
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Nothing brightens up a day like...

Yep.  It's been a colossally crappy week thus far and I feel like the next step for me is twitching.  The Mr, sensing my pending meltdown at the stupidity of all mankind and the state of "customer service", came home with beautiful red roses.  Since I don't have a desk to show them off at "work", this blog will serve as my desk so he can get his man props.  He also unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher for me after our workout.  Man props #2.

Then Mother Nature decided I needed some blooms too so the hibiscus tree on the lanai had several blooms  just waiting for me.

It makes ya feel a little bit more peppy seeing beautiful flowers.  It actually brought my blood pressure down watering the flowers yesterday and again when the Mr came in with my flowers.  Since we all know that stress and keeping your heart rate elevated due to it is bad for your health, these were welcome natural distractions to keep my mind off of the rest of the less pleasant things in life.

How do you get your zen on when life is throwing doody balls your way?

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  1. Like you, I love flowers. Unfortunately, my "Mr." isn't really into the unexpected gifts. Last time he brought me flowers, I said "What did you do?" (lol)! Sometimes I buy them for myself when I'm not feeling guilty about spending the money. Usually, my bliss is found walking the boardwalk here at the Jersey Shore. Many of our shore towns have a boardwalk and just the sight of the ocean calms me down.

    1. I can see how that would be relaxing. I could walk by a puddle and feel more relaxed!

  2. Glad you liked them honey. You deserved it and needed it. They sure look nice on the table too so it brightens both of our moods. Enjoy!

  3. I do like flowers but I don't really have a way to "get my zen on". Maybe that's part of my problem.

  4. Kudos to the Mr. and to mother nature for the beautiful blooms. That definitely brightens my day when hubby surprises me with flowers. Heres to the rest of your week being stress free!

    1. Doesn't it though? Flowers seem to make everything better and the fact he said there was a sale makes my frugal butt even happier!

  5. What a sweetheart! Even mother nature is giving you some beautiful blooms! Can't go wrong with beautiful flowers!

  6. Pretty flowers! That was really sweet of him.

    I hope things start getting better. *hugs*

    1. Thanks and yes it was!

      You and me both. One thing has half resolved itself today so that's a step in the right direction!

  7. Aww, how sweet :) I lurve red roses! They are by far my favorite. I've always loved them. I wish my hubs had a bit of a romantic streak in his body. Unfortunately, he doesn't. AT. All. Like zip, zero, zilch! I usually have to leave a giant hint for him like I will do tonight saying something along the lines of "The Mrs was having a bad day so her hubs brought her red roses. Oh, how I love read roses! Wasn't that sweet of him? He brought her roses just to brighten her day. That was just so sweet. Hint...hint..." and then he still wouldn't pick up the hint ;)

    1. I think a vase by the door he uses to leave with a note that says "feed me flowers!" might go a long way! HA!

    2. Haaa!!! I'm totally going to try that out next time!

  8. Sorry you've been feeling stressed. I am an overly anxious person and often feel stressed out. What helps me is being out in nature. We are fortunate to have a screened in porch and a small wooded area on our property, so we see tons of wildlife...all kinds of birds, an occasional deer, rabbits, hawks, and we hear owls. Sitting out on the porch (so long as it isn't a million degrees) always calms me down. I also love flowers and have been doing more gardening and have found that I really enjoy it, although I am not that great at it. LOL

  9. I forgot to say that the flowers are very pretty. I love being surprised with flowers, but it's something my husband rarely does.

    1. Nature has a way of making everything better. I just wish it wasn't so stinkin' hot out so I could enjoy it more! You're lucky to have a great little nature preserve of your own in your yard! :) Tell your Mr to get on the flower bandwagon! The results can be quite favorable for him! HA!

  10. The Mr. FTW! Way to go to him and your hibiscus for giving you exactly what you needed to refocus. Usually when I get "doody balls" (Freaking LOVE that BTW!!) I retreat to a warm bubble bath and the soft glow of scented candles...ahhhhh - bliss just thinking of it! :-)

    1. I know, I'm so grateful for all the blooms! Now if only a bloomin' onion was calorie free then I'd REALLY be happy! (Can you tell it's lunchtime?) Like my doody balls? Well not MINE but you know what I mean! A nice bubble bath sounds like heaven as well!

  11. Multiple points to the Mr.--for getting them at all, doing it for other than a special occasion, getting them when you needed the lift, and then for you being able to share with us (and us being able to go to our guys and swoon over them, hopefully eliciting flowers of our own). How doubly nice to have the blooms on the lanai, too; nothing like flowers for getting your zen on. For me, it's usually going for a walk or a run outside that does it best; something about being outdoors and being active that calms me down.

  12. That's great how hubby sensed your impending meltdown and helped to head it off by sending you flowers. They sure brighten my day too. Must be something about their fragility and short life, makes me appreciate them so much more.

    Unfortunately I find myself going out shopping when I need a "lift me up." Shopping is okay, the walking is good exercise, but the spending is sending me to the poorhouse fast! If I want to retire in January, I've got to curtail the shopping, or at least the buying!

  13. You have a wonderful hubby. He is a smart man! Enjoy

  14. Awwwwwwwwww Hurray for your Mister! That was so sweet. For me, it depends on the cause of the icky day. Today was just a cry day, as you know. Other times I bury myself in work, which for me is a form of isolation since I put on noise canceling headphones and do my best to make sense out of what lawyers and witnesses say. Other times I grouch at those closest to me until someone tells me stop being a female dog. lol


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