm pretty proud of us. I hope to be back to it next week? Fingers crossed. ====================
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  1. You and the Mr. are troopers; hoping for power and some relief on the heat front very, very soon!

  2. Glad to hear you're still kicking... something. Here's hoping for a return of your power.

  3. Then that makes you an effin' rock star. I can barely drag myself to the air conditioned rec center. Although, half the time, I think it would be cooler to run outside than on their indoor track.

    I was thinking of you earlier today, and how I hadn't seen anything from you in a while. I thought my Google Reader was acting crazy again until I remembered you didn't have power. Glad you're doing okay. Continue rockin' it!

  4. No croaking allowed!

    Thanks for checking in and letting us know how you're faring. Here's hoping you're living in air-conditioned splendor soon!

  5. I hope you get power back soon! Our A/C just went today, but at least we have power. Way to be creative, too!

  6. I hope you get power back soon! Our A/C just went today, but at least we have power. Way to be creative, too!

  7. You guys are awesome! It sucks that you still don't have power, but I'm so glad you're in good spirits. All my fingers and toes are crossed for power to be restored soon. *HUGS*

  8. It can't be that much longer, can it? You're certainly making the best of it and I think of you every day, hoping this is over soon!

    As far as the other challenges in your life (I've been reading your SP posts too) I say if it doesn't make your "current situation" (sorry) easier, blow it off and blow it away until you are better able to deal with it. Everything and everybody else can wait. This IS about you these days, you need to preserve your coping skills for your own needs.

    One day, this will be a part of your reminiscences: "Remember back in '12 when it was so hot and our power went out for days?"

    Sending cool energy your way.

  9. You.are.amazing! I would totally use having no power as an excuse to not exercise! I wish there was something we could do to help you get your power back!

  10. Grilled Croissants? That is AWESOME!! Still have everything crossed hoping you get power soon, 100 degree and no air is brutal.

  11. You are Awesome! not only for putting up with the lack of power, and horrid heat, but figuring out a way to cook and do your fitness! a HUGE WOOHOO for you and the Mr.
    i dont say this often, so listen close: When i grow up, i wanna be just like you!

  12. I feel for you...and I bow to you with keeping up with the workouts.
    Continued good thoughts for you!

  13. Way to go!! Still...hope you get power SOON!

  14. Sending good thoughts your way! I hope you have electricity again soon--I can't imagine being without it for so long! :(

  15. You are a rock star when it comes to doing anything. I am not at all surprised to find out you can make, no grill croissants. I know without a doubt that you and the Mr. will get down to the weight that you have chosen. Do not doubt it one bit. You have helped me to push harder and thus be more successful. Thank you!

  16. My goodness that has been a long haul! I'm so glad you guys are hanging in there. I'm praying for power to return SOON and for you to have some normalcy back! xoxo


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