
Friday, June 1, 2012

Food Journal Friday 5/27 - 6/1

Man did this week go quickly.  Probably because we were busy getting the patio ready for the season.  Enough pondering the passage of time...let's eat!

Sunday was still part of Memorial Day weekend and it was the last of our "cookout" food.  This is a lower fat three cheese chicken brat on a whole wheat bun with baby spinach, onions and mustard with a side of no salt blue tortilla chips and 2 tbsp of World Market queso which is surprisingly low in sodium in comparison with other brands which is why I bought it.  As usual, iced tea washes it all down.  Calories:  511

Monday was mahi mahi fish taco with 1 tbsp of chipotle mayo, 1 tbsp chipotle hummus and arugula with a side of my rainbow salad.  Calories:  531

Tuesday night I had a mad craving for this so I made it!  Lemon pepper alfredo with shrimp in shallot sauce. Calories: 614

Wednesday was a creamy chicken enchilada (recipe forthcoming) with TJ's enchilada sauce and a side of rainbow salad.  Calories:  647

Thursday was hot english breakfast tea.  You really don't want to know, I don't wanna go into it, movin' on.  Calories:  3

Tonight was a salmon burger on a whole wheat bun with 1 tbsp Kikkoman Teriyaki glaze, the last of the rainbow salad and a side of roasted asparagus.  Calories: 455

Not expecting much on the scale tomorrow.  After a 3 lb loss last week the body always throws me the figurative middle finger and gives me either zilch or one if it's feeling generous despite me killin' it this week burning over 6000 calories!

We're getting ready for a night on the town with a trip to the local theater then some figured in ice cream after.  Actually, I'm running late.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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  1. This week really did go by quickly! Not that I'm complaining--I welcome the weekend with open arms. :) I hope you have a good one!

    What's in your shallot sauce? And I love the sound of that lemon pepper alfredo too.

    1. The shallot sauce is so simple you'll barf. Well, don't but still. Shallots in a little olive oil and when they're translucent, add 1/2 cup of the starch water and reduce. YUM!

  2. Seriously, the Lemon Pepper thing with shrimp made me want to dive into the screen! Wonder if I could figure that out gluten free with rice, even? (GF noodles are basically nasty). Hope you have a fun night out...we're having a fun night in!

    1. I know you probably wouldn't want to but I bet you could make your own gluten free pasta. Make it in batches and dry it. I know, I'm not that ambitious either. But you could easily make that lemon pepper pasta with some lemon zest and black pepper in the dough. That's my next thing. Tackling pasta!

  3. You're right, the week zoomed!

    My second week back from vacation is usually my "tattletale week". If there's a gain, that's when it's going to show up. I hope yours is a good week!

  4. Up at 5 am getting ready to run. Just took my thyroid med so no food for another hour still. When I do eat it will just be a small Luna bar (midget sample size) until after I run. So, tell me, why do I come read the obviously labeled food blog? Masochistic or something-lol. Can' wait to try the enchiladas, I'll be watching for that one. Yum! Hope you have a great weekend.

  5. Looking yummy! Cannot wait for the enchilada recipie! And you always make me wish I had a Trader Joes nearby. Im going to start getting organic fruit and veggie baskets here locally. It'll be great because you never know what you're going to get and it will force me to cook and try some new things. (Plus its only $15!) If I come across any gems ill let you know!


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