Monday, July 30, 2012


I want to start this week with a little gratitude.  When I was part of a weight loss community eons ago, they had this thing called your daily gratefuls and it was a nice habit to get into even if you had to stretch some days to find the things you were grateful for on a daily basis.  So in the spirit of that genre, I'm going to do mine here.

My 5 Gratefuls:

1)  The Mr.  I truly have found that person that 'gets' me.  My moods, my thoughts (from mundane to the ridiculous), my dreams and anything else about me.  As I go through life and see other people's marriages or relationships, I am constantly reminded of how special what we have together is.  When someone says "you guys are my model of what a relationship I deserve should look like", there is no higher compliment.  I love you honey and I can never tell you enough what you mean to me.

2)  My family.  Obviously more grateful for some more than others (HA!) and even though many drive me out of my mind, I've got it pretty good compared to some people.

3)  My friends.  I'm can be guarded about who I "let in" but the ones I do that have stood by me are precious to me and I'm thankful they're still in my life.  Two of my best friends I've known since 3rd and 7th grade.

4)  My readers.  You guys are awesome!  I am so thankful for your support and love everyday and I hope more lurkers take the time to comment.  I love seeing "new to me" comments as well!

5)  My life.  I'm not where I want to be but I'm getting there.  In the meantime, I'll make the most of what I can do.

What are you grateful for?

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  1. I like this. I start every day with something I'm grateful for; I think about it before I even get out of bed. It helps me realize that there is so much more that's good than there is that's bad. I keep a list throughout the day and I just keep adding to it. Once you get started, it's so easy to find more things!!

    This is my list from Saturday, it's the little things that add up!

    Cool, quiet mornings
    The ability to stay on a schedule and still be calm
    The strength to get everything done
    My body
    Morning sunrises
    Difficult relationships that keep me challenged ;-)
    Checking off obligations that are completed
    A house that cools off quickly after being closed up for a week

    Such simple things but they just make my world so much nicer! And at the end of the day, I look at my list and realize that I had a pretty nice day!!

  2. Hi...I'm a lurker who is grateful for:
    websites like yours that inspire me
    to try harder,
    move just a bit more, and
    eat just a bit healthier.
    I don't have to join anything, Pay for anything, or reveal anything that I don't feel like revealing.
    So Keep it up and I'll keep on Lurking

  3. Thanks for reminding me to be thankful. I seem to forget so easily that I have everything I need and most of what I want.
    A lurker

  4. I am grateful for all the birds on my front lawn, having fun in front of my office window. I had an exotic grey bird with a bright yellow splotch on it's feathers, hanging out under the crabapple. I stared for so long and was about to get the binoculars when the morning dove walked out from behind a wayward marigold bloom!! HA!

    I am grateful for the two inches of rain on Saturday that have all these birds out eating bugs this morning.

    I am grateful for you, always encouraging, always giving me things to ponder. Thanks for reframing my day!!

  5. Good for you! And I am one of those people so envious of your relationship, but you know that!

  6. I don't know....should have saved this for when I had more time...maybe I'm grateful for a few moments to read a favorite blog before I have to go make homemade play-dough for my girls to take to a party. Which also means two out of three will be gone for two hours...grateful for that.

  7. I'm grateful for:
    1. my husband and daughter... life would be nothing without them
    2. my life lived in faith
    3. sunshine... makes all the difference to any day
    4. cyberspace... where I fnd people like YOU!
    5. hot coffee with cream
    6. peaches
    7. my vacuum (don't ask)
    8. my body's ability to HEAL
    9. the scented summer breeze blowing in my window as I type
    10. my sens of humour

  8. I am grateful for the internet bringing together so many people who would never meet up otherwise, like here. For the inspiration you are to myself and many others. For your not afraid to be yourself attitude and for your awesome Mr. who stand besides you.

    Even more I am grateful for a beautiful husband who sustains my heart, for my Jesus who sustains my soul, for a job that keeps a roof over my head and my gorgeous baby girl who is leaving for college in just 30 days. I am blessed beyond measure and forget it so often with the smallest of missteps. That's when I find myself in my hubby's arms remembering what I am grateful for all over again:)

  9. Aw, I love what you wrote about your husband. That is so sweet! I'm grateful for my husband and our wonky-eyed cats. :) And for my blog! And for fresh corn!

  10. Years ago, I read _Simple Abundance_ by Sarah Ban Breathnach, and it was truly a life-changing book. I knew I had a good life, but I didn't realize how very much I had to be thankful for until I began keeping the journal.

  11. Right now I'm grateful for the rain we're getting. Over the thunder I can almost hear the ground sighing in relief.

    Other than that, I have so many things in my life to be grateful for. I just wish it was easier to focus on those than on the bad stuff.

    Let's see, off the top of my head - my son, my husband, our health, my parents, my job, my house, modern medicine, indoor plumbing, and hot running water.

  12. Have you ever heard of The Book of Awesome? Google it, if not. It's fantastic, little, everyday things that we recognize of awesome (for instance, one of my favorites, "the other side of the pillow"). I am seriously considering putting a notebook in my kitchen/dining/office area that is the Ellingham Book of Awesome and asking everyone who comes in (and there's a LOT of foot traffic in our hose) to put one entry every day.

    For me, for today, I'm thankful for a new client who works in Orleans Parish criminal court, so she has loads of work for me.

    I'm thankful for my youngest, just turned 15, who is such a joy, so bright and sweet and confident.

    I'm thankful for my oldest brother and his wife having begun to attend our church. It's is SO good to see them more often and to share all the fun stuff our church plans.

    I'm thankful for my oldest (23) having a wonderful ten day visit to Maine, such a vastly different place than southeast Louisiana, for the beautiful photos she sends to my phone, for her boyfriend and his family, who are such nice folks.

    I'm thankful for the brand new ship my husband is on, a 193 foot supply vessel, fresh out of the shipyard, and for the crew aboard her. (He was MISERABLE on the last ship with a less than professional crew.)

    I have to stop at five, I guess? I could go on ALL day!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Thank you so much baby. I am so thankful for you and our life together. We have something so special and I'm glad that others recognize that too.

    I am also thankful just being back home with you after a week away.


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